Let's see it like the rarity and fragility of the object. Level 1: One specific object that is incredibly easy to break/can vanish easily Level 5: A large variety of objects that will give you immortality as long as it exist in this or another universe. It can even exist in concepts such as your mind. Fill in the inbetween.
Posting for ANOTHER lady
Ys Oath in Felghana Kingdom Hearts: Birth By Sleep Fate/Extra The Ys series in general Lunar Silver Star Harmony Half minute hero Crimson Gem saga...
Yeah I might as well http://powerlisting.wikia.com/wiki/Limiter_Removal
Posting for a lady in need
The point isn't how much you used it. The point is there's virtually no reason whatsoever for you NOT to use it once you have it. It takes off 40% of secret bosses health just from spamming it with no planning whatsoever. It's a stupidly balanced spell that breaks the game in an already incredibly easy game. And I personally have no satisfaction from pressing the "Kill the enemy" button, I'd prefer if I just killed the enemy without the game going "Alright cool, let me play this cutscene that shows what you COULD have been doing" Coded didn't have any moments where the game took control of the character for me therefore it is automatically better.
This is what happaned the last time Kojima announced that he would no longer be making Metal Gear Solid games and would be focusing on new IP's instead Spoiler A week later, Metal Gear Solid V was announced. Also Kingdom Hearts will be made with a 606945 trillion dollar budget and 90% of it will go into Mountain Dew marketing.
SEX There I said it
THE WINDS OF THE KI- Oh whoops, I thought this would be a different thread
Eraqus is a Keyblade master Xehanort is a Keyblade master Aqua is a Keyblade master Mickey is a Keyblade master Terra WISHES he was a Keyblade master Xehanort tells Terra to go find darkness or some **** Terra goes out to find darkness or some **** Ventus follows Terra Aqua follows Ventus Disney **** happens Ventus meets Sora and gives him the gift or whatever Terra meets Riku and gives him the gift or whatever Aqua meets Kairi and gives her the gift or whatever Xehanort takes the darkness out of Ventus and makes Vanitas I think Vanitas is a penis head Vanitas wants to fuse with Ventus or something Xehanort wants them to fuse so he can make X-Blade Eraqus tries to kill Ventus Terra goes full dark mode and kills Eraqus Terra gets mad Aqua fight Vanitas I think Terra fight Xehanort Terra goes full dark mode again and gets his body taken over by Xehanort Terra turns into Brown Terra Terra also turns into an armour Terra fights Brown Terra Terra beats Brown Terra Meanwhile Aqua like sacrificed herself or something and now she's in the realm of darkness because why the hell not Mickey fits into all this somehow Brown Terra got his ass kicked so hard he lost his memory and went to ANOTHER ****ING WORLD Ansem finds him Ansem takes on Brown Terra as apprentice Brown Terra is all like "darkness, hearts" Brown Terra turns gets his heart stolen or some **** and makes Brown Ansem Also makes Xemnas Brown Ansem goes back in time to give young Xehanort space altering powers He could do that by the way Xemnas makes organization Xemnas says they all have no emotions(he lied) Riku gets posessed by Brown Ansem Then he doesn't Sora turns into a heartless and makes Roxas Sora kills Brown Ansem Riku(who was a bad guy for most of the game) gets locked in Realm of Darkness with Mickey Sora goes to Castle Oblivion Sora kills a bunch of Nobodies who when you think about it other had very little bearing on the overall plot Namine rewrites Sora's memories and he forgets his killing spree Sometime before this Xion was made from Sora and her and Roxas and Axel were all cool bros and then Xion went cray cray and died Sora goes to sleep Meanwhile Riku is finding the DARKNESS and embracing it I think This makes him turn into Brown Ansem. He will be referred to as Brown Riku Ansem Brown Riku Ansem/Blind Riku fights Roxas "WHY!? WHY DO YOU HAVE THE KEYBLADE!?" "SHUT UP!" Riku Brown Ansem won the fight Ansem Brown Riku and Christopher Lee kidnap Roxas and put him in glorious virtual world Roxas is pretty cool with this Then it breaks down Then Sora wakes up THEN KINGDOM HEARTS 2 HAPPANED Then Christopher Lee died trying shoot the moon with his beam Then Ansem Riku Brown stopped being brown and turned into Blind Riku Then he turned back into Riku Then they all fought Xemnas(Axel died by the way) And killed Xemnas And that was the end NOT! Then Yen Sid asked Sora and Riku to come be Keyblade Masters Riku passed Sora failed Meanwhile Axel didn't die Well he did But he came back as a human because that's what happens when the Nobody and the Heartless die Yeah Anywho So Axel is back And he's got a Keyblade And so is other members of the Organization Meanwhile Xehanort with his kickass time travelling bullshit comes to the future to like do some bad **** And then a new organization is formed that consists of Xehanort Old Xehanort Xemnas(he's alive by the way) Brown Ansem Also Christopher Lee never died but actually went to the Realm of Darkness And Aqua has been there for the last forever doing nothing but like touching herself. BASICALLY! KINGDOM HEARTS IS SOME CRAZY **** AND I'M SURE KINGDOM HEARTS 3 WILL END WITH BIG BOSS EXPLAINING TO ME HOW NAOMI TOLD HIM ABOUT FOXDIE WHILE HE WAS IN A COMA
