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  1. Destiny's Force
    I used the Search function on the forum and checked YouTube. I don't think anyone else has posted this before, so I guess I'll be the first! :)

    Sora's Credits:

    <object width="425" height="355"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="355"></embed></object>

    Riku's Credits:

    <object width="425" height="355"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="355"></embed></object>

    Try playing them both at the same time! :D
    Thread by: Destiny's Force, Nov 7, 2007, 0 replies, in forum: Production Studio
  2. Destiny's Force
    I used the Search function on the forum and checked YouTube. I guess I'm the only one who actually did it. :)

    Sora's Credits:

    <object width="425" height="355"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="355"></embed></object>

    Riku's Credits:

    <object width="425" height="355"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="355"></embed></object>

    Try playing them both at the same time! :D
    Thread by: Destiny's Force, Nov 7, 2007, 0 replies, in forum: Production Studio
  3. Destiny's Force
    (Note from Author: Just so you know, this has nothing to do with KH. The segment that I'm posting is from my other fan fiction: "Triple M: Legend of the Chosen One." However, seeing that I'm nowhere close to being able to post it as it takes place a dozen chapters in the future and I've seen other non-KH, fan-created character fiction posted here as well, I decided to put it up for the public and hear their critiques. Again, this is a future chapter, so I'm not planning on continuing this chapter until I get the ones before it done first. :sideways: Anyway, enjoy! ;) )

    (Another note: The fan characters "Michael" and "Rachel" are both 16. "Trance Mesmer" is a summoned elemental creature and has no age.)

    “Come on, Rachel! Snap out of it!”

    “Save your breath, boy,” Trance Mesmer cackled. The siren stretched out her wings from the amphitheater’s rafters out of attack range. “This girl’s rage and fear are the only emotions she’ll listen to now.” Michael didn’t know what to do. There was no one left to help him. His smart, voice-of-reason sister, Rebecca, was knocked unconscious and out of the fight. His burly, dependable friend, Duke, was miles away. The only other person who could help him was the person he was being forced to fight now.

    Rachel pulled out what appeared to be a thin, silver cylinder around the size of a hand weight. With a flick of her thumb, a neon-pink strand of energy snaked out of one end, spilling onto the floor. It was her weapon: an energy whip.

    “Don’t do this, Rach.” Michael pleaded. They’d been best friends for the past four years and he didn’t want to hurt her. Rachel, however, didn’t seem to have any inhibitions about holding back. She cocked back her arm and snapped her whip, cracking the air inches in front of his face forcing him to flinch. But the message was clear: That was a warning shot.

    With a hurt expression on his face, Michael reluctantly unsheathed his sword. Holding it in front of him in a defensive stance, he forced his mind to think of some way out of this situation. “Man, wish I could ask Beca. She’s the smart one,” he thought. The two combatants circled each other like two predators creeping around a dead animal. Eventually one of them would have to make the first attack.

    Michael was usually a close-range fighter. When it came to hand-to-hand combat, he was one of the best. Unfortunately, Rachel’s long range with her whip made close-range combat almost impossible. Like a rhythmic gymnast, her whip twirled around in a constant spiral motion.

    “She said ‘rage and emotion’, right? That must mean there’s a reason why she’s got all this animosity toward me,” he realized. “Rachel, what’s up?” he asked struggling to keep his voice calm and neutral. “We’re friends, right? If you’ve got a problem, just tell me!”

    “You?!” she cried. “You’re the problem!”

    “Me?” he repeated in a confused tone. “What’d I do?”

    “I saw you!” she blurted angrily. “You were kissing her!”

    It took a few moments for him to realize what she was referring to. His eyebrows shot up in surprise. “That’s what this is all about? She kissed me! I didn’t…” Her weapon interrupted his words, slicing through the air straight at his head. Michael’s conditioned body reacted automatically; the coiled muscles within his legs shot him aside deflecting the whip away with his sword.

