Have you been planning on any names?
I used to never dream because I would barely ever fall asleep. I was a studiaholic last year. Then when summer came I was able to sleep more, and I started having a lot more dreams and nightmares. What's really funny is that when I wake up I can almost never remember them
the hubble telescope...but not for long...
And if you get married in your twenty's and have a kid, that child will be an aunt/uncle
if the vegetales can hold things with their invisible appendages, that thing can hug
It's almost as if they're trying to extend the life of the franchise through these branch games. (BBS looks really good though). This one might make the plot more complicated.
Youtube's just a website. Some people happen to post their videos because it's a hobby and others do it to become famous. The thing is that there aren't too many people that become famous from youtube. It's a one and a million chance unless record companies go searching for people on youtube. Not to mention that there's a large possibility of having to sift for hours through hundreds of cruddy singers.
they never reached a million?
If the cigarette is less cancerous but more addictive...doesn't that mean that she would smoke them way more than regular cigarettes? Which means she has the exact same chance of getting cancer because both factors cancel each other out?
...count to 1,000,000?
Not to seem rude, but...suicide never solves anything. Why? Because while death seems like the perfect way out of all of your problems...it actually makes more problems for the people that lived around you. I don't know what's going on in your life, but everyone has their own problems that they have to overcome. Recently, someone I knew died in a car crash. They never planned on dying, it just happened. And for you to be able to want to take your life so willing disgusts me. If this is rock bottom for you then all there's left is up, right? It would be nice if I had some details to go by so I don't have to assume that you're one of those suburban teenage emos that really have nothing to complain about thought.
or bored...
Does you like it?
I remember those....
You and I and everyone else knows that there are still racist pigs out there (which btw DO include the people at your old school). Just because it's 2010 does NOT mean that racism is gone and people are paranoid just because they think that someone is racist. It's called a theory not an assumption. There are still situations in which minorities need to include race as a discrimination factor. Some people just won't like you because of your skin color. And everyone at some point in their life will face that and they'll just have to except it. Overplaying the race card; however, is a sign of paranoia. But I personally don't think your theory is correct because of the fact that this isn't some random person playing the race card.They have solid proof from a credible source of what's going on here. Not to mention it's in a SOUTHEASTERN STATE. One of the hearths of slavery even. Tea partiers and everything. But anyway, all I'm saying is you might want to reconsider your views on not counting race as a factor of discrimination.
Or this.
Oh NO! (bad bad bad bad bad) Yay
Not here...