Digimon Masters Online.
Welp, Data Squad makes sense now.
...It's his own fault for doing such a stupid thing? / heartmadeofstone
Ugh. I guess I have the right to grind now. I'll get to work on that. AND THEN I CAN DO LOW LEVEL CRITICAL MODE ^_^ And I just realised that I barely just managed to get the secret ending. I had five trophies exactly.
To be honest, I was a bit sceptical at first concerning that ability to alter the main character's weapons (Dual Swords, Hammer, Dual Pistols etc) but seeing it fully here, I am starting to warm to the idea. It provides a lot more variety to the game. Now, I noticed that the old cast of Xillia will be returning as party members (Barring Milla and Jude, so far) and I can't help but think of Tales of Symphonia: Dawn of the New World because of that, although I'm fairly certain that it won't end up anything like that. But anyway, it's nice to see the old cast return, with updates appearances and such. And regarding the translation, I think it might happen. I mean, they're bringing over the original Xillia, and that will most likely sell like hotcakes. Most Tales of games do, of course. However saying that, there is no real guarantee that it will happen, but we can always hope.
But I can't D: I literally can't do anything now that I've beaten the game. The bosses kill me in less than one hit and I deal minuscule damage to them. And don't even get me started on Julius >.>
Looks like somebody lives under a rock. And hey, it's fixed. Woo.
Why, Nomura. Why did you give Riku five final bosses, and Sora just one? WHY DO YOU HATE US NOMURA?
You didn't see anything.
Spoiler Robert Langdon sighed sadly as he stood there, motionless in the middle of the museum, waiting for something interesting to happen. Suddenly, a soft and sensual voice sounded from behind him, coupled with an irresistible tone. “Oh, Mr. Langdon. I see you’ve been waiting for me? How kind of you.” Surprised by the voice, Robert turned towards its source, observing the highlights as they struck his wide eyes. “Oh…” he murmured, feeling his 'intrigue-o-meter' rising at an increasingly fast rate. The woman smirked slyly, “Is that a torch in your pocket, Mr. Langdon? Or are you just happy to see me?” “I-I…erm, yes!...I mean no! Er…”Robert stuttered, shaking off his bewildered state of mind. The woman chuckled softly at the man’s awkwardness. “Now as you know, I require a favour from you. One will do.” “R-Right,” Robert sighed, feeling his face turn a deep shade of red as he continued speaking, “And...did you have anything in particular in mind?” “Of course. Please, come this way.” Cooed the woman, taking Robert by the hand and leading him into larger room filled with many antique looking beds and the like. As soon as he entered this unique room, Robert’s lower region suddenly erupted with a massive amount of pain, and as he cried out in discomfort, he instantly knew something was very wrong. Hearing Robert’s cry of pain, the woman turned and smiled innocently. ”Something the matter?” “N-No. I’m fine, thank you…” Robert uttered quickly, plastering a fake smile over his face as he looked up at the woman, his teeth clenched in agony more than anything else, "Keep it together, Langdon…" The woman smiled once more and turned back, “Alright then. And by the way, is that your natural skin colour? You look like a beetroot,” she gave off a short chuckle before continuing onward. Frowning at the comment, Robert lifted his right hand up to his cheek and realised that she was right, he must have been boiling at a temperature betweensixty-nine and ninety-six degrees Celsius. Alarmed, he threw his arms up at his forehead and, not surprisingly, his skin there was as hot as burning coal. Finally, Langdon felt another agonising squeeze from his lower regions, and this time he couldn’t stop himself, his lust was rising and he needed relieving. With a swift motion, Langdon surged forwards and sent the woman sprawling down onto the close-by bed, “Oh, I see you like it rough,” she purred as she landed on the mattress with a soft thud, seemingly more aroused than hurt. At that very same moment, CaptainFache was making his usual guard rounds in the museum, checking every nook and cranny for anything suspicious, especially sexually aroused teenagers, he’d learned first-hand that the museum was one of their favourite haunts after dark. Feeling particularly tired that night, Fache had decided to cut his rounds short, and so rounded the corner to an exceptionally popular area of the museum for the teens, knowing he would most likely find something there. University Professor Robert Langdon, was not what he had in mind however. “Oh my, looks like we have an admirer.” The woman sighed softly as she looked up at the stout man who was gaping like an idiot in the doorway, “Care to join us, stud?” Fache flushed a bright pink as his eyes were drawn to the woman’s large chest, “P-Perhaps…” he found himself stuttering before he could stop himself. With small steps, the Captain entered the room and instantly felt his libido lift upwards with great haste, enticing him forwards, and before he knew it he was over by the bedside, waiting to get a go with the walking pair of breasts. Usually, Robert would find this situation highly awkward and uncomfortable; however at this moment such things did not matter to him, all he wanted was to be relieved of his wooden liability. And even as he thought this, a nagging thought at the back of Langdon’s mind questioned his actions, for they were clearly not his own, it was almost as if he was being controlled by some outside force. Fache was thinking along the same lines, he couldn’t quite understand why he was doing this, in fact he should be doing quite the opposite, yet for some reason he couldn’t resist the urge of partaking in an activity such as this.The woman gave off another one of her giggles, glancing at the men at either side of her with a rather malicious looking smile. Murray would be extremely pleased with her achievements tonight, that she was certain of. And that’s what happens in the museum after dark. Good god my mind is horrible. Sorry if I've done something wrong here, but I am NOT redoing this.
Hai .
「1」Every time I stop and stumble in doubt and darkness 「5」 When I was young, the sky shone clear and bright and blue, And I smiled through every day, knowing that all my dreams would come true. 「12」['Cause I've found the path my heart will walk today.] 「24」Now there's none left I can trust, and all alone I fall and pray. 「32」{ ♥ } Free and faster than ever before 「46」 { ♥ } I'll fight onward And see you again, my friend.
Make it so!
Duck. I love it.
wow, that's so bad
Oh you.