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  1. JLHack7

    You should mention that those don't use UCM digits

    I'll post the digits

    Here we are

    weapon mod digits

    0029 = Kingdom Key
    002A = Oathkeeper
    002B = Oblivion
    01E0 = Star Seeker
    01E1 = Hidden Dragon
    01E4 = Hero's Crest
    01E5 = Monochrome
    01E6 = Follow the Wind
    01E7 = Circle of Life
    01E8 = Photon Debugger
    01E9 = Gull Wing
    01EA = Rumbling Rose
    01EB = Guardian Soul
    01EC = Three Wishes
    01ED = Decisive Pumpkin
    01EE = Sleeping Lion
    01EF = Sweet Memories
    01F0 = Mysterious Abyss
    01F1 = Fatal Crest
    01F2 = Bond of Flame
    01F3 = Fenrir
    01F4 = Ultima Weapon
    Post by: JLHack7, Oct 11, 2007 in forum: Code Vault
  2. JLHack7
    I have gained one rep... and I am 1 step closer to world domination (18 steps left, then 1 more premium step [reach required post cound] and 9 non-premium user related steps after that)... MUAHAHAHAHAHAHA

    If any of you guys need something converted, tell me now, because I have MAXConvert ready, and this is your last chance
    Post by: JLHack7, Oct 10, 2007 in forum: Code Vault
  3. JLHack7
    Rep, eh?
    *runs to convert at godspeed*

    Post by: JLHack7, Oct 10, 2007 in forum: Code Vault
  4. JLHack7
    No, its possible that he's programmed not to work unless specific conditions are met
    Post by: JLHack7, Oct 9, 2007 in forum: Code Vault
  5. JLHack7
    This may sound Redsonic-ish but I just had one hell of an idea...
    I think that we have been looking at this command menu thing the wrong way
    I remember seeing 2 abilities called "Reflect Dummy" and "Upper Dummy", which have been identified as the abilities that give DW Roxas his Square button finisher

    Well, maybe, Mickey's Pearl and Riku's Dark Aura are just Dummy abilities, and if we equip them in Sora's abilities, and then activate the code to switch abilities between whatever character and Sora, we might find those attacks

    just a thought, might be true, but might not be...
    Post by: JLHack7, Oct 9, 2007 in forum: Code Vault
  6. JLHack7
    Ummm right, you are misconceived, I will send 2 files to your computer (one called upgrade.bin, which allows custom day1 files, and one called v10test.cbc, which is the actual day1 file)
    then you can put the files on a USB Flash drive
    you put the USB flash drive in one of the PS2's USB slots
    then you start up the codebreaker, go to "Day1 Files" and choose USB Drive, and then activate the test .cbc
    if it doesn't work, then the .cbc file won't show up, and we will know that v10 is not compatible with custom day1 files

    there's really nothing to it
    Post by: JLHack7, Oct 9, 2007 in forum: Code Vault
  7. JLHack7
    Do you ever read the site news?

    I found a room mod! (CoM)

    I know it worked because:
    I synthesized a Moogle Room,
    Left the room
    I activated a code...
    I went into the room
    Then I left the room
    activated a code
    entered the room

    anywho, the room mod is 2 addresses
    (for one room only, I attached the save file for testing)
    Load my save, load slot 1 (Sora), and then synthesize the room to the upper left with a moogle room or a moments repreive (Calm Bounty might also work, can someone test this?)

    anywho, use the "Code" function in the cheats list




    Alchemic Walking

    (so the X digits would be 5e20, and the Y digits would be 0e0d, for an alchemic walking)

    Meeting Ground

    Teeming Darkness

    Moments Repreive

    Moogle Room

    I'll post more digits when I find them
    Post by: JLHack7, Oct 9, 2007 in forum: Code Vault
  8. JLHack7
    Okay, I'll bite, I haven't updated the tutorial because:

    a) I luv to procrastinate (big... word... hurt... brain...)
    b) I just don't feel like it
    c) I am too lazy

    but now, I have absolutely nothing to do, sooo, I will do the thing that is 3rd to last on my to do list.

