just fine. just got back from golfing a couple hours ago, actually
lol. so how are ya?
good evening, kiryu. why are we being so formal?
im here. dyou still wanna kill deryck whibley?
come again?
i didnt mean for it to come out like that... and it did and i.. laughed my @$$ off!!
its really hard to tell, but it think i know whos gonna win...
i didnt know there was a good kind of emo....
you like your meat dont you? oh god......O.O
for the kh vids.net awards?i was actually wondering yesterday whether id be any competition in the best or worst username category
hopefully, it wont last lon and theyll just forget about it. just a suggestion and dont take this wrong, if there is a wrong way to take it. but try and not be on the computer as much when she's around and try to be helpful, just until you can start to get away with it. nothing will work for me, though. they have the damn thing password protected
well now ya have someone to relate to.
dont worry fire, i have the same thing at home... im just not home now. theyll usually let me on for 2 hours, and then i cant get on the next day, so i have to wait another day
thanks. if you need any codes tested, evilman, just let be know. only im away from my armax now, but still, consider me a tester!
in deep thought?
oh, im sorry i forgot. but i cant switch it from AR MAX to codebreaker, but ask around 'cause there are quite a few people here that can
hi jenn. howre you?
what about half and half chhese and pepperoni
same here.