Very sorry! I'll spoiler tag it. However there are users before me who posted the same thing, so you might want to ask them about it too. Also it's been quoted like twice, so there's nowt to be done about that I'm afraid.
...Eleven :)
Terra (Tina) Branford (6)
Awh what :( Guess that makes me 2. Final Fantasy main characters this time I'm thinking. Firion! It's a Disney 3D CGI film set for release in 2013, based on the story of The Snow Queen. Don't know much more about it than that I'm afraid :S
*57, the number of Final Fantasy's there will be in 10 years.
Hm out of Disney released films. Suppose I'll just have to use unreleased ones >:D Edit: Frozen (53). That's it for the Disneys
(49) The Princess and the Frog.
No but seriously, what annoys me is that people who overuse memes think they're in on some amazing secret joke. Then they get all pissy when media and facebook get hold of them, like Virgin did with success kid. Some people just get so high and mighty, and downright pretentious when it comes to memes. If it wasn't for them I really wouldn't mind some of them. The funny ones that is.
Read my old diary from a few years ago when I was tidying out my room. I was wondering whilst reading it how I ever kept any friends. And then I realised that I didn't and I had loads of arguments :) I'm in a much happier place nowadays, with an amazing group of friends I've pretty much never argued with. I wonder what I'll think of me now saying that in a few years? Oh and I'll just leave that bit of nostalgia there
Disney Animated cannon :D (It was the 42nd Official Disney film released in cinemas). Everyone else was doing cool stuff :P. Talking of which, Home on the Range.
Lilo and Stitch
Forty! The Emperors new groove. Yeah that's right, Disney animated cannon. Too bad it only goes up to 50
Thirty one. Is that binary you're counting in?
Huhr I'm tryna keep away from discussions, let people get on with it :) Too much battling with school work to be done to spend time battling with others!
I like that logic, 23
Thanks, your avatar is amazing too :D I'm good thank you, stressed out with exams coming up but apart from that all is well. How about yourself?
Hm I'm not sure exactly. It could be the fact it's all one big cut-scene with no playable bits in between that threw me. But at the part where Sora is talking to Saix at 5:15 and it shows Sora with his fancy character model, seemed new. Some of the lines in general sounded differently worded, and that whole scene at the end with the Organization not talking. As I say though could just be my mind playing tricks on me.
Can't WAIT to hear the results of this song, should be amazing :D All the years and millions of times I've watched Hercules and I didn't even realise what half of these lyrics were, I've just kinda made my own up without realising it.
16. Ah I can understand that. I made an account waay back in 2006 I think it was. Then when I tried to get back on when I had the time last year I couldn't for the life of me remember the password, and the email account I had associated with it was my old school one, which had been closed. I just thought making a new one would be easier on the whole :)
Eleven. So you joined in 2007 but only have 7 posts counted? What gives?