Search Results

  1. Spunk Ransom
    Okay, so I need some new music to listen to. If anyone has some good songs or bands please share with me. I am not picky about genre, I listen to pretty much EVERYTHING so suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
    Thread by: Spunk Ransom, Jun 14, 2010, 14 replies, in forum: Music
  2. Spunk Ransom
    Do many of you really remember who I am, since I haven't been that active of late?
    Thread by: Spunk Ransom, Jun 10, 2010, 53 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  3. Spunk Ransom
    I have facebook suggesting that I be friends with two people from this here forum. Stange.
    Thread by: Spunk Ransom, Mar 13, 2010, 4 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  4. Spunk Ransom
    So, I haven't even attempted avatars in a while, so don't be too brutal. Advice and critique would be lovely. <3

    If you would like to use one, just let me know, please. (:


    Thread by: Spunk Ransom, Jan 17, 2010, 3 replies, in forum: Arts & Graphics
  5. Spunk Ransom

    Toodles All

    So lately, life has been completely busy and hectic. I barely have any free time anymore, and honestly when I do have it, all I do is sleep. Life has just been crazy, and when I do have time I need to spend it with the people I love in real life. This is not a "I'm leaving forever" thread, I'm just not gonna be around as much as I used to. Heck, I have barely been on at all lately, and I'm glad I even had time to type this. There are a lot people here that I am close to, and I am just too lazy to type out goodbyes to everyone, but I am gonna miss all of you dearly and I hope to speak to you all again soon. So ta ta for now.
    Thread by: Spunk Ransom, Oct 6, 2009, 6 replies, in forum: Departure Hall
  6. Spunk Ransom
    Okay, so I have had my computer off for a few days, last night, I plugged it in, and then the power went off. I turned it back on after that and then very shortly after turned it back off and unplugged it. Then today, I plugged it back in, and everything was working fine. Then I downloaded Google Chrome. I was browsing the internet from there, and I had several tabs loading at once, and then my computer just turned off. Although, the LED light was still on, as well as the monitor. I have tried unplugging everything and when turning it on, the LED light turns on, but the fans do not seem to spin and I can not even get to the Start Up screen. Any advice as to what I can do?
    Thread by: Spunk Ransom, Sep 22, 2009, 0 replies, in forum: Technology
  7. Spunk Ransom


    There was just a hawk on my back porch. It was pretty much amazing.
    Thread by: Spunk Ransom, Sep 21, 2009, 4 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  8. Spunk Ransom

    Anyone know how to get rid of that search bar?

    Also, the links that say "Most Visited", "Getting Started", and "Latest Headlines"?
    Thread by: Spunk Ransom, Sep 11, 2009, 2 replies, in forum: Technology
  9. Spunk Ransom
    So, I have not made anything in FOREVER and just decided to take a shot at something. What do you think?

    Thread by: Spunk Ransom, Sep 11, 2009, 4 replies, in forum: Arts & Graphics
  10. Spunk Ransom


    I had a dream I got banned.
    Thread by: Spunk Ransom, Jul 22, 2009, 4 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  11. Spunk Ransom

    Some Days

    Some Days

    Some days we're the best of friends.
    Some days, I feel as if you hate me.
    Some days we talk on hours on end,
    Some days you barely even speak.
    I hate the feeling I get, when I feel like you leave me
    And move on to someone new.
    I feel like an old picture left in the dust.
    Forever forgotten.
    But some days, our friendship is a must.
    And you are the only one that I trust.
    To tell my little secrets to.
    I somehow love and hate where we have gotten. ​

    I wrote this rather quick. I just had the urge to write some poetry. I have not attempted to write it in a while, so if it sucks, don't be afraid to tell me.
    Thread by: Spunk Ransom, Jul 22, 2009, 6 replies, in forum: Archives
  12. Spunk Ransom
    It starts Monday June eighth! I can say I am very excited. :<3:

    More details, including a promo can be found here:
    Thread by: Spunk Ransom, May 27, 2009, 5 replies, in forum: Movies & Media
  13. Spunk Ransom
    for ravioli.
    Thread by: Spunk Ransom, May 25, 2009, 9 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  14. Spunk Ransom


    New ending.

    Thread by: Spunk Ransom, May 22, 2009, 9 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  15. Spunk Ransom


    TurquoiseBurger and I are sitting in Advanced Computer doing absolutely nothing. What are you up to?
    Thread by: Spunk Ransom, Apr 22, 2009, 7 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  16. Spunk Ransom
    I will be 16.

    Thread by: Spunk Ransom, Apr 22, 2009, 3 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  17. Spunk Ransom


    In about six hours. I have been in massive pain for the last two days and I am ready to get out my gallbladder. Great thing about the hospital I am going to, they have video games.
    Thread by: Spunk Ransom, Mar 17, 2009, 7 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  18. Spunk Ransom
    Fun stuff right? I have to get it removed.
    Thread by: Spunk Ransom, Mar 12, 2009, 12 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  19. Spunk Ransom

    New Posts

    Is back. OMG Yay.
    Thread by: Spunk Ransom, Feb 9, 2009, 1 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  20. Spunk Ransom
    Well, posting is like EXTREMELY slow this morning, do you agree?
    Thread by: Spunk Ransom, Feb 1, 2009, 4 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone