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  1. Advent
  2. Advent
    Don't do it.
    Post by: Advent, Jul 28, 2010 in forum: The Spam Zone
  3. Advent
  4. Advent
    The album was just released yesterday after a good couple of months of anticipation. Thoughts?

    I got my copy yesterday after having preordered it ages ago. I must say, it is pretty good. Not as amazing as I was hoping it'd be, but there are a couple of quite memorable songs. Nightmare itself is a great tune, but we've already known that for a good while. Welcome to the Family and Buried Alive are also awesome. But after that, the songs get really light until the last track (and the track God Hates Us in the middle, which is a random throwback to their older style, which really comes out of nowhere in the album's progression). I don't mind their lighter stuff, but I wish there was more heavy stuff which Avenged Sevenfold is so good at performing. I wanted more of Syn soloing and less of Syn on acoustic. Also, unrelated, but I'm really happy with Mike Portnoy's performance. Then again, he's Mike Portnoy. I didn't expect anything less than amazing stuff from him.

    Also, Fiction is a really freaking eerie track. It has The Rev on piano and vocals accompanying M. Shadows. Towards the end, The Rev starts singing solo, and it's... Wow.
    Thread by: Advent, Jul 28, 2010, 0 replies, in forum: Music
  5. Advent
    Dude, it was easily the best concert I've ever been to. Couldn't agree with you more that Dream Theater was unbelievable. They alone were worth the price of admission, though I wish they had more time on stage. I dunno if they did they at the show you attended, but when they played Panic Attack at the Madison Square Garden gig, Jordan played the solo on a keytar. It was fucking awesome. I'm glad they're as good live as they are on their albums.

    As for Maiden, they only played El Dorado from The Final Frontier at the show I went to, and El Dorado is pretty sick, so I didn't mind. The played a good deal of classics like Fear of the Dark, Number of the Beast, Hallowed be Thy Name, and Blood Brothers (in memory of Dio; I thought that was nice). However, they didn't play The Trooper, Run to the Hills, or a few other really big hits that I was hoping they would. That being said, their stage presence more than made up for that. I've never seen Maiden live, I've only heard about how awesome they are in person. Good god, were they right. Their singer running all over the place, their guitarists headbanging and spinning around; it was just in general a very fun performance to watch, and you could tell they were really having fun playing. The fact that they're all fifty-something just made it even more awesome. So while Maiden did leave out a few classics, their setlist was still really good and very Maiden.

    Overall it was an amazing concert. I don't know if any other combination of bands could really top that for me; they complimented each other surprisingly well. It was well worth the $80.00 I payed.

    Agreed. Seriously, why would you compare Led to Maiden? It's like comparing The Beatles to Slipknot. Except Maiden isn't a bunch of posers.
    Post by: Advent, Jul 28, 2010 in forum: Music
  6. Advent
    /thread .
    Post by: Advent, Jul 27, 2010 in forum: The Spam Zone
  7. Advent
    But soft! What light through yonder window breaks?
    It is the East, and RvR is the sun!
    Post by: Advent, Jul 27, 2010 in forum: The Spam Zone
  8. Advent
    This. Especially the part about VGN. That's just first-class oppression.
    Post by: Advent, Jul 27, 2010 in forum: The Spam Zone
  9. Advent
    Jamaica. .
    Post by: Advent, Jul 27, 2010 in forum: The Spam Zone
  10. Advent
    Two days ago.
    Post by: Advent, Jul 26, 2010 in forum: The Spam Zone
  11. Advent
    EDIT: Clicked on the wrong section. -__- Sorry guys, didn't get much sleep last night.
    Thread by: Advent, Jul 26, 2010, 13 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  12. Advent
    Well, that was a real nail-biter. In first place, we have Laplace, followed by Beezygee in second.
    Post by: Advent, Jul 26, 2010 in forum: Competitions
  13. Advent
  14. Advent
  15. Advent
  16. Advent
  17. Advent
    Only clicked on this thread because "dot com" was making me go all OCD since we're "dot net."
    Post by: Advent, Jul 25, 2010 in forum: The Spam Zone
  18. Advent
  19. Advent
    I adore this game. The sheer amount of fan service was great, from Armstrong sparkling whenever he moved to Ed having two different sprites for his robed and non-robed state, to the fact that so many characters from the anime were playable. The gameplay was pretty simple, but I thought it was fun. It's a beat-em-up with a few fun magic attacks thrown in, so you can't expect it to be super deep.
    Post by: Advent, Jul 25, 2010 in forum: Gaming
  20. Advent
    Aww, why'd you quit? D:
    Profile Post by Advent for Juicy, Jul 25, 2010