    Seriously though, I don't care about premium benifits, I just want my f:censor:ing user title back, advent_of_apocalypse and DevileoX still have theirs, and they sure as hell aren't Premium users

    So anywho, I will try to update the tutorial as soon as possible!
    (The tutorial will updated BEFORE the end of October, I promise)

    On a side note (that is totally spam) I have XM Radio!
    IT KICKS A** (NO commercials... YAY!)
    AND THERE IS A TRIAL FOR YOU GUYS! (free, no credit card number needed, in the immortal words of Peter Griffin, "Freakin' sweet!")

    (and for CloudStrife252, they have some European channels too [namely channel 29, called U-Pop, which is US, Canada, and UK] since it IS Satellite)
    Post by: JLHack7, Oct 9, 2007 in forum: Code Vault
  9. JLHack7
    Okay, PM me with your e-mail address, and I'll send you a test day1 file

    (Note that I haven't actually tested it on v10 so it might not work)

    but try it anyway
    Post by: JLHack7, Oct 9, 2007 in forum: Code Vault
  10. JLHack7
    You have CodeBreaker?

    What version?

    I need to know because I can make day1 files
    Post by: JLHack7, Oct 9, 2007 in forum: Code Vault
  11. JLHack7
    Save what?
    Post by: JLHack7, Oct 9, 2007 in forum: Other Videos
  12. JLHack7
    Okay... this should fix EVERYTHING

    1: Install 7-zip
    2: Right click a ".rar" file
    3: Go to "Open With" -> "Choose Default Program..."
    4: Make sure that "Always use the selected program to open this kind of file" IS CHECKED
    5: Select 7-zip (if it's not on the list, hit "Browse" and go to "C:/Program Files/7-zip" (or wherever 7-zip was installed) and choose "7zFM.exe"

    open the .rar file with 7-zip, and your problem WILL be fixed, and this WILL work
    Post by: JLHack7, Oct 9, 2007 in forum: Code Vault
  13. JLHack7
    *smacks head*

    What the f:censor: is your OS (Windows 98, Windows XP, etc...)

    because using "Open With..." should solve EVERYTHING
    Post by: JLHack7, Oct 8, 2007 in forum: Code Vault
  14. JLHack7
    You could hack it...
    or, you can just start up the game and go to
    "Options" and click "Enable Console"
    then start a mission, and when in game, hit "~" and type in "dog" (without the ")
    for invincibility
    type "wuss" for All weapons and Ammo
    type "noclip" to fly around

    also, here's a funny easter egg in campaign mode:
    As for mods, I'll see
    Post by: JLHack7, Oct 8, 2007 in forum: Code Vault
  15. JLHack7
    just right click the .rar file, and click "open with..."
    then choose winzip
    Post by: JLHack7, Oct 8, 2007 in forum: Code Vault
  16. JLHack7
    I want EVERYBODY, and I mean EVERYBODY (except those who have WinZip, WinRar, PKZip, or 7Zip) to go here:

    and install 7zip

    because you can open the following file types:


    with 7zip

    I am not advertising 7zip, I am doing this because I am sick of people not being able to open .rar files (the biggest problem of this being the Maxconvert .rar file)

    after you have done this, then you can read onwards

    Hokay, no update yet, but, considering that people like VideoGameCrazyBoy (damn, that name's a mouthfull, his new nickname is VideoGameCrazyGirl, jk lol,
    His new nickname is VGCB)

    Considering the fact that people like VGCB have been asking how to Encrypt/Decrypt codes for GameShark Advance/Codebreaker Advance/Pro Action Replay (GBA cheat devices), I have decided to tell you how

    first off, here are the files you need

    (listed like this:
    Cheat Device(s)
    Program to decrypt them

    Both of the following are in .rar files so that's why I told you to get 7zip

    Pro Action Replay
    ARCrypt (

    CodeBreaker Advance, GameSharkAdvance (2 in 1)
    CBACrypt (

    Okay soooo, lets start with Final Fantasy Tactics Advance (which will be one of the games we will hack soon)

    Okay, here are the basics

    1) P.A.R. Codes are ALWAYS encrypted
    2) GameShark and CodeBreaker use the same encryption
    2a)(for GS and CB) If the FIRST LINE of the master code begins with a 9, then the code is encrypted, if it doesn't, its Raw:
    CB Enabler
    000037AE 000A
    10000488 0007

