XD So true!
i dunno, dat star friut loooks kinda tasty
What? You can apply strategy to Kingdom Hearts? ...WoOooOOwOOWOW....
Oh, now that is just wonderful.
hi guyz i hoep this is the right thred but can you tell me is like sora gay?
I wanted to say, that the people who did those awesome math calculations are my new idols. Except Vivi. He will be my eternal crush. BIG PINK HEART FOR YOU!
I regularly play retro games. Currently playing Zelda on SN 3:
Yeah, he said suspend not cancel the production. At any rate, it doesn't change much for me seeing as how I was going to rely on my best friend KH!Wikia for any new information that game handed out. I JUST WANT MY BBS.
Another Gay Movie was just...well ghey for lack of any other better words. Hiroshima mon Amour was just flatout godawful. The shots and all were lovely, but the story itself..../:
Who the frag is Neku?
Everyone! You see that! Soush said I'm amazing! *bounces off to PMs*
BUT THEY DONT FUCKING FLY. Well, I show my lovin' by cleaning the house, cooking meals and pretending I'm a good girl :^D. I am a bit sick though sry.
Kitty, just because you do it don't mean everyone else rolls like that. D^: Really!
The problem about calling a repair service is that they eat your money up, money which we don't have at this moment. I tried everything I could /except for opening it up/ but I still cant get it to run, but thanks a lot for the effort guys. I'm just relieved that I SHOULD be able to save my stuff, so not all is lost! <3 Thank you Carbuncle! Though hopefully I can take it to school and the techi guyz could have a look. So everything should be okay in the future. Thanks again.
okay so heres the thing. As of late, my comp refuses to load, I get this blue screen which says something about the boot. It says I should make sure any new material I've installed is fit correctly, but thing is I haven't tried to install anything! I cant even get into safe mode. I can however, get into the setup right at the beginning when you turn on your comp. I'm really not into things like this and am totally lost, and calling a technition atm isn't an option. Surely I wouldn't have to format ;; I'm more concerned for all my PSD arts and stories which I stupidly didn't backup and WILL be needing in the future. *is on sister's laptop*
Hard to say since nothing on the subject of KH3 has ever been mentioned. But yeah, spec' is spec'.
QFT. And Nomura doesn't want that, anyway. In fact he's also avoiding adding FF worlds in KH.
rofl. IT'S BBS, NOT KH3. And I don't think I've been fan!wanking over Roxas in particular...I only promote him when he's an extra ingredient for my rich in sugar yaoi soup.