    “Shut up, you jerk!” With no wasted motion, she pulled her whip back for another attack. The next few seconds seemed to flash at superhuman speed. Rachel’s weapon blurred into neon after-images as Michael’s entire world became a deadly game of jump rope and dodgeball. Jump! Duck! Lean back! Parry! Side to side, bob and weave, stick and move!

    “Wait a…” Something finally dawned on him. As naïve as he was when it came to matters of the heart, it finally occurred to him the distinct possibility that… “Are you jealous?” This came as an overwhelming shock. Time and again, they had hung out and fought together side by side. Whenever the subject about a relationship between them arose, she had always flat-out denied any feelings for him. However, what she said and what she did ended up being almost contradictory.

    “You’re the one who said you weren’t interested!” he snorted with amusement. Unfortunately, the realization was his undoing. As he said this, his reactions slowed down enough for her weapon to make contact. Her whip snaked itself around his arm catching him off guard.

    “I’m not! Why would I want to waste my romantic tendencies on a perverted imp like you?” And with that insult, she yanked, hard. The sudden movement caught him off balance forcing him to jump right into the path of her incoming fist. Michael could feel the familiar sharp, piercing pain that came whenever his nose got crushed by her punch. Unfortunately, Rachel took the opportunity of the temporary close range to fire off a blazing fast spinning back kick that knocked Michael’s sword out of his grip. He could only watch helplessly as his weapon flew end over end through the air and embedding itself in the floor with a dull “SHOONK”.

    A knee to the solar plexus sent Michael’s body flying a few feet before she reeled his caught arm back toward her like a yo-yo and smashed him against the side of the head with a double-handed hammerblow. Dazed by the impact, he staggered around on his feet like a heavily beaten drunk. “Hey, I told you before; it’s not my fault these things keep happening! It’s not like I mean to trip!” Rachel rolls her eyes.

    “Do you expect me to believe that whenever your face implants itself in my chest or you rip off my skirt or your hand happens to grab my…” She shakes her head in disbelief. “Do you really expect me to believe all of that happens because you keep tripping?” Rachel sadistically delivered a cup-shattering nut-cruncher to where the sun didn’t shine. Michael’s eyes rolled upward from the unbearable shock to the system as his knees hit concrete.

    “That’s it!” the ancient creature shrieked from the rafters. “Finish him off!”

    Without hesitation, Rachel wrapped the remainder of her whip around Michael’s neck and gave a cold, quick jerk on both ends. As the noose tightened around his neck and he felt the lightheadedness from the blood flow cut off, for the first time in his life, he regretted never being able to muster up the courage to tell her how he felt. However, the regret quickly dissipated into self-righteous anger. After facing off against numerous odds, after getting his butt kicked from one end of the world to the other, after constantly refusing to give up the path of justice to the easy path, he was damned if he was going to let a trivial matter like this stop him.

    He tried to meet her eyes, but they were met with a hard, glassy stare. Michael knew what was to be done, but doing so would mean sacrificing his ego, pride and dignity. He mentally shrugged his shoulders within his mind. “What the heck, it’s not like I’ve anything else to lose.” Michael mustered whatever oxygen he had left and shouted in a clear, sharp voice, “Damn it, Rachel! I love you!” As soon as the words left his lips, he felt a cleansing feeling of relief as if he was finally purged of some inner demon that had been building up inside of him.

    Rachel’s expression immediately faded from cold ruthlessness to stunned softness. He felt the tightness around his neck slacken and took the opportunity to take in a gulp of fresh oxygen. In that brief moment, he could see the internal struggle within her mind. “Forgive me,” he whispered before his free hand flew toward the side of her exposed neck. He pinched a bundle of nerve clusters, forcing Rachel to slump on top of Michael in a deep, unconscious heap.

    As he lay there catching his breath, he took a moment to savor the feeling of her warm, sensuous form up against him, knowing that this was a once-in-a-lifetime event and he would most likely never be this close to her again as long as he lived. After burning the feelings and emotions he felt into his memory, he reluctantly rolled her body off of his and set her aside out of the way. He wrenched his sword out of the ground and looked upward toward his true enemy.

