Eden gulped, making the next jump, deciding that she wanted it well and done with. She only wished she was brave enough to say something funny and witty, but only a shrill scream seemed to work with her mouth.
"True... but this darkness... I don't know what it'd do to us. But to fight on the inside is easier then trying to fight the outside." Eden gulped. She had no idea how far the jump would take her. "L-Let's go. Everyone first."
"We jump in if Kairi doesn't succeed. It'll be hard, but maybe it'll show us who started this all..." Eden glared into the hole, worried of what would happen.
Eden grunted a bit, staring at how thick the sludge was from here. She could barely move. "We jump in? Kairi has to be the one to heal it though." she glanced at the Princess of Heart, wondering if her purity alone would be able to cleanse Australia. "If that doesn't work... Well, I don't know then. We'll go and find someone out there in the worlds who can help us."
I provided much of it, thank you. Be glad I know how to make it so I'm on an adrenaline rush every waking moment. Anyway, sorry about getting your clothes ripped. Eden grimaced, the wound stung, but without proper equipment, she'd have to wait and hope it wouldn't get infected.
Eden took control once more, having a tagteam effort going on. She kept jumping back, running to the portal, pulling Kairi and Valerie with her. She allowed them to stay in front and pushed them both out before she jumped out. However, she was just fast enough to have a light scratch from one of the shadows on her back. When she landed, she hissed in pain, already feeling tiny little oozes of blood seep through the clothes. "C'mon, let's go. I'm fine." she huffed. Right now, she was alive for Riku and Kairi, to make sure they got to the Keyhole at all costs.
"Sorry, it's just that I have this nasty little habit of calling on my adrenaline." Eden would have blushed. "But I'm not going to overdo the fire. But I promise, I won't end up like Axel." Her voice toned down a bit, relishing in the memory.
Eden sparked her adrenaline even further, racing her heart much faster then it was used to. That was as far as she'd go, and that was all the help she could give.
Eden allowed Riku control, knowing she wouldn't be able to handle herself properly with such a fierce power like fire. Yes, it came natural, but she would abuse it to the point it could hurt the others. That was not her goal. She tried pushing how far her adrenaline could go, to relive the addiction she was ashamed to almost admit. But that addiction comes in handy once you can control the stimulant your every whim.
Eden knew the memory, very very well. This put her flames on hold. "I will keep my head." she muttered, making a large sweep of heartless, her form bending deeply. She did like the feeling of the warmth though, and how it put her at ease.
Eden growled as one tried to snap close, in return, she ignited herself whole. Once more she was in that blissful state of not seeing anything, or really knowing the outside. She enjoyed it. I should be on fire more often... she internally mused.
Eden did not slay the heartless so much as burn them back into the darkness, overexerting her pyro abilities. Stepping back, as to be close to the group, but making sure her flames were strong.
"I vouch we get out to the other side as fast as possible. I will keep them away. Gexln, you take Valerie and Kairi to the Keyhole, I'll watch your backs." Eden glared at the heartless, sparks flickering into flame.
Eden decided to have control, and immeadietly regretted the icy chill of the dark corridors. "Oh wow..." she muttered, seeing her own breath.
Eden sighed. It was true, but then they'd have to be ready for anything. "Alright, allow a corridor."
Eden noticed the cleared sludge at the side of the great Ayer Rock, and forced Riku to stop in front of it. "We'll need to climb." she gluped. Not the strongest with heights, and not particularly strong enough to climb in the first place really.
Eden felt like her heart was going to explode of joy, so close! Oh so very very close! "Get them to hurry up! We can finally finish this all!"
"Make sure you keep Gexln close. I don't want him to fade, not like Nexas." Eden urgerd him faster, but she would not leave behind anyone. She wanted freedom, but for the good of many, her happiness could be sacrificed further.
Eden glanced the world outside, seeing a lump of sludge, but there seemed to be a dip in the middle. "There, the perfect place." she urged Riku to go faster, eager as her heated Keyblade. She was ready to be free to herself.
Eden sighed, relinquishing her child, bringing him back into the depths of her mind. "I do love my creations. Him very much. I just hope one day it is never used against me." Her words wavered, looking out into the world once more.