I think it might be one of my worst ones yet. I can't feel the flow with it. XD CnC?
Lee and I are having our first kid. And we want you to be his godmother. Are you in?
According to some scientists somewhere in...some country and China, people believe that the world will actually end on December 21st, 2012. They say that on that date, the planets will all align together except for Earth, causing it somehow turn so that the North Pole will be the equator (or something, I really don't feel like looking it up at the moment for mucho details.) They say that the the change will be an absolute devastation; everything will be flooded, the Ring of Fire will all erupt at the same moment, and all hell will break lose. Some believe it, others don't. I happen to be one of those who don't. They have said that the world will end when the year 2000 would come. It's been seven years ever since then, and we're still standing. Some have also said that on 6/6/06, the devil should apparently come out of hell and destroy everybody too (...I'm probably wrong, I really don't give a damn about what the Bible says.) But apparently, no inhuman being has come out of hell yet, and we're all alive and well, no? But what do you think about it? Is this all a bunch of crap, or is it believable?
I know, this is a very random question and I'm not expecting any true replies, but have you ever seen an explosion anywhere around you? No, TV doesn't count. It's on the poll anyway. T_T It can be anything from a Pepsi bottle with a few Mentos in it to a gas explosion. O_O Lol, well?
Here's a sig I made for the SOTW. It looks more like crap than it usually does, since I didn't really fell like putting much into it. Ta-dah. CnC? XD
I was smurfin' around on this site Xigbar gave me that has a bunch of tutorials...and I decided to take a wack at a few. Here's the first... And the last... I might have messed up something in the tutorials...but oh well... CnC? (my kingdom for one review? :()
A simple question.... Me, being the huge Narutard/Leetard I am, I cry a lot when I watch it...I spelled 'Lee' with my used tissues once. XD
*facepalms* There's a reason why they want us to pay attention in our English classes...
For I get to spend the night in a caboose. =3 I don't think that can top any of your weekends. I can be called an official hobo.
That I made for the SOTW. It was my first try with Paths, so I know I didn't do good on it already. >.> It blocks out the 'S'...Damn. CnC? :( Jesus ****ing Christ! I am quite aware that I'm hated throughout this dammed forum, but am I asking a bit too much for a single ****ing review?! Don't worry, I'll high-tail it out of this dump at once.
:( *cricket* :( I was bored. I posted here. I have a project to finish. Health is gay.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NdD54rG9oQA You can't kill a god. Ris is unloved. D:
Yeah, I've gotten my way to a premmy, now to take a small break. It seems that people are getting slightly heartless again, (Dearie me, what a surprise) and...yeah. I'll only be on to say a word or two, and post in the Arts/Graphics thinger (I'll still be working on sigs) Tah-tah for now, mah dearies. (Like anyone cares XDDD)
And it hurts like, really super bad. Like, smash an anvil on your finger bad. :(
Should get his name changed to 'Sweeeeeeeeeeeeet Daddy D'. Cause he's teh pimp. And we're the hoes.
I tried fitting in quite a difficult tutorial I found on a GIMP tutorial site. My god, so many layers. XDDD I'm sure I screwed a few places up, but hell, it's the best I could come up with. T_T It needs a lot of work, but: :bored: CnC?
I wish I was a taco. Then I'd eat myself. :P
I had a dream I was pregnant. It was great! I craved strawberries. =D
I like potatoes.