What would you change? I'd make Lee win the Chunin exams, and let Orochimaru have his arms healed. >3 Youz?
My hand hurts. :bored: What should I do? .__________.
Yeah I know, my siggies FAIL HARD. No need to tell meh. I don't even think I've improved one bit...ah, why do I try? -___- I did try some of the advice people have given me, but....it still sucks. >.> Shuuuuuddap. T_T
Some other people's views on the book, if you're interested. fic·tion - [fik-shuhn] –noun 1. The class of literature comprising works of imaginative narration, esp. in prose form. 2. Works of this class, as novels or short stories: detective fiction. 3. Something feigned, invented, or imagined; a made-up story As some of you might have noticed, a lot of people seem to be BSing about the Harry Potter series, thinking that they will be "sent to Hell", it will "inspires their kids to perform witchcraft" and "condemn them for life" by reading one freakin' page of the damn book. I'm sick and tired of people complaining about these books, personally. It seems a lot of people have also blamed Potter for school shootings, gay icons, Death Eaters supporting the KKK, ect. I honestly think this is the biggest bunch of bull**** ever. How can you possibly expect a BOOK to cause this crap?! Dear freakin' God, it's all in people's heads. Like I said in other posts, it's time to get your head out of the Bible, and think about reality. I honestly think people are taking religion and this series waaaaaay too seriously. (As usual) The book, is FICTION, meaning it's not real. (See the definition above) If I point a wand at someone and shout "Avada Kedavra", they WON'T die. Apparently there are other people out there who think otherwise. If someone actually thinks all this stuff is real, they need a sit-down with someone to talk it all over. Me, being more of an Atheist than a Christan, can't really see why someone would think about the books this way. I find the books are written for entertainment, not to burden people and their kids with witchcraft and such. So what do you think about it? (I hope you all know I wasn't trying to flame people's views on religion and crap like that. I'm just trying to get my point heard.)
What's your favorite KH keyblade? Mine's Ultimate. :3
Apparently, some pizza place in Texas has allowed people to pay in Pesos, since half of the customers are Mexican. This is the 2nd restaurant that has allowed people to pay in Pesos. Should most places in the U.S also allow people to pay in Pesos?
Rumor has it that the Order of the Phoenix will be the last movie, since the actors are getting too old and such. Not much of a reason, in my eyes. :nono: Well?...
Something told me it could have been better, but I gave up before I had any good ideas. :bored: I'm getting better, I think. :dead:
Homygawd, I made a siggy. Mah first one. =o Yeah, I didn't use any brushes...I just looked through a really long tutorial. T_T I still gotta do the dishes.... Yeah, it looks like crap, I know. T_T
Forgive me if I'm being a noob and posting in the wrong spot...I'm not thinking the best today...:nono: Yeah, I'm trying to make all the winfull siggies that everyone else is making, only I have Jasc Paint Shop Pro 7. I have no idea how to download renders/brushes/whatever else the hell people use. *Won't go on in case post is in wrong spot. >.<*
Gawwwwd daaaaaaaaaaaaaamn....! My feet are killing me. :( And making siggy's on JPS is freakin' hard.
...Have I made this thread before?...gah.. Anyway, what are the commercials that make you want to throw your TV out the window? Every commercial known to man for me. (700 posts! O.O)
Rest of the article... When will it all end?...:nono:
I Ate A Taco! :guiltygearXpc37::guiltygearXpc37::guiltygearXpc37::guiltygearXpc37::guiltygearXpc37::silence:
Ris made a present for Mishy-Kins. Ris is such a good artist. (Posters: STFU GTFU! :yelling:) It's a duck.
I must say, that's the last time I go to Six Flags... Link
Yup, I'm leaving KHV. For good, probably not. I'll probably post once in a while, but don't expect much. I've just lost the urge to post here, and people just seem more...heartless? That's probably just me, but... Talk to y'all later...I guess.
Holy shizzle. Did anyone else watch WWE on Monday? Heh, Mr. McMahon's limo 'sploded. O.O I knew people hated the guy, but I didn't know they hated him THAT much... He's deeaaaad. It sounded like nobody really gave a flying crap at the ECW yesterday either.
For years, people have been debating over the Loch Ness monster, which is rumored to live in one of Scotland's old lakes. Some people have been starting to believe it, after a few video records, and a couple of pictures that apparently show the monster's head out of the water, a few ripples here and there, whatever. What do you think about the Loch Ness? I personally think it's pretty fake.
http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/18940766/site/newsweek/?GT1=9951 Well, this is wonderful. Now we have a drug resistant TB to worry about...with a 67% death rate. The doctors told this idiot who had the disease not to travel, but he had to anyway.