1. Go to Google. 2. Search "define:Kaster". 3. Laugh.
Oh jeez, that sucks. D: My roommate from Jersey says that most driver's in Jersey are awful, so I can understand why people on the road would piss...
So to reiterate what I tried to say on MSN, any bitches we need to smack?
Actually, what the first quote is pretty spot-on.
No-Shave November. Men, are you ready? [Women are highly discouraged from participating.]
OMGOMG I wanna see! Sorry about not being on MSN, by the way. I was home this weekend and wanted to see Alyssa like every second. :v
Thanks! Awesome username, by the way. =D
You know, I think academic excellence is really hot. <3
Can a mod delete this post, please? My internet is all, "Hey, let's double post today."
EDITING POST, GIMME A SEC aaaaaaaaaa Oh, I know. What we have is far too special. <3 We can continue the lovefest elsewhere, lest we derail this glorious thread. ;D
Guess I'm the only one who thought this was entertaining? :v See you around, Haley. I'll talk to you on the Face and the MSN. I would say I'll miss you around here, but I'm seldom here anymore myself. See ya, dudette. Would that be me? <3
Yeah, I hear you. The story was much more black-and-white, and the romances weren't very interesting. That aside, Atton is still a tank. <3
Complete and utter approval. Just yes.
N64 1. Pokemon Stadium- This game... this game is amazing. Okay, part of that is the nostalgia talking, but this game is seriously one of the best games I've ever played. Putting the fact that it's Pokemon aside, being able to use characters from a handheld RPG to help you out in a home console RPG was and still is a really cool concept, and using your own monsters in the battle, seeing them in full 3D, never gets old. The battle modes are plentiful, with each one having trainers with different configurations of types that you need to formulate at least a semblance of a strategy to defeat. This game is also fairly long, having you beat the main story/campaign/quest/whatever you would call it twice over, though they're not entirely identical, luckily. The content stays fresh. The replayability is astronomical: this is a game that I know I will play for years to come, and many feel the same. 2. Mario Party 2- This game is what embodied Mario Party before it started going downhill a few incarnations later. The minigames were and remain to feel fresh and genuinely fun. They bring the iconic Mario quirkiness with them, and make the board game gameplay actually fun. Who would think a video game about board games would be fun? Nintendo. And they did it right. 3. Banjo Tooie- Probably my favorite platformer/adventure game of all time. This game's concept is just weird as hell, and the gameplay isn't any less weird. It's interesting, and that's half of the fun of it. Of course, flying around shooting eggs at your enemies is pretty damn awesome too. Also, the music is just fantastic. It's so simple, but so entertainingly quirky at the same time, it'll be stuck in your head forever. PlayStation 3 1. inFamous- The urban setting isn't exactly foreign for a superhero game, but the city looks like something entirely post-apocalypse, and the electric superpowers are interesting and completely fun to play around with. The story was really enticing as well, though far-fetched at times. 2. Batman: Arkham Asylum- Pretty much everything good about this game has been raved about, but I'll talk about it anyway. The combat, while button-mash-tastic at times, is really fun and fluid. The detective sections are very well done, with the forensics tools making you really keep an eye open for evidence. The setting can also be absolutely horrifying at times. Some of the sections of the game are an absolute terror to play late at night. 3. Soul Calibur IV- I'm a sucker for games with customization. Aside from the plethora of options for character creation, ranging from armor to top hats and monocles, the gameplay is fun not only for casual players who wanna pick up and play, but for seasoned old pros who know every combo there is. PSP 1. Kingdom Hearts: Birth By Sleep- lolomg kingdum harts wuts dat? This game is simply beautiful. It took KH2's fast-paced gameplay, and actually made it challenging. Whereas KH2 was about as difficult as taking candy from a sleeping baby, BBS will challenge you, especially on critical mode. The bosses and even the enemies are pretty much all challenging, and not cheaply challenging, challenging in the sense that you know that if you tweak your strategy in a certain way, you'll win easily, even if that isn't the outcome. The deck system works really well and is reminiscent of FFVII's materia system. Melding new spells and attacks is fun and the abilities integrated into them just mixes things up even more for the better. The graphics are also stunning, and I'm not one to normally care much about graphics. This game looks just as good as KH1, possibly even KH2. 2. Ratchet and Clank: Size Matters- The Ratchet and Clank series is awesome. If you say otherwise, you're wrong. Its art style is as quirky and fun as its writing, and they both shine in this game as much as they did in the past entries in the series. The weapons are as mind-blowingly upgradeable and destructive as ever, and the arsenal is as respectably large as that of any of the main series's games. Simply put, this is pretty much a perfect port of a respected PS2 series, and I love that. 3. Star Wars: Battle Front II - Yeah, this game gets a lot of gripes for its PSP counterpart, but I actually do like it. The controls have to be dumbed down a decent bit due to the lack of dual analog sticks and only having two shoulder buttons, but in my opinion, the button layout is as close to perfect as you're going to get with a PSP shooter, and it does work fairly well. The game is remarkably similar to its PS2 brother, only lacking a few stages. The graphics are noticeably downgraded, which is one of the few downsides to this game, in my opinion. The lack of voices on the hero characters is also disappointing, but the gameplay makes up for it in true Star Wars: Battlefront style. Xbox 1. Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II- One of my favorite games of all time. Even though this was rushed out to make it in time for the Holiday season, this game is simply wonderful. The pool of force powers is diverse, and each one has its own unique niche in your arsenal. The powers and abilities you choose for each character truly can make any party member useful, and your main character will be god-like by the final boss. The ability to choose your own path is also very well done. Choices you make affect your dark vs light side position, and how much your party members like you will be reflected in how similar they are to you in that regard. The gameplay is fantastic, and is weaved into the story seamlessly. The soundtrack is also one of the best I've ever heard: it sounds just like a Star Wars film with its epic orchestral pieces thrown in at just the right times. This is a game you can play ten times and still wanna give it another go. 2. Halo 2- Yeah, yeah, make fun of me for liking Halo. I'm not even a huge fan of it, I just give it a spot on my list because of the fact that I am not a fan of shooters at all, but I can always enjoy Halo matches. I don't know what it is about Halo; the weapons aren't terribly creative, the settings are kinda generic sci-fi, the story is convoluted, and the characters are completely indistinguishable in the matchmaking mode. It just has some kind of fun factor somewhere in the gameplay that I can't put my finger on. Halo 2, for me, will always be that game that I don't like, but like at the exact same time. 3. Star Wars Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy- This game is just awesome. You can't help but feel badass with all of the things combat-wise you have available to you in this game. One minute you're shooting up baddies with a repeating laser rifle, next, some come in closer for melee, and you whip out your lightsaber and electrocute them with force lightning. While Knights of the Old Republic restricted you to turns, this game is a flat-out action title that lets you go to town with your Jedi antics. The multiplayer battle mode is also insanely fun, allowing you to play as an evil Jedi wookie against your foolish Luke Skywalker friends. This game is just pure, unadulterated fun.
What?, you are the Victor Frankenstein of the Pokemon world.
Magic paint brush beats cross.
You beat your wife and didn't care about it? Oh my... He always did like those triple A's.
Oh, but Eminem is afraid. He's afraid of those charges for battery of his wife.
I have a Summer home there. I'd never get my seasonal tan if it weren't for that.