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    quoted for effect and to prove my utter laziness in creating a tab just to copypaste a link which probably wouldn't even be worth the effort. V:
    Post by: HOSPITAL STAT!, Jul 3, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
    I hit my head against that wall of text.

    Since coco covered just about everything, I'll add work a tad bit on the shading. C^: Keep up, though!
    Post by: HOSPITAL STAT!, Jul 3, 2008 in forum: Arts & Graphics
    Get up Get off - The Prodigy
    Post by: HOSPITAL STAT!, Jun 14, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
    I'm 35! aasfasdfasf
    Post by: HOSPITAL STAT!, Jun 14, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
    ^oh lol? I mostly heard you got to see the "dirt" on Cloud's face properly, which made me question who the fvck Nomura was taking us for.
    Post by: HOSPITAL STAT!, Jun 14, 2008 in forum: Gaming
    I intend to get one this summer, I got a job just for it <_<;;
    Post by: HOSPITAL STAT!, Jun 13, 2008 in forum: Gaming
    Yeah...SE is pretty notorious for taking an awfully long time with their games. Didn't KH2 take 4 years or something to complete?

    Nomura has definately mentioned working on KH3 eventually, though he's busy clearing that FFVXIII, which is like whut, 00000.1% done? lol.

    I personally think by 2012 we'll only just get an annoucnement of it, I doubt they'd have gotten started on KH3 by then. I mean with the way the FFVXIII project is rolling - not to mention the handheld games! - it seems a bit surreal for them to have KH3 completed by then.
    Post by: HOSPITAL STAT!, Jun 13, 2008 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
    Your ability to spot such details is astonishing, can I be your disciple?
    Post by: HOSPITAL STAT!, Jun 13, 2008 in forum: Introductions & Departures
    Well there's the Euro for starters.
    Post by: HOSPITAL STAT!, Jun 13, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone

    Post by: HOSPITAL STAT!, Jun 13, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
    Isn't that Gackt tart just another Sephiroth followup?

    Eh, I personally had the idea we'd get an original character instead.
    Post by: HOSPITAL STAT!, Jun 12, 2008 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX

    Heartless* pretty much summed up my views on Kairi. She barely had a character and the most they ever delivered in regards to her was occasional reference as a possible love interest for Sora and getting her name called out several times.

    In fact, in KH2 I almost forgot of her existence until I was reminded every now and then, seeing as how Riku ended up being the name Sora was shouting out more often. Well imo anyway. /:

    Characters who lack character are not worth caring for in my book. So my regards to Kairi are just that: I don't really care much for her, though I really would hope for some eventual character development because Nomura gave her a good, albeit unoriginal base which DESPERATELY needs developping. I can only hope for that in KH3.
    Post by: HOSPITAL STAT!, Jun 7, 2008 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX


    Oh gosh lol no, I could never think of you as one to slam a post - for one you don't do that and I honestly always do enjoy reading your opinions on anything, especially when it is a reply towards mine. I have nothing against countering, just for this case I was a bit confused ahaha.

    That's exactly how my curiousity stirred up to begin with - and even though I don't want elaborate in what way, even I honestly have to admit I've done a sort of "changement". So it wasn't like I was talking from just an "observer" standpoint.

    I really do hate to use that word 'choose' though, especially since so many homosexuals are fighting against it and have every right to, but I really couldn't find any other better choice of word to fit my depiction. So I did my best to associate it with taste which still doesn't sound right, wtfasdfjasdkf. But as you put, it could just be those hormones changing.

    Yeah, more so internal than envirommental anyway. It's true that sexuality is more of an internal issue, especially when you bring up that homosexuality was condemmned and frowned upon much more severly than it is today (well, in some places anyway) and yet it still existed. But as an example of how enviroment can come at play is when you have some guys who "make use of what they have" in same-sex schools (I've personally only met one girl and two guys who've admitted to this though). This is most likely one of those things that depends on the person and how they personally react to it, since no one handles/thinks through out things the same way. That, or they were confused and could've been homo/bi all along.
    Post by: HOSPITAL STAT!, Jun 7, 2008 in forum: Discussion


    Yeah...wasn't that what my phrase was saying in a nutshell? That was definately what I meant to point out anyway.

    You know Repliku, it's funny because after reading your post, I realise that I'm really not sure what you're arguing against, if just my flimsy choice of words which I don't think I'm getting across correctly - at one tiny moment I think you're argumenting against something but then you later only support my opinion. I don't know if you misinterpreted my post or if I just badly expressed myself.

    I NEVER said gays or straights will be attracted to the counterpart they're not currently attracted to. And I am well aware that homosexuality has been in exist ever since - if you remove the word scientific explaination in your post, my thought of sexuality actually matches yours to an extent. However what I was merely doing was laying down that some (Yes, SOME) people DO change, and some homos DO attempt a straight relationship despite them thinking they couldn't before. (Here's a story which will probably shock a few who know the way I roll: Once upon a time I could not get the appeal of crossdressing. It was one of things I absolutely loathed and never thought I'd have a change of heart - but lo' and behold, I live off that stuff now.)
    Obviously not everyone can do it, or wants to for that matter (I am, and always was, refering to both straight and gay) I think I even mentioned that earlier - I was just laying down the fact that it's been done before, and it puts into question how sexuality really works and whether it's something we can generalize to this extent.

