Okay, so I need some new music to listen to. If anyone has some good songs or bands please share with me. I am not picky about genre, I listen to pretty much EVERYTHING so suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
Do many of you really remember who I am, since I haven't been that active of late?
I have facebook suggesting that I be friends with two people from this here forum. Stange.
So, I haven't even attempted avatars in a while, so don't be too brutal. Advice and critique would be lovely. <3 If you would like to use one, just let me know, please. (: Resource: http://moogledaime.livejournal.com/
So lately, life has been completely busy and hectic. I barely have any free time anymore, and honestly when I do have it, all I do is sleep. Life has just been crazy, and when I do have time I need to spend it with the people I love in real life. This is not a "I'm leaving forever" thread, I'm just not gonna be around as much as I used to. Heck, I have barely been on at all lately, and I'm glad I even had time to type this. There are a lot people here that I am close to, and I am just too lazy to type out goodbyes to everyone, but I am gonna miss all of you dearly and I hope to speak to you all again soon. So ta ta for now.
Okay, so I have had my computer off for a few days, last night, I plugged it in, and then the power went off. I turned it back on after that and then very shortly after turned it back off and unplugged it. Then today, I plugged it back in, and everything was working fine. Then I downloaded Google Chrome. I was browsing the internet from there, and I had several tabs loading at once, and then my computer just turned off. Although, the LED light was still on, as well as the monitor. I have tried unplugging everything and when turning it on, the LED light turns on, but the fans do not seem to spin and I can not even get to the Start Up screen. Any advice as to what I can do?
There was just a hawk on my back porch. It was pretty much amazing.
Anyone know how to get rid of that search bar? Also, the links that say "Most Visited", "Getting Started", and "Latest Headlines"?
So, I have not made anything in FOREVER and just decided to take a shot at something. What do you think?
I had a dream I got banned.
Some Days Some days we're the best of friends. Some days, I feel as if you hate me. Some days we talk on hours on end, Some days you barely even speak. I hate the feeling I get, when I feel like you leave me And move on to someone new. I feel like an old picture left in the dust. Forever forgotten. But some days, our friendship is a must. And you are the only one that I trust. To tell my little secrets to. I somehow love and hate where we have gotten. I wrote this rather quick. I just had the urge to write some poetry. I have not attempted to write it in a while, so if it sucks, don't be afraid to tell me.
It starts Monday June eighth! I can say I am very excited. :<3: More details, including a promo can be found here: http://abcfamily.go.com/abcfamily/path/section_Shows+GilmoreGirls/page_Detail
for ravioli.
New ending.
TurquoiseBurger and I are sitting in Advanced Computer doing absolutely nothing. What are you up to?
I will be 16. Yay.
In about six hours. I have been in massive pain for the last two days and I am ready to get out my gallbladder. Great thing about the hospital I am going to, they have video games.
Fun stuff right? I have to get it removed.
Is back. OMG Yay.
Well, posting is like EXTREMELY slow this morning, do you agree?