There is this guy that I know, I went out with him late last year and early this year, and he was a complete jerk to me when were going out, he cheated on me and pretty much ignored me all the time. We are broken up now, since January, and for awhile we were pretty good friends, when we were going out I helped him alot with his problems about not letting stuff go and thinking what happened in the past stayed in the past. For a few weeks we did not talk or anything and this was because I was just tired of him, he was a jerk again and I could not deal with it. I started to talk to him again and he admits to me that he has a drinking problem again, I have been trying to get him to stop, but atleast twice a week he upsets me and we get into an argument. I really just want to stop being friends with him because he is such a jerk, but he told me that I helped him out before, by getting his life straight, but when we stopped talking he went back to the way he was. I am not the only person he does this to, he does it to his other, really close friends as well. One of them, I am also good friends with, and he has also gotten to the same point I have. He really annoys more than just the two of us and I really just want to keep away from him, to keep me from going insane, on that note he also drives my mom insane. I need to know whether or not to just not be friends with him anymore or try to help him again. Please help me out here.
First real trailer. What do you think?
Lately I have been talking to many people about the books in the Twilight Saga. I figured since so many people seem to like it, why not make an RP? Please join! And if some of the characters are not on the list please tell me and I will add them! (: Characters: Bella: Spunk Ransom Edward: The Fifth Element Charlie: DestinyStar Alice: Spunk Ransom Rosalie: DestinyStar Jasper: Emmett: Carlisle: DestinyStar Jacob Black: The Fifth Element Jessica: Riku_Gaara Mike Newton: Eric: Angela: Princess_of_hearts Billy Black: Esme: Princess_of_hearts Laurent: Victoria: DestinyStar Renee Sar: Tyler Gregory: Waylon Forge: Phil: Leah: Sam: Name: Samantha (Sam) Trescot Age: 17 Class: Human Looks: Bio:Samantha grew up in Forks (lol utensil), and loves the rain. She likes being in a close, small town, and being able to know everyone. However, when the Cullens and Hales came to town, she (like most others) was enthralled by their mystery. New people interested her, but she never got the guts to talk to any of them. Rules: It would probably help if you had some basic knowledge of Twilight, but I don't think it will be a requirement. 3 Characters max. Keep the cursing to a minimum. Keep it PG-14
he is my master. He told me to post this thread because I "submitted to his will". and he made me emo. The End.
If anyone was curious XD
Because I am not a Sora fangirl anymore. Suggestions would be greatly appreciated! XD Stuff that could be helpful! XD Robert Pattinson is my favorite actor. I love the Twilight series. Edward Cullen. Cedric Diggory. I also like the Harry Potter series. Also, I am not really into the concept of fangirl anymore >.< Color: Eh, pink or purple. Season: Winter. Birth Month: April Task 2, if you don't know what this means, ignore this part! BTW task three will be ALOT harder!
Or should I say MadiKira? Are you Kira?
So has Death Note become a fad again? It seems so to me.
I was bored and found it on YouTube, thought I would share, there are other ones as well.
Just wondering...
Woo! Let's all watch it.
