Spoiler They seem mean like that. Give us what we want and tear it from us in the most gruesome way possible. The only thing I want is a happy ending for Naomi and Seiko! THAT'S ALL! IS IT TOO MUCH TO ASK? Probably. I can't name anyone I didn't like. Maybe Sakutaro cause he's super creepy - he's the only one I thought deserved to die- and Satoshi since he gets in the way of Naomi x Seiko! Damn him!. But I didn't think any of them were annoying like you get in most games. I did like Yoshiki and Ayumi. Yoshiki is one cool kid, even if he's misunderstood. D: oh gosh. Its so crazy I can't help but want to play it. So lulzy. I can't see us not getting Blood Drive, the fans are hot for it, but its a question of when. I'd like it sometime before the next year but that might be asking too much. Play Corpse Party.
Why hullo there Cherry Berry! How's it going?
You attention hoe! >:3 Oh, what do you want to study? And you say that now buy the time you become a full time student you'll say otherwise lol.
Spoiler I dunno if I could take it if I had to see her die again - it breaks my heart every time. I really hope she makes it back but there is very little hope when it comes to Corpse Party. They could trade her for Satoshi. That I really wouldn't mind. xD Blood Drive is gonna mess with my feels, man! Plus there's the long wait for it! GAAAAAH! I really hope Xseed bring this out this year!
Mikoto = Naomi Kuroko = Seiko I haven't seen much of Toaru Kagaku no Railgun but from the looks of it their characters mirror each other pretty well. Especially the Kuroko/Seiko. They both crazy for Mikoto/Naomi. This is true, but the yuri (Its a one sided love, so sad) isn't the driving force in my opinion for Naomi's and Seiko's friendship (though the yuri side of it is pretty funny at times, and heartbreaking at others). If anything, Seiko makes it for me and that makes it all the more worse when you find out what happens to her and how the story ends. Oh gosh, that scene. The game had lots of horrible, shocking moments but that was one of the worst. ;_____;
Mikoto .
Just one of the saddest things ever! Naomi and Seiko still make me cry. ;__;
The Doctor dies.
Mikoto and Kuroko are Naomi and Seiko. Spoiler
SignAvatar but it doesn't have a forgotten password feature.
The broken image.
I don't like it. The Lightning Returns t-shirt yesterday was awesome, though. <3
I've forgotten my password so I can't check it lol
It was a RP called "Prom Time" but a lot of us thought it was called "Porn Time". <__>;
Like that one Porn thread...
Clicking anything other than New Posts.
You work? O: I'm no bad. Busy with uni and work but I'm doing well! ...when I can be bothered to do the work lol. How about yourself? Keeping...
Can't wait for my yuri!
I just went into the kitchen to make him into a sandwich.