Link to song pleas (I STILL can't spell that word XD)
Couple: Someday Character: Jupiter's Eyes(?) Edit: tis alright!
OBRP!! (I hope you were talking about that family)
Back then things were simple be happy now! Edit: the famly didn't die! It's alive!!!!
XD I remeber our nofalling popcorn Star made XD.
Hello person I just met!
OBRP:The Organization of Black Ribbon People An OLD famly me, stardust and L_L joined Edit to L_L: I guse that kinda good to know...
Yeah. I was looking at the OBRP famly and my spelling horrbile! I don't know how you guys kept up with me XD Edit: thanks!
O.o 'Kay... (spelling has improve) Sorry it took forever! It's just that a lot of things happened at once! Hey Maria
MarlyxAxel I always found them to be supper cute togther! XD
Twilight Twon because Axel kicks butt!! XD
A KH nut! XD
My finger nail. XD
My aunt dog. XD
O.o Okay....
Yeah, now you can read my posts now and thanks!
ummm... at home. (a lot of thing happened 2 months ago) but my spelling has goten better! :D
Hmmm...... Lets see Treasure Island!! It was WAY too hard understand and was BORING