Because of 8 Simple Rules. =[[[[[
What's that? A hat! A crazy, funky, junky hat! Overslept, hair unsightly! Trying to look like Keira Knightley! We've been there, we've done that, we see right throught you funky hat! XD
Okay, so I am extremely bored and decided to start a wonderful new RP! Okay so here we go! The lands name is Busistocaria, te wonderful land is full of mythical creatures and normal people. For years they have been living together in harmony, until a group of people rise up from the darkness and decide to try and take over the wonderful kingdom. The royal family was assembling an army when the group got through the castle walls and killed the king and queen, they took the princess and then left her in a small town. Rules: Keep it PG-13 Mild cussing is fine. 5 OCs max. OC Form: Played By: Name: Appearance: Age: Gender: Species: Powers: Weapons: Side: (Good, bad, own) Anything Else: Okay so this was just a cause of my boredom, but I hope people will join! :) Characters: Played By: sorafangirl Name: Rosalie or Rose for short (the princess) Appearance: Age: 17 Gender: Female Species: Human Powers: To be revieled. Weapons: Bow and arrow. Side: Good. Anything Else: nope. Played By: sorafangirl Name: Alice Appearance: Age: 17 Gender: Female Species: Vampire Powers: Fire and Ice Weapons: Bow and Arrow Side: Good. Anything Else: nope. Played By: sorafangirl Name: Jasper Appearance: Age: 17 Gender: Male Species: Vampire Powers: Can make people calm down and be relaxed in a sense, ice. Weapons: One sword. Side: Good. Anything Else: Has known Alice for a long time. Played By: sorafangirl Name: Edward Appearance: Age: 17 Gender: Male Species: Vampire Powers: Strong, fast, and can read minds. Weapons: none. Side: Good. Anything Else: Has known Alice and Jasper for a very long time. Played By: Fayt-harkwind Name: Blake Appearance: bright red coat over chainmail vest, and black pants, with armoured boots and gauntlets spikey red hair Age: 19 Gender: Male Species: Half human, half fire spirit Powers: fire based abilities Weapons: Blazing Spear (basically a fire enhanced spear) Side: Good Anything Else: Blake is always full of energy and sometimes never shuts up Played By: Twilightblader Name: Blade Appearance: Age: 18 Gender: Male Species: Human Powers: quick movement and sheild and others to be shown Weapons: Swords Side: Good Anything Else: Old guardian of the kingdom but after the invasion he gave up his job out of shame and starts to live in a village Played By:sora117 Name:Rey Appearance:long red smooth hair Age:13 Gender:m Species:human/demon(dosent know part demon) Powers:all magic Weapons:a sword called pasa Side: (Good, bad, own) all Anything Else:he is quiet and is in same town as princess Name:max Appearance:smooth black hair red eyes and medium height Age:19 Gender:f Species:human/demon Powers:shape shift/pyro Weapons:a long sowrd he kalls katlin Side: (Good, bad, own)bad Anything Else:knows Rey Played By:sora117 Name:shayo Appearance:long black hair white short Age:13 Gender:f Species:human Powers:she can use magic Weapons:a dagger and a bow and arrow Side: (Good, bad, own)she cant choose Anything Else: she knows max and REy's relation ship ^.^ Played By:sora117 Name:ming Appearance: looks catish Age:15 Gender:f Species:human/cat Powers:to act kattish and magic Weapons:dual blade Side: (Good, bad, own) unknown Anything Else: likez blade and Rey but more blade Played By: overload Name: rexejon 'rozardo' Appearance: Age: 18 Gender: male Species: human Powers: fire,darkness,time and space Weapons:2 katana's Side: neutrall (for now) Anything Else: Played By: overload Name: metronome Appearance: Age: 17 Gender: male Species: human Powers:ice,light Weapons:knifes,bow Side: neutrall (for now) Anything Else: Played By: Sessamaru Name: Vallyn Desp'Ana Appearance: Age: 68 Gender: Male Species: Drow (Dark Elf)/Shade Powers: Inpenetrable Globe of Darkness, Faerie Fire, Shadowstep, and magical knowledge. Weapons: Two enchanted rapiers, Mournagh and Zilvinidia; Long elven bow, three quivers of shadow arrows. Side: Lawful Evil Anything Else: Vallyn Desp'Ana, as honourable as a knight and as evil as corrupted kings, seeks the one person who used him as a puppet. He seeks a wizard of great power... He seeks his brother.[/ Played By: Sessamaru Name: Quarrak Desp'Ana Appearance: Age: 250 Gender: Male Species: Drow Powers: Inpenetrable Globe of Darkness, Faerie Fire, Nethereal Magicks, and magical knowledge. Weapons: Staff of Omnis, wands/rods, Dual-Swords of Despair. Side: Chaotic Evil Anything Else: Quarrak is the most powerful wizard up-to-date and is extremely skilled in the use of blade. Like most dark elves, he wields two swords, thus having a series of tricks up his sleeves (quite literally). He's the complete opposite of Vallyn, his adopted brother. (Save for the fact they're both evil...)
it's ramen time.
I'm bored...
I was thinking and I joined this site in October of 2006 and only have like 300 posts, seems sad to me.
This is what I am doing right is so hot!
I am really bored, and just thought a thread where people could join together and act like total idiots would be fun...but that's just me. =D Anyway ya GO CRAZY GO NUTS!