Hm usually my dear mother cooks us meat and two veg style dinners. On Fridays it's no meat so my family usually has fish, which I don't like so it'll generally be an egg for me. I don't really like meat that much, especially lamb, beef or pork slabs, blerg. I could easily go vegi without complaint, except I love lasagnia way too much
SIX! And yes we should. But in that case how will we ever stop? Or is the plan to NEVER STOP EVARR! ?
Funny story right, I actually didn't think you'd meant the military until I saw what Makaze wrote. I assumed Makaze knew more than me about what was going on...Must be the authoritative way of saying things. Cue me jumping to the defence :) That being said, I'm still not entirely sure what you mean by 'service'. In a forest, wha? Maybe just being a brit our forests are not big enough to serve in. So you mean being like a park warden?
Haha it's fine :) I enjoyed it anyways, fighting the staff. Newbies Unite!
Impresto, I love it! I sound like a 60s Batman super villian, MWAHAHAHAHA. ...Ahem
Interesting idea! It'd be great if they brought that in. Or maybe Spoiler he IS Koh, come to get revenge on the Avatar for besting him. This is just wild speculation now though
Hm the first comment back I see from you :) No change then. War and service are subjects fraught with grey and grey morality. There will never ever be a time when all people believe it's either right or wrong. Conscientious objectors in WW2, cowards who would have let their country be invaded, or simply people who would not, under any circumstances, want to murder another human being? All I can say is you must know your own, personal morals, figure out what you think is right and wrong and never sway from that. And stay safe okay? :)
All that wasted time posting numbers for you :( I thought we had something special :'( I kid, I kid, don't worry :)
Congratulations :) It's great if you can get to do something you really think is worthwhile. Best of luck with everything
Oh, go'wan then :)
Friendly people, like not scary people haha...Though I'm sure none of you are too scary. Excasr is the first person who was really friendly to me here, I'd love to get to know you more. But basically anyone really, I'm up for being friends with. I still feel kinda new here so I don't really know anyone beyond what I've seen in threads.
Four. Don't think we'll ever reach 300 :/