From 358/2 Days! <3
Make the new thread alreadyyyyyyyyy!
May contain spoilers! Okay, so Renegade Angel and I were talking and he mentioned that Xion looked like Kingdom Hearts one Kairi. So, I began to wonder, that maybe Kairi's nobody is Xion. Then whose nobody is Naminé? I came up with that since Sora's and Kairi's hearts were connected, Naminé is a combination of both Sora and Kairi. Any comments? Added by Azure Flame(he says that Xion is the mixture of Sora and Kairi):
Okay, so, I was trying to change my avatar and all of the sudden my internet just closed on me. I have tried to change it again but it just keeps closing every time. I thought maybe it was Firefox so I tried with Internet Explorer, but it still booted me off. Any idea why?
I'd vote for him.
Yay. Just incase some people have not seen it yet. It came out Thursday. Edward's voice is smexy.
I found this quite interesting. If you are wondering, this is the source of my name. (:
The song In Another Life by the Verionicas inspired this signature. The song has always reminded me of Bella and Jacob's relationship. I DID NOT WRITE THE SONG! The song is now at the bottom of this post if you want to listen to it, also there because, I didn't write the song. It is a Bella and Jacob sig, but not in a couple-y way. This is pre-Breaking Dawn. Most comes from New Moon with maybe one or two hints of Eclipse. Here are the lyrics and the reasons why I did this sig. Also, the explanation may contain spoilers for those that have not read the Twilight Saga. So, if you have not read it, please still CnC, just don't read the explanation. *This color means that I am explaining the lyric. I have known you my whole life ~ the two of them are family friends When you were ten, you said you'd make me your wife ~ none Eight years later you won me over ~ She would be eighteen here, how old she was when he became her beacon of light when Edward left.Just as I took the world on my shoulders ~ Edward leaving. I got used to living without you ~ none Endless phone calls and dreaming about you ~ when he became "sick "she called him over and over again.Always said that you were my man to be ~ Okay, so technically, this is just because he is very persistent about getting Bella.But I guess I was in love with your memory ~ none You know I love you, I really do ~ She does. XD But I can't fight anymore for you ~ Edward being her love. And I don't know, maybe we'll be together again ~ none Sometime, in another life In another life ~ If Edward, had never been turned into a vampire, she would never have met him, so if that happened she would be with Jacob. --said in Eclipse I know I said that I would keep my word I wished that I could save you from the hurt But things will never go back to how we were I'm sorry I can't be your world ~She has that gaping "hole" in New Moon, so she can't give herself to him. You know I love you, I really do But I can't fight anymore for you And I don't know, maybe we'll be together again Sometime, in another life In another life (another life) ~same as at the beginning The way you're holding on to me ~ Him being very persistent, and not wanting to let Bella go.Makes me feel like I can't breathe Just let me go, just let me go It just won't feel right inside God knows I've tried ~ Again, the "hole" she has in New Moon. You know I love you, you know I do But I can't fight anymore for you And I don't know, maybe we'll be together again Sometime, in another life ~ Same as the beginning part. In another life, in another life In another life ... ~ The Edward thing again. Also, I may re-do this. I am not sure if I like it or not. And, the picture is not fan art, but a picture from the Japanese Twilight, manga type thing. *Okay, so to clear up some confusion, I decided to post the song:*
So, I went fishing on Saturday and the sky looked lovely and I had to take some pictures of it. This one turned out to be my favorite. It's pretty simple, but I like it. So yeah, what are your thoughts on it?
Okay, first off, this is not finished, but I wanted some pointers. So please comment with your opinions! CnC P.S. Sorry about the large size.
I was experimenting I suppose, still getting used to some new brushes. CnC!
Okay, so, you know how on some YouTube videos you can watch them in higher quality, right? Well my computer seems to not like doing this, and at skips around and stuff. Not only is this on YouTube, but also in my Windows Media Player. Is there any way to get my computer to play videos better?
A signature I made, lol. This actually started out to have Taylor Lauter/Jacob Black in it, but I decided to put in Haruhi. Well, CnC please! (:
Okay, I'm not sure if this is in the right part of the Graphic Art section, if not, please move! (: Okay, so I am some need of GOOD brushes for GIMP. I do have some, but most of them are terrible. If you know anywhere that I can find good brushes please let me know! (:
and the site had a new layout/style/way it looked.
I know it's crappy, but what can be done? C 'n' C, I suppose.
I would like to use a GIF as my avatar, but they are all too large. Is there anyway to shrink the file size?
Because I have gotten several asking me to join other forums. I know you can't do it in thread, I checked the rules, but what about PMing?
The release date has been pushed back to July 17, 2009. ): The release of Twilight has been pushed up to Nov. 21, though, yay.