I'm good! ^.^ how about u?
Demyx for number one "DANCE WATER, DANCE" and Axle the second time for number two "come here i'll make it all stop"
so what if it has disney characters. as a lot of said, most people on here are older than 13. Maybe you should get friends who don't care what you play
Light's laugh in Japanese 8D
It would be nice to have a change in character. We know everything about sora and a few things here and there about riku. Maybe a part of a game we get to play him or switch between the two of them.
It's happen to me twice. by next year, there will be like no videos on youtube
'.' Nice to know they been using their money for something worthless. can't wait to see what worthless thing is invented next.
My mom was going to name me Nathaniel if i were a boy. But now I got the name Caitlin ^.^
:lol2: Read the rulz, make friends, join a family annnnnd HAVE FUN!!!
[COLOR="DarkOrchid] Yeah the site is a little disappointing if you compare it to a year ago. See Ya! hope the best for ya.[/COLOR]
I would tell my friends and family what i really think of them and right before i died I would wear a nice dress, lay on my bed and close my eyes
They're alright. They were better in the earlier CD's like The Long Road
Wow, you gave so much thought when typing that. see ya.
I would be happy to a part in anything. It's not like you act like the person in real life.
:lol2: read the rulz, make friends, post annnnd HAVE FUN!
Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann, Gundam 00, Death Note, Code Geass, School Days, Ouran High School Host Club, Naruto and Naruto Shippuuden :D
Linkin Park, Nickleback, Three Days Grace, Breaking Benjamin, and Skillet
:lol2: Read the rulez, post, make friends annnndd HAVE FUN!
:lol2: Read the rules, make friends, join a family annnndd HAVE FUN!!!