but i should tell you this... Youtube gave you Swineternet Flu
I dont know why but..im interested in your opinions ^_^'' Tell meh what you like and hate :'D
A person I know is 12 and is now going out with a 17 year old. in my opinion it is absolutely sick...whats your opinion?
im expecting a fail grade in this but this is my coursework on the section on Creative writing. the plot is that this man leaves his nephews party late at night and is driving home. he is very very tired and falls asleep at the wheel. He is in a car crash and because of it, he suffers a serious case of amnesia. so everything is new to him. he see's the world through the eys of a child. English Creative Writing Driving…forever driving down this long lonesome road. I see nothing but the gray concrete road, with the only changes being when I turn a corner, since this is a twisty road. I hear only the roar of the engine, with the same sound over and over again. It seemed never-ending. I feel only my heartbeat and the time pass by. My lord it has been awhile since I left this car. As I turned a very dodgy corner I felt my hands grow numb, they felt slightly hurt and is slowly slipping away from the wheel. I took my hands off the wheel, to inspect them. As soon as I saw the sweaty red palm, I knew by instinct that I should keep focused. I look at the road, feeling like a zombie. My eyes have grown tired, I need to rest. There was no rest at my nephew’s party. It was so busy and troublesome however I think my sister still enjoyed her son being happy, that still brunette. By the end every adult and child was so tired, the adults went home and the children to bed. My home is so far away. I still have a long way to go, but I need sleep. Sleep sounds nice. Sleep seems right. Perhaps…I’ll have a nice dream. The ringing won’t stop. The ringing in my ears and the burning sensation in my head just won’t go. It hurts, and it just won’t go. Why won’t it stop? Why can’t it just leave me alone? Why am I suffering this? I wonder why this happened, and where I am. I hear a lot of voices however I can’t understand what they are saying, everything is so new, this pain, this sensation and this language. It is just new to me. I must find out what it there but I’m afraid, it could be anything. It could be something horrific, it feels safe but it just isn’t right. There’s something in the sound, something soft. I should check it out but I’m still afraid to do it, however I have to be brave. Cautiously, my eyes open and saw amazing things. I was in a soft long piece of material. It covered me and I just suddenly realised the sense of warmth it gave me. Under my head was a silky block, a block of pure comfort where around my heads was ripples like the lines on a zebra. I finally found the source of the sound, it was many things like me. They were tall and nice looking, all wearing the same thing, a white cloth with red lines on it. They were still speaking to each other, helping a person just like me. The hairy person opposite me was so white, like a scary ghost. His arm is full of little black pointy things which were so small I could just about see them. The eyes are scary though, unlike the tall kind people, his eyes were just white and terrifying. He looked like he was in a lot of pain, I wonder what happened to him. I moved in my bed, trying to get a closer look to him, and suddenly these tall people noticed me and started moving their mouths with sound coming out of it. It was difficult to understand the sound that came out of their mouth. They seemed to sense I didn’t know and looked at me with some complicated expression, sadness overwhelmed me, and I just don’t know where I am. I don’t even know who I am. Later, after many attempts to explore the area, these sad looking people came to apparently visit me. It was a brunette woman, a black haired fat man and also a blonde little girl. The girl and woman were crying their hearts out into the man. I felt a wave of emotion come over me, unknowing where it came from or why it happened. The woman embraced me as if I was her own son, wondering if I had any family, the rest then joined her. I knew these people cared about me but why? And I know these people but I don’t. There faces feel so familiar yet I cannot remember them, I cannot remember a single thing. It seems that those people is my ticket out of this white hell-hole because after a few days, the woman visited me and held my hand and started walking with me out of this place. The nurses didn’t try to stop me. As soon as I got out I saw simply amazing things. I saw upwards a blue void which I could never reach and some puffs which moved and had various shapes. I saw giant metal boxes moving around with people inside them and I saw grey surfaces to walk onto. There were many other wonderful things and that was before I got out of the gate. As soon as I was out of the door, the door felt like the gate to heaven. I saw giant poles with a curve at the end which emitted an amazingly bright light. I saw all types of those previous metal boxes. Some emitted lights, some didn’t. The lights are beautiful. Walking on with the woman guiding me we turned many ways, too confusing to remember. I saw other people and many weird things. There was a creature, it was hairy and had a snout. It made scary sounds at me. The little girl said something like ‘d-og’ but to tell the truth, I have no clue what she meant. After a little while and seeing a lot of those metal boxes, I just got used to them. I also got used to and bored of the blue aura above me. I noticed how other people didn’t really notice nor care about these things and how they only looked when crossing the path which was in the middle and had yellow lines on. The people I was walking with wasn’t sad but happy, I could see the false smile. After a lot of walking and many new things, such as giant brown sticks with green things on the end, we finally reached a giant room, at least it looked like that. The fat man got out a little shiny thing and put it into a tiny hole which clicked. He opened this door to a room full of thrash. There were blue lines everywhere, looking like ribbons which I saw in the white place except there it was white and wrapped around a bowl full of food. Today was very exciting, I hope everyday is like this.
Goddamit D= stupid gray square
to make a list of all the people that said they are gonna commit 'suicide' due to a website designed for a Childs game. i'll start off Riku lover
Title :D a new type of premium in the color....Blue to get this you require 2000 posts and at least 500 rep (that wont be me T-T) because the amount of premmys are rising...
whats with you and Chuck Norris? =3
and never came back, how would you remember it? I would remember it as the place i met Gaby 8D your turn please
i know its useless but it'll improve the quality and value of the site. In each Section e.g. Code Vault e.g. Spam Zone There will be a default number of days of how long a thread will last. However giant threads e.g. Post your picture should be left out =3 e.g. Spam Zone = 2 days Anime/Manga RP = 20 days course that isnt the real life line >_> i know its useless but it'll make Kh-v something more valuable.
hobo's are disgusting >_>
i knew you would look here.
I met your twin...Koi Herpes Virus (KHV).
and this time i have a reason :( im going on holiday to Orlando, with mah sister causing problems because she doesnt want to go @.@ HAVE FUN AT THE GRADPARENTS...anyway im going on Holiday and my laptop is broken :( so if im on im most likely on someones computer or at school D: have fun without me, bet you'll forget me ¬.¬
and i am also preparing myself for the insults X]
saying he's in power made me think he's the king of ze spam zone... does that make CtR the goverment?? O_o
My one is named Brandon
...when we actually had member numbers 8D
mine iz axekhl765 & Xaren 8D