well, think off this as a learning thing. you can always get better!
*gives you a cookie and a virtual hug* thats all that matters
Game looks very tight! now I REALLY can't wait till it comes out
You at least tried, right?
don't worry, every thing will go great!
Aww I'm sure you do fine. for the past two ears i've done a singing thing and get stage fright every time >.< so just don't think about it until...
I'm sure you'll do great. (dose your grandma expect much from you?)
naaa don't be! not your fault ;D
The main reson i wanted to know was because if KHV had a database error, we could talk there.
That's okay! (my username is yushe101 on there)
Nothing wrong with that. :D hey, do you have a youtube account?
I'm guessing you want to move to LA?
lol my parents said we're moving to arizona in the summer.... never happened XD
sounds neat! my parents and i have tried to paint my room for 6 years but it never happened
I LOVE the color purple =^.^=
Yeah, i guess i looking forward to taking Japanese this year.
can always be better! (I actually wanting to go back to school)
okay... and you needed to say that why?
I never win but i might as well try ^.^ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3WrlzwyyQt4
Why do i get a felling that your going to be popular REAllY soon... Anyway, :lol2: Read the rules, make friends, join a family annnnnnd HAVE FUN!!! I love your username