91 people are confirmed dead, 84 from the camp and 7 from the bombing. This is just extremely sad and aggrevating.
I was really proud of our Prime Minister's speech about not being controlled by fear and terror, people should really check that out.
This is not a good day to be norwegian.
Yours doesn't count. She's already overdosed on smash :3 Nothing of the sort, you guys would enjoy that too much. What? What? (: it already loves me long time! That'd be a waste of dat ass. She already fell inbetween. No bondage for you? I already did that while tickling her. :3
What do i do?
Lol, I don't doubt that I'll feel the same xD But I don't really care, I walked down Oxford street today in a gigantic hoodie and with really messed up hair just for the heck of it. However, Harrods does have really nice clothes, which is why I'm going there in the first place (: Haha, not really my favourite xD It's something most norwegian kids are forced to eat a lot when growing up so you get tired of it, lol. And thank you! (;
Yeah, it's real nice! So far I've experienced no rain, just a bit of drizzle really ;P Haha, well considering it's only an hour different from what I'm used to, it's not that bad ;P Yeah, I'm chillin' with them right nao, they say hello o; Lol, I'd rather not, but I've tried fish and chips (: Haha, stalkerz. I don't think I'll be there again though since my family wants to spend the few days left at the areas around Oxford Street and Harrods (:
Where you going? I'm sure it'll be great (;
I'm in the middle of Trafalgar Square atm, what's up you gais? :'D
Well, I hope you'll see this. I've never talked to you much, but you seem like a really nice guy and I really hope everything goes the best that it can for you. And when you come back, which I am confident you will, we'll talk for sure. <3
My buddy has ADD and in order to remember stuff or keep track of things he wears a ring. It sounds silly, but he always looks at it and ask himself if he's remembered all his stuff for school, or closed the cupboards or locked the doors. So it works as a reminder for things. Maybe it wont work for you, but it's worth a shot (; Btw, I'm really happy for you. It sounds like you definitely deserved a change for the better in your life.
I get it :D Får alltid lyst på båt is når jeg ser det memet, dammnit.
D'awww, jeg elsker deg også <3 Du har blitt så flink i norsk!! Would you give me away for a bag of smash? o:
Elsker du meg ? :3
... oooooo:
Lol, I feel like it's user awards everytime I log on.
Actually Thor, and Loki, are gods from norse mythology. Meaning that they've pretty much been OWNED by norwegians from the viking times. Marvel simply put them on screen. Just pointing that out.
Or you could be the strap to my on ;D
well posting threads like these certainly isn't the way to get a high rep, it just makes me want to neg rep you all the way. (:
I think you should take another picture where you surf on the ironing board again, like a remake for old times sake :3 Though I can't say I dislike the cricket bat (;