Nate, you know that is not how this relationship works but I will forgive you if you recommend some anime for me to watch.
First you forget we have an AC IV date, and then you recommend the only thing I didn't want. Are you mad at me, Nate? Is it because you found out I'm a man?
Awright, kiddies I want you to spew out your anime recommendations from last year (Cause I didn't get a chance to watch much *sadface*). So I plan to make up for lost time! Just list everything you liked, doesn't matter if someone else has suggested it, genre ain't important, and I'll make a list and check out what tickles me fancy. I'll also take suggestions for older series that you think are worth a watch. No hentai. No Yaoi. (Thanks Chris) Cheers me dears! The shows in this bluish colour are shows I have downloaded. I'll watch those first (cept Kill la Kill cause I really want to watch it lol) Kill la Kill Log Horizon Attack on Titan Psychopass D-Frag! Yahari Seishun Ore no Love Come Wa Machigaiteru Girls Und Panzer Zetsuen No Tempest A Certain Scientific Railgun 1&2 Mononoke (Which I assume isn't Princess Mononoke) Gurren Lagann Neon Genesis Evangelion Kyoukai no Kanata Digimon: Digital Monsters Free! Love Lab - Almost completed
You must be very proud of yourself.
I would tell you, as we were meant to get access to virtual labs so we could practice on networking devices from home, but the lecturer conveniently forgot. >:
Atlantica in Kingdom Hearts 2 is the best level! haven't seen Jiku's hat?
What colour of underwear am I wearing?