Alright, I gave it another shot... I've been trying to toy around with the FG a bit, but I honestly don't think I'm doing it right. T_T CnC, I guess. :bored:
Do automatic flushing toilets clog? :blink:
I'm getting my wisdoms pulled in less than a year. .-. That's all.
Get the fawk off of my internet.
You said if I did a little dance, you'd give me a banana. It's been a day, and I yet to have that banana in my hand. I DEMAND a banana...or...=\ Dammit, she's not even on.
I just swallowed a marble. D: D: D: D: D: D:
I wish I was a llama. :(
Who's that one person who you absolutely adore/role-model off of/look up to? I do hope nobody tries to look exactly like them though. >.> Mah daddy's mine. XD
Then I'd go get a Bowl-cut of Youth and eat some cotton candy. :3
Anyone going to watch?
Internet and computer are having problems I might have to leave for a few weeks or so. So...yeah. See you in a few weeks. ><
He's too sexy for his sexy. Too sexy for his sexy. Too sexy for his sexy. Too sexy for his sexy. Too sexy for his sexy. Too sexy for his sexy. Too sexy for his sexy. Too sexy for his sexy. Too sexy for his sexy. Too sexy for his sexy. Too sexy for his sexy. Too sexy for his sexy. Too sexy for his sexy. Too sexy for his sexy. Too sexy for his sexy. Too sexy for his sexy. Too sexy for his sexy. Too sexy for his sexy. Too sexy for his sexy. Too sexy for his sexy. Too sexy for his sexy. Too sexy for his sexy. Too sexy for his sexy. Mwaaah! D:
Who the fux keeps kicking meh out of the chat?!? D<
Who would it be? I'd bring Haku back. ;.;
Rest of the article here So...What do you think about it? Most people believe that the incident was caused by stress fractures in the parts that supported the bridge. All I know is that there's a bunch of bridges like that in my state...kinda spooky, no?
:D It's Harry Potter's birthday today. :O lol Ris, gtfo.
I took typing lessons in 6th grade, so I don't look at all...unless I want to see how fast I can type.... Soooz?....