Yeeees, been established loooooooong ago. I'd probably play as Aqua first, just to control a female for a change. Then Terra then Ven.
Well you can go choke on a cactus and die then |:<
Yeah, that was the same linked I tried I think. Still dead. Don't you have the batch on your hard drive?
Ketty Perry? D: asdflwkef I should probably get in touch with what's going on in the music world today, and stop refuging to my 1940's Jazz. Aw man, like all your chibis - gotta say it's adorable XD THEY LOOK LIKE ADORABLE LITTLE BABIES. They'd look good on my bed.
Hey guys, Uuuuh some time ago, a member under the name Crisp (former name Roxllen) uploaded a bunch of Kingdom Hearts images of uncomparible quality. These images included the KH1 and 2 Intros, Deep Dive and Birth by Sleep. Unforunately the link to the images is down and I can't seem to find the zip file in his filefront account. PMing him would be kinda useless seing as how he hasn't logged on since March. So my question is, does anyone still have those images by chance? And wouldn't mind uploading the Birth by Sleep folder for me? Thanks in advance.
Is it possible to pay with sex instead? I don't have that kinda dough. VV:
i kno rite? Plus his chivalrous attitude kinda stole my soul. As from now on, this thread is about Ky! Gotta love the hairflip.
Ahaha, oh Angel. I wonder what happened to her.
Random half-naked Ky to appeal myself.
Millia taunts the drunken tart, BRING IT, B!TCH.
If Mish joins, I'll probably drown in my own jizz!
Serbkiller what's up in your mangina this fine Tuesday morning?
SebastiAn's music is...<3 I godgogodgodGOD. <3<3<3<3<3 Killing in the Name (SebastiAn Remix)- Rage Against the Machine
Browsed the site a bit. I liked Afra best, save for his god awful fashion sense.
Wtf...? @ UN. Well. Hey there sexy. ¦D
I want my XIII and Versus SE.
Well fuck them. I was hoping for an audio lesbian porn anywayz. RIGHT KITTEEEEH??? ¦D
I'd like to write the script plz.