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  1. JLHack7
    Yes it was made with the code you posted

    This one:

    20303bb0 3c030038
    20303bb4 3c050070

    hey Evilman, could you leave the way you did in July again, because while you were gone, my Rep like... tripled

    jk lol
    Post by: JLHack7, Sep 15, 2007 in forum: Code Vault
  2. JLHack7
    wohoo wo ho ho, wohoo wo ho ho, wohoo, wohoo (its the tune from the Vonage commercial)

    Uploadin the memory dump

    Its a .zip file, but I changed the extension to a .mp3, so unzip it with winzip/winrar/7zip/whatever (preferably 7zip, thats the program I used to zip it)

    wohoo wo ho ho, wohoo wo ho ho, wohoo, wohoo

    already did it
    also, KH2 doesn't work on PCSX2, me and Evilman already tried it

    EDIT: Screenies taken from a digital camera, that are crappy and have a glare, but they do the job showing you guys this glitch
    Pict0003 is final sora T-Stanced... ON THE CEILING OF BEAST'S CASTLE
    and Pict0004 is the First Person view (press select) looking at the ground... FROM 200 Feet UP!
    Post by: JLHack7, Sep 15, 2007 in forum: Code Vault
  3. JLHack7
    I can do it!
    what do you guys need a dump of?
    Post by: JLHack7, Sep 15, 2007 in forum: Code Vault
  4. JLHack7
    first, load the game with NO CODES!
    unequip all Action abilities (the ones in blue) and save your game
    load the game with the move mod on, and it should work
    if it doesn't, try doing the same thing, but unequip ALL abilities (except Glide) and load the game, (equip Oblivion to main weapon slot)
    if it works when you load, then IMMEDIATELY switch to Kingdom Key (when using the weapon mod), and you will be all set!
    Post by: JLHack7, Sep 15, 2007 in forum: Code Vault
  5. JLHack7
    You can't take special forms out of their own worlds, unfortunately

    The game freezes, and I'm not talking a BSOD, I'm talking about a FREEZE
    Post by: JLHack7, Sep 15, 2007 in forum: Code Vault
  6. JLHack7
    I just posted it, with a joker, a few pages back... LOOK BEFORE YOU ASK!
    Post by: JLHack7, Sep 15, 2007 in forum: Code Vault
  7. JLHack7
    PC & XBox
    I don't think you can mod the XBox version.

    I heavily reccommend that you get the PC version, because you can use ANY major 3D modeling program on it (3DS Max, Maya, Blender, & GMAX all support it, but I reccomend GMAX because a] its free. b] its easy, I made my first lightsaber in three hours. c] its free. and d] you can make models for other popular PC games, like Halo and the Battlefield series. did I mention it was free?)

    PM me for more info.

    Ok, back on topic...

    My next update will be as soon as I can manage.
    Considering my homework amount, it's not that soon

    EDIT: its going to be even longer... I JUST FOUND MY COPY OF BATTLEFIELD 1942! AND I AM MODDING IT!
    Post by: JLHack7, Sep 15, 2007 in forum: Code Vault
  8. JLHack7
    normal sora, wielding that weapon,


    IT IS AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (you can use any combination of keyblades)
    Post by: JLHack7, Sep 14, 2007 in forum: Code Vault
  9. JLHack7
    (read that sentence carefully)

    No, I'm just hyper, as I had 5 bottles of Snapple Iced Tea

    by the way...
    "Some people think I have A.D.D., but they don't- OOH A BUTTERFLY!"


    Darkside (Mickey's Keyblade) is screwed up, and T-Stances you every 5 seconds

    WTTD is f'd up, as when you do ANY ability, it dissapears
    No finishers work, and it dissapears on some of the non-finisher normal attacks, so all in all, wielding WTTD isn't worth the hype

    Battlefields of War is better, but no finishers work

    Scimitar is the same as battlefields of War

    Skill and Crossbones WORKS!
    You can do "Guard", "Aerial Sweep", and "Explosion"

    Now I'm testing Mulan's sword, the Form digits, and DW Roxas to see what they do!


    E008???? 0035B55C
    200F9000 10400005
    200F9004 944F004C
    200F9008 24010001
    200F900C 142F0002
    200F9010 240F00??
    200F9014 A44F004E
    200F9018 03E00008
    201D14F4 0803E400

    FCFF (L2+R2)
    FAFF (L2+L1)
    F9FF (R2+L1)
    F6FF (L2+R1)
    F5FF (R2+R1)
    F3FF (R1+L1)

    11 Staff
    14 Shield
    17 Scimitar
    18 Battlefields of War
    1A Sword of the Ancestors (haven't tested this)
    1C Darkside
    22 Skill and Crossbones
    23 Way to the Dawn
    Post by: JLHack7, Sep 14, 2007 in forum: Code Vault
  10. JLHack7

    *Darth Vader Voice* *Vader Breathing sounds*
    No code is safe... FROM MY 1337 JOKERING SKILLZ

    I jokered the Weapon Palette mod!
    With the press of a button (and by walking into a different map) I switched between the Scimitar and Battlefields of War!
    I'm testing WTTD and Darkside now, I'll post the codes in a sec!
    Post by: JLHack7, Sep 14, 2007 in forum: Code Vault
  11. JLHack7
    I'm pretty sure that it's because I have abilities equipped, but I can't test this theory yet

    and its spelled "Aladdin" (I have OCD)
    Post by: JLHack7, Sep 14, 2007 in forum: Code Vault
  12. JLHack7
    The move palette mods always freeze on me
    Is it because of the abilities I have equipped?
    Post by: JLHack7, Sep 14, 2007 in forum: Code Vault
  13. JLHack7
    it IS over, that is pretty obvious, because I wrote:
    Post by: JLHack7, Sep 14, 2007 in forum: Code Vault
  14. JLHack7
    um, my post about spam has NOTHING to do with the other post (other than the fact that the board is getting out of hand)
    Post by: JLHack7, Sep 14, 2007 in forum: Code Vault
  15. JLHack7
    because this is the CBv1-5 mastercode that Azagoth made

    F0359af0 00359af3

    for ARMAX you change it to c4359af0 (according to Godshin)
    and then change the value to 00030800

    this was tested on some MLB game and it worked
    Post by: JLHack7, Sep 14, 2007 in forum: Code Vault