    Its not a 9, so its not encrypted, and thus, it can be DIRECTLY CONVERTED to any other format

    GS Enabler

    There is a 9, so the codes are encrypted

    (Master codes will ALWAYS be 2 lines long)
    The first line of the master code is ABSOLUTELY USELESS, because it simply states the encryption of the codes (if it has a 9, like the GS master code, then it is also called a "SeedGen" code, I say this because the CBACrypt is VERY picky, and will not work UNLESS the first line being converted is like this:
    9[COLOR="Blue"]#######[/COLOR]  [COLOR="Red"]####[/COLOR]
    However, GS has codes that have no space, but in reality, the codes are like this
    So when decrypting/encrypting GS codes, you would do this
    [COLOR="Blue"]273FE56A[/COLOR]  [COLOR="Red"]029F[/COLOR]
    and for a GS Master Code, you would do this
    9[COLOR="Blue"]#######[/COLOR]  [COLOR="Red"]####[/COLOR]
    (without the colors of course, I'm just using those to display that
    [COLOR="Blue"]########[/COLOR] = Address
    [COLOR="Red"]####[/COLOR] = Value
    so in order to convert using CBACrypt, you have to do something like this (using Final Fantasy Tactics Advance codes here):
    9AE549FC 3CE5
    Max Funds
    1863DF7E ED0D
    0843C6DA E500
    I need to eat dinner, so I will post the part on P.A.R. codes later
    Post by: JLHack7, Oct 8, 2007 in forum: Code Vault
  17. JLHack7
    Not really, because I can only make vids of the gameplay T_T
    It's kind of like the code videos that Evilman makes, they're just gameplay vids

    However, there is a program that I would recommend

    Look for Jasc Paint Shop (make sure it has Animation Shop)
    because with Animation Shop, you can edit AVI's (as in, totally f:censor: up)

    and the Animation Shop can turn your vids into gifs!

    AND... you can add effects, draw on frames (as in, make it so that in some frames, a specific thing is circled, indicating the significance of it)
    Post by: JLHack7, Oct 7, 2007 in forum: Other Videos
  18. JLHack7
    Allright, I am encouraging users to make their own code vids

    any code vids made for the hacking tutorial belong

    Post by: JLHack7, Oct 7, 2007 in forum: Code Vault
  19. JLHack7
    For those that do not know, I have a hacking tutorial (It's not really hacking since I'm only "Hacking" my own stuff, namely, KH Games, but some non-KH Games, so that's why I'm not making this thread in the KH section)

    anyway, the tutorial is on part 1, GameBoy Advance hacking

    the emulator that we use is called VisualBoyAdvance

    and it comes with the ability to record gameplay videos

    (in VBA go to "Tools" -> "Record" -> "Start AVI Recording..."
    Then choose where to save the file
    and lastly (by request, to save disk space) for Compressor, select
    "Cinepak Codec by Radius"
    and put "Compression Quality" at 100
    (the Cinepak Codec trims a video filesize to roughly 1/8 its uncompressed size

    I know because I made a video in normal (uncompressed) format and it was 62 megabytes, but then I made one with the Cinepak Codec and it was 8 megabytes

    Here is a video of Riku's deck being hacked (well, the results of the hack)

    (don't bother with the link yet, it's taking forever to optimize)

    So anyway, this thread will be for any videos of codes made with my hacking tutorial

    Edit: Video is UP!

    and for those of you who haven't uploaded videos yet, well, its so easy, a caveman could do it!

    (cavemen from the geico commercial appear)
    Me: Um, did I say caveman, I ment... uhhhh... ummm...
    Okay, I got nothing... T_T
    (cavemen start beating me up)
    Me: Ahhh! Oh god! THAT DOESN'T BEND THAT WAY!
    Thread by: JLHack7, Oct 7, 2007, 12 replies, in forum: Other Videos
  20. JLHack7
    That'll happen, you can only replace cards,
    also, I found that it is quite glitchy with riku's deck
    Post by: JLHack7, Oct 7, 2007 in forum: Code Vault