I will NOT spoil Dangan Ronpa at all. In fact, I'll be so nice as to put it in a spoiler tag THIS IS A MAJOR SPOILER FOR DANGAN RONPA! DON'T ****ING CLICK IT ALRIGHT!? JUST DON'T Spoiler Junko is the mastermind
I'm sure you could find SOME use for that
TIme to avoid spoilers like the plague
Probably control your garden or some ****
Well then good thing you're a talentless hack then
Come get your super cool power and **** http://powerlisting.wikia.com/wiki/Special:Random Only one roll, don't be a fagola and pick something. But that's not all. Whatever number you post ends with determines your level 1-2 is Level 0. You have no talent and can't even use the power that you've obtained 3-4 is Level 1. You can use your power but only to such a minor extent that you might as well be a Level 0 5-6 is Level 2. Hooray, you can actually use your power for self defense against regular people. You'll probably still get your ass kicked by 3-5's but atleast you can do SOMETHING with it 7-8 is Level 3: You are now a threat to other people with powers. You can use your powers pretty damn well 9: is Level 4: You can use your power to a great extent and probably take on a few armies with it 0: Is Level 5: You can use your power to it's maximum potential. A god among men basically. And of course, to check your post number, just click "reply" on your post and look at the bigass number next to your name Also you must fight the poster above you. Have fun
The combat now focuses on Reaction Commands. All enemies must be finished off with reaction commands. If you fail you die. There are 5 Disney Worlds. You must do them over 5 times throughout the game We at Square Enix are proud to announce Day 1 DLC. Pre order from EB Games to get the "I payed for this" Keyblade. We have also decided to throw 70% of our resources to an expansive online multiplayer mode where you can play with your friends. The Singleplayer will be 3 hours long. Aqua will NOT appear in this game We have replaced all spells with Reflega. It is encouraged that you use Reflega throughout the whole game. We have changed the square button into the reflega button. We are proud to announce that we have brought back that ******ed MP recharging thing. That was cool and innovating right? We still refuse to bring back Trinity symbols We will no longer be using decks(this is gonna happen and I'm still pissed off)
There's a difference between rebelling against the old man and rebelling against the old man to listen to another old man who you've known less then the old man. And I don't really see Aqua as a lapdog, she's a keyblade master, that means she's actually pretty wise. She has her concerns and Eraqus's concerns also align with hers, so naturally she obeys them. Worried about Terra? Go find Terra. Darkness sucks ass? Go tell Terra not to use it so much. And it's not like she's a COMPLETLE slave to him or anything. She still spends the game helping out a bunch of Disney characters from their predicaments because she's also a good person. It's not that she's a "do no wrong" character or a mary sue, but more like a "gets **** done" character and I like that. Birth By Sleep is the best Kingdom Hearts game as far as I see it becase 1. It doesn't amount to MASH X. USE REFLEGA. PRESS TRIANGLE like Kingdom Hearts 2 did 2. I personally think that the combat and ability system used in Birth By Sleep is as ideal as it get's. There's no be all and end all deck(atleast on Critical mode) and the game encourages you to switch it up by making new decks and given you access to an EXTREMELY large variety of abilities, more then in any other Kingdom Hearts game. Magic attacks, Physical attacks, Magic and Physical attacks, Weird ass **** like "Break Time", the game had a very large variety of moves and spells to use which that alone I believe makes the combat better then Kingdom Hearts 1, 2, CoM and DEFINITELY 300 and whatever days. DDD comes close but I found Flowmotion to be a little too overpowered. As far as I see it... 1.Birth By Sleep 2.Dream Drop Distance 3.Kingdom Hearts 4.Chain of Memories 5.Coded 6.Kingdom Hearts 2 7.A homeless man taking dump on your face 8.358/2 Days Well yeah but it's just the most obvious one at the moment. I can mention why he didn't suspect that someone telling you to go into the woods and rip out a little girl's heart wouldn't be SOMEWHAT questionable until the very last moment but whatever.
I just realized Pretty much ever problem in the Kingdom Hearts universe stems from Terra being a complete ****ing MENTAL DEFICIENT. Seriously what is WRONG with this guy? How the hell do you actively end up HELPING Maleficent? Could you imagine this ***** talking to you And then you going "Yep, completely legit person" I mean Ventus was a little dumb too but atleast he had the benefit of being a curious guy who wanted to see the worlds. Terra is just unreasonably stupid throughout the whole game. I swear Aqua is the only protagonist who doesn't end up being tricked or making some ******ed decision.