omg! yes! Thank you CtR ^_^ Always helpful
Anyone know where I can find that GIF of world war II, where they make it like a online game? 37715
hahaha well, happy to see it going again. 37711
My question is which fma anime are you talking about. The older one? or the newer one (FMA: Brotherhood). Because the newer one, I heard, pretains more to the manga.
O_O I really thought this thread died 37709
Oh what a wonderful phrase~
shake it o-oh-oh, shake it o-oh-oh shake it, like a polaroid picture~! man, I'm bored. xD
Real stop sign at school xDD
O_O my brain died.
NOT BY DISNEY. They only dubbed it
awww D= My school is about 45 mins away and I'm gonna dorm. ikes...junior year....taking AP classes?
Woot! College! I'm gonna start on sept 21st. ^^lll Are you dorming? freshies unite!
I only played my friend's game for only a little bit, but the only characters I won with were warrior of light and Cecil. ^^lll Maybe main either, but then again, I didn't try out all characters.
oh no. >_< That's horrible. D= Pray that the kid is found. and NOT as a corspe. and about the donation to the police department. I kinda see no point to it. To look for someone missing doesn't require that much money that there needs to be donations.
..... that scared me the most D=
dammit...I lol'd =.=
Are you another prem who changed their name while I was gone? xD then 0/10 cause I can't recall the name =p
There's no better team! you other people who don't know all of the theme song......tsk tsk