Since the old Teen Titans/Avatar/Kingdom Hearts RPG died out, me and Ghanny decided to make a sequel. For those who haven't taken a peek at the old RP, it's basically a crossover between Teen Titans, Avatar, and Kingdom Hearts (of course)...everyone tries to beat the baddies, blah blah blah you get the picture. Users who took part in this RP before has the option of keeping or changing their characters. ^^ ------------------------------------------------------------ The rules god-modding, only two characters per person, keep it the usual rating...and yeah. ------------------------------------------------------------- Username: Character 1: Character 2 (optional): ------------------------------------------------------------------
Title explains it all...^^ It basically a RP from 2Foxxie4U's fanfic, "If Organization Used AIM" Just choose a character, and a screen-name. I call Roxas. ^^ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Xemnas-- Xigbar-- Xaldin-- Vexan-- Lexaeus-- Zexion-- Saix-- Axel-- Dawn_Keyblade_Mistress (Screen-name: H0tGawd) Demyx-- Jordier0xs0x (Screen-name: SurferBoi94) Luxord-- Marluxia-- Kingdom-Fan98 (Screen-name: Graceful Assassin) Larxene-- Larxene~Miss Antenne2~ (Screen-name: ~Miss Antenne~) Roxas-- Roxas_is_Hot (Screen-name: XIIIBladez ((I know, crappy sn...)) ) ------------ Sora-- Jordz (Screen-name: keyblade_BEARER) Kairi-- AerithRose (Screen-name: PinkPrincess07) Namine-- Namine_of_kh2 (Screen-name: forgotten_memories) Riku-- Zexion5221 (Screen-name: light_in_darkness) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Usual RPG rules god-moding, keep it PG-13, not too much swearing, blah blah blah.
Ah, such a pain in the arse. T_T I need at least 30 hours at my H.S.
I got a pop-up for Pee/Poo dolls...I wouldn't buy this for my kid if my life depended on it...
For those who play an instrument...what was your favorite piece you played? We're playing this piece called Loch's really pretty... Here's a recording... I totally have to blame the media for this. I know that the VT thing was a disaster and was had to be pointed out, but the media/press kept showing a bunch of BS about it, which somehow "inspired" little Cho copycats, which pretty much caused this. Of course, there has been a crapload of lockdowns and threats all over the place. Ugh. Barely half of the people here went to school Friday. T_T Any opinions?
Here's a list... Yoroi vs Sasuke --Sasuke Shino vs Zaku --Shino Kankuro vs Misutsie --Kankuro Sakura vs Ino --Draw Temari vs TenTen --Temari Shikamaru vs Kin --Shikamaru Naruto vs Kiba --Naruto Neji vs Hinata --Neji Lee vs Gaara --Gaara Dosu vs Choji --Dosu My favorite battle's the one with Lee and Gaara, although I'd give an left arm and leg to have Lee win.
Ok... My PS2's asking for a format disc...anyone mind explaining what the hell it is? They say this is the worst shooting for Universities in the U.S. Your thoughts?
(if this is in the wrong section mods/admins, you can move it...) ~*Welcome to the Roxas Fanclub!*~ After getting...several requests, I've decided to make a Roxas fanclub. PM me if you wish to join! ^_^ Owner: Roxas_is_Hot Co-owner:........ Members:
I don't watch Naruto enough to actually know how old they are...sooo....if it doesn't mention their old do are they? ... I'd say around 12-14, just by looking at them. >.>
T_T T_T T_T My username bores me. Maybe I should change it.. NO WAI.
Just wondering... My all-time faves are 48-50. Although the second time I watched it made me cry...
Three cups of coffee in one hour omg I'm so hyper I could jump off a building aheeeeeeeeeeeehhhhhhhhhhhhh. O.O o.O XD Dx :3 T3T
......... I just ordered KHII Final Mix. O.o I'm surprised my mom let me get it. XD
How are all these people becoming platinum members? T_T GYAAAAA. I gots to post more....
My computer has been cured *hugs computer* and I'm un-grounded. ^_^ VERY HAPPY AM I!
...I have a math test tomorrow. ;.; Wonderful.
I'm having a stress attack... My friend invited me to go out of town to a church thing...and we're going to be staying overnight at a hotel for two days in an hour or so. Everyone else can't wait for it, but I'm freaking out about it. My parents say I'm overreacting, but...the thought of staying at a hotel without them just freaks me out... -.- I've already gone to the nurse three times already...I know, it must sound quite immature, but ...
I heard on the news that some pervert decided to steal a newborn baby and a 6 year old kid. What the hell...this just shows what idiots some Americans can be...I mean...stealing a kid that small? It's not right...My God, you can't trust anymore anymore...I know it just sounds like a 15 year old rambling, but this is really starting to bug me.