    Again I'm not denying homosexuality's existence or anything, and I am definately not thinking of your average confused teen dilemma where they struggle to know their sexual orientation by experimenting. I'm literally talking about people who change orientation during some point of their life, either it was a sudden impulse that they felt on doing or something else. Again, it's something not everyone can do - but what IS for sure is that it's done by some. I'll take the example of a story from a very member of this forum, where her lesbian aunt who was apparently living her life as a homosexual suddenly had a change of heart (apparently felt that homosexuality was wrong) and is now married with a stepson.

    Wasn't it also once scientifically proven that homosexuality was something we were born with? At any rate, I definately remember reading an article where a bunch of scientist were explaining they were on this concept. There is also this Bisexual erasure - how some think bisexuality is not a sexuality, but just a confusion. Not that I'm passinig away your point, it's just that there's a lot of confliction on the matter that in the end the whole issue is a confusing load of bollocks that it's hard to know what to believe.

    Agreed. And I will stop here since the rest of your post was basically a repetition of what you said above anyway, and will only result in me having to repeat myself. I hope things a tad bit more clear now DD^:
    Post by: HOSPITAL STAT!, Jun 5, 2008 in forum: Discussion


    L_F's post pretty much sums up my thoughts to your post BaseSeb, so I'll just pick out this one quote:

    I don't think anyone ever claimed that homophobia could be gone within a click. I just said it's possible to get rid of it.

    If you're refering to my post then here, lemme clear this for ya:
    Did you read anything past the part when I mentioned "Choice"? I never intended to use it as its naked meaning alone, but more to try and use it in the same context as "taste", but joint. I even made an example to waff off remarks like yours which thought I was going down the rather simple-minded road.

    That's very true. In fact, I remember stumbling upon a thread in a Christian forum where this woman was grieving over losing her child (who suicided) because he was homosexual. I myself used to think that homosexuality was an in-born factor. But recently my thoughts have changed due personal experience, much thought and resources that I've been seeing.

    I'll say it again: imo it's really a matter of inexplicable personal taste which you unconsciously develop as you grow, and you just naturally stick to it. Though sometimes, your surroundings can, unconsciously as well, influence your sexual orientation. In my earlier post I said it was a possiblity, but I never ruled it as the one-way things go.

    Changing is almost never an option, let alone a thought - it always seems impossible. Persoanl taste itself DOESN'T just vanish like that, and it certainly doesn't just vanish if you simply told yourself you wanted to "think this way".

    HOWEVER, it IS possible to change your taste was one really, really dedicated into doing so, and tried to force themselves to it. Of course it depends on the person and how he approaches this matter, since everyone is different. But just to say, it is DONE sometimes. But I doubt for most it's done overnight and some possibly never manage until they helplessly give up. Like for me, who is arachnophobic, there is no way my standpoint will change so long as I had a really, *really* fix mindset to try and change it. Though I do know it's possible - I've heard plenty of stories that prove just this - I just don't have what it takes (yet) to force myself to fix it. As much as there are stories where you unfortunately have homosexuals suicide, there are just as much stories where you have homosexuals who "swing the other way" and indeed develop a good life.

    Oh please. Insult me for all I give a damn but don't be a wanking jizz c0ck and leak this onto my mother.


    Though if you weren't talking to me then just forget this entire post that I wasted some hours on >_>;
    Post by: HOSPITAL STAT!, Jun 4, 2008 in forum: Discussion


    Right, firstly someone brought up an example of Michael Jackson's Neverland ranch. I don't remember who the hell that tart was, but here's a b!tchslap.

    And as a small input, now I really personally believe that your choice of sexuality is *mostly* (note the use of that word) based on influence rather than you being born with it. Yeah, I said it. Choice. Not in the "Oooh I'mma be a gay now!" way but in the sense that your surroundings (and education) CAN unconsciously influence your taste. And like taste, it's very possible to change your opinion on it, was one to put the dedication into changing their mindset.

    So, in response to this thread, I agree with that Ron White video - homophobia is one of those silly fickle dumb fears that shouldn't be around and can be gotten rid of. Though respect to those who don't shove their opinions and hate towards gays and totally shun them away - in some places it's still the case. Homophobia is only wrong when you start using irrational force to keep it "closeted" and by means to discriminate.

    Again, someone brought up the "Gay Parade", and how it's meant just for showcasing or whatever - and I have to say, I always thought those parades were somewhat meant to open the eyes of said homophobes and try to express their own free will, because anyone who thinks that our society fully accepts homosexuals is ignorant.

    I wouldn't really call it a manifestation but sometimes from the articles I've been reading, there's some stem from that base. They're not trying to turn you gay, but more like try to express themselves for acceptence.

    "if it does, the kid will not be normal" - well that is just lol.

    No, you're just trying to wave his point as invalid by means of avoiding to reason with him. You bring up the argument of reproducing and, by your logic, if one can't have children then they're not meant to be - let alone have sex. Mirai is right -- some men and woman CAN'T have children, so neither are they allowed to have sex or be in love?
    Post by: HOSPITAL STAT!, Jun 4, 2008 in forum: Discussion
    TELL ME YOU JUST MADE THAT UP *aslfaejfaksldjf* What with Wada's great judgment from not long ago, I thought it was gonna cease D^:<
    Post by: HOSPITAL STAT!, Jun 3, 2008 in forum: Gaming
    What a do I.
    Post by: HOSPITAL STAT!, Jun 3, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
    She did? Well, about bloody damn well time.
    Post by: HOSPITAL STAT!, May 31, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone

    So I guess

    xRoyale what the hell is in your sig that I keep getting a download popup with your name as the filename whenever I view a thread that you have so graciously left a poast in?
    Post by: HOSPITAL STAT!, May 31, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone