*It appears as if he is working slowly but instead he is working fast. Half way done it appears to look like a ball.* You should know by now when...
Sensui: ok. *uses fire and starts to work on the machine infront of Amy.* See, that's what I said don't waste it. Pu: nothing much, just the...
Sensui: so I will make a little friend for you, try not to destroy him. Ok? *puts his hand out, some pieces of heated metal come to him.* Don't...
Sensui: I am, but I am talking about someone your age, No you are not. Here. *hands recepie for wine.*
Sensui: Such a child you are. It's kinda funny. Maybe we should make a friend for you.
Sensui: I am not ticklish you know. *pokes Amy gently in the forehead* *I am frying some meat.*
Sensui: got you. *Sticks tounge out at Amy.* We'll see.
*Sensui Stops* Sensui: Ok, ok, I'm done. Who says I am effected by poison?
*Sensui keeps Tickling Amy.* I will and so will Sensui.
Sensui: you guess? *Starts trying to tickle Amy.* You are cooking now, you do realize that.
Eh, I suppose. So Sensui will be fighting with you first and when he can't fight any more I will step in. And you will know who is fighting,
No not really. The rules are stated that we may have one alternate if one team mate is unable to continue. And you are the alternate, since they...
You, me, and Sensui. We all can fight cant we?
Sensui: I have no clue what can happen. We'll see about that.
Sensui: don't touch it. It's dangerous. *snaps his fingers and the ball disappears.* Why not?
Sensui: with this little gadget I built. *opens a box in the center of the room. It reveals a sphere.* *i start cooking.* So Alice have you...
Sensui: The robots are nothing. The fact that my room is bigger on the inside and smaller on te outside that's what Is scary. *Follows behind and...
Trust me, we can handle these two. I mean the three of us can handle them.
I will be disappearing from time to time. When I don't come back is when you should worry.
I...am...not going...to die easily... I'll be...back. *i groan and snap my fingers falling into a portal. A couple of minutes pass and I come...