Power of Jesus/Yahweh/Allah. Fuck yeah.
True story.
Well I've got my dinosaur, who eats Forcefield Dog! A challenger appears. A challenger whose name sounds like a glorified arse.
There's no time for Metallica, you fool. You need to pray to The Great Mother. I'm afraid that if I play it, I'll turn into a klepto and steal the display box from NYAF. Alright, I'll play this game ASAP.
OH GOD NOW HIS VOICE IS IN MY HEAD Someone get me 100 cc's of heroin. Stat.
Chibiterasu = Jesus. Except cute. Plus I would pray to Chibiterasu in a heart beat. Okay, Chibiterasu is nothing like Jesus.
When I first saw JarJar, I told myself that Lucas has as high as Cloud City when he wrote him in. Then I saw Anakin. The latter sounds uncannily similar to a certain mainstream religion. Oh, wait, that's all of them.
I'm sorry, I was completely unaware that the anime series was based on a video game. I guess I should have taken note from that awesome video game series with the war in the stars. What was it called? Oh yeah, Star Wars. Great video game series. Had a pretty cool cinema spin-off too. Well, I have an appointment with Satan in five, so how fast can you make this burning thing happen? I need to get there ASAP.
Breaking news: The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya has been confirmed as an anime series, and, in fact, not a game.
I'll have you know I did no such thing. I stubbed my toe. And my voice cracked. At the same time.
phallus schlong schledium schlort lap rocket cranny axe anger needle cattle prod penor dingaling peski wank wang poon-swatter wee-wee lightsaber pink stick black-stick third leg trunk cyclops trouser snake scythe sword chubby chode *** shuttle probe schnoz garden hose whoopin rod woody my morning friend my lizard pet snake igauna wiener schnitzel bratt winkie pushup pop love muscle saluting arm my soldier wedding burrito johnson stretch and the boys hoo hoo haa haa hoo haa zinger breakfast burrito smelting rod nightstick pigsticker boink boink meat cleaver man hammer man bits fishin pole yard stick support beam blunt object located in the male crotch area inch worm man pole centimeterpeter
Penises? Pssh, is that a challenge?
Oh, my boy, if you think that was awkward, you've yet to see what this site can truly dish out. I realized what metrosexual really meant when I saw the middle-aged man in the Ho-Oh cosplay. I think I'm ready. :'D
Obama seems to be many abstract nouns. Ugh, how could I be so stupid? Of course. But Kingdom Hearts can't exist without metrosexual teens either. There are many key ingredients to an installment in this series.
About zippers or Kingdom Hearts religion? Either way, I vote yes. Except even Republicans are cool with it. I saw Rush Limbaugh wearing a zippered headband.
Triforce on my hat, heck yes. :D So accurate.
The scriptures of this religion's holy book will be so confusing. ONE NATION UNDER SORA, INDIVISIBLE, WITH HEARTS AND TOO MANY BELTS FOR ALL
My god, it's the exact opposite of the Communist Manifesto, incest and all. And it's just what this country needs. Yea, it's as boring as punctuation.