    “Siren…” Michael’s glare narrowed into a furious squint. His muscles tensed as his opponent left the sanctuary of the sky and glided onto the battlefield.

    “I didn’t think you had it in you, boy. I never thought you’d actually be able to break my spell over your friend without harming her.” The creature fully stretched out her wingspan and let out a haunting screech. “I guess I’m just going to have to take care of you myself.” With an unwavering stare locked onto his enemy, he extended his arm with a face-up palm and flexed his fingers, beckoning his opponent.

    “Don’t sing it, JUST bring it.”

    (P.S. Don't worry, I'm still working on the next chapter for "Sora and Kairi's Wedding. :) )
    Thread by: Destiny's Force, Nov 2, 2007, 2 replies, in forum: Archives
  4. Destiny's Force
    No plot. This is the "Best Of" compilation video!

    In case you haven't seen the others, the KH Ultimate Team-Up series pitted two KH heroes (besides Sora and Donald/Goofy or Riku & Mickey) versus two KH villains. And then I basically used every joke in my arsenal to create unimaginable pairings from BOTH KH games as they tag-team their way to victory!

    Anyway, check the series out when you get the chance. ;)

    <object width="425" height="355"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="355"></embed></object>
    Thread by: Destiny's Force, Oct 28, 2007, 0 replies, in forum: Production Studio
  5. Destiny's Force
    I don't know if this thread should be here or in the KH2 section, but I'll ask this anyways.

    Since KH:358/2 is going to be international, they're most likely going to have to hire/rehire English Dub actors for the other Organization members, right?

    So, my question is this:

    If they finally do have English Dub voices for all thirteen Org. members, do you think they'll finally dub KH2:FM+ and Re:CoM?
    Thread by: Destiny's Force, Oct 18, 2007, 22 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  6. Destiny's Force
    Sora and Kairi's Wedding: A Kingdom Hearts Alternate Future

    (I've been wanting to get this off my chest for a while now. Here's my theory on what was in that letter at the end of KH2 and who you get to fight as in the prologue of KH3)

    It was months ago that Kairi had first shown the bottled letter to Sora and Riku. The letter had said that being a "Princess of Heart" from Radiant Garden, Kairi had no choice but to return to her homeworld. Kairi's worried expression grew deeper as they read further. In order to become the rightful ruler, though, she was required to (Riku smirked at this line) be married on her 16th birthday. Clueless as ever, Sora didn't understand anything in the letter except that Kairi had to go to Radiant Garden.

    "Don't you get it, Sora?" Riku was telling him a few hours later as they relaxed on the fallen palm tree. "She has to get married or else she'll forfeit her right to rule Radiant Garden." Sora sucked thoughtfully on his sea-salt ice cream bar. While they were gone adventuring, Destiny Islands managed to get a shipment of sea-salt ice cream.

    "But don't you think it's too soon? I mean, we're finally together again after these two years and we haven't even gone out on a real date yet!" Riku let out a short laugh.

    "Just be glad that she actually gets to choose who she marries."

    Sora winced as the alternative scenario played through his mind. "Right, Kairi could've been forced to marry Cloud."

    "And you're saying like that's a bad thing?" Kairi said as she unexpectedly appeared from behind them. "I don't know, Sora, the way his hair is more spikier than yours can intrigue a girl's interest." Sora stammered for a response, but Kairi only giggled at the fact that she had just made Sora jealous.

    They spent the first few months looking for a loophole, anything that would save Kairi from being a ruler at 16 years old. With the limited time they had before the date of the wedding, they couldn't ask many of their friends for help. In short, they were pretty much royally screwed. And now after months of preparation, after weeks of teaching Kairi how to properly wield a Keyblade, the biggest day in the history of the kingdom was upon them. The biggest day for both Sora and Kairi.

    Thanks to a combination of Cid's Gummi ship experience and Merlin's magic, Sora, Kairi and Riku's friends had left their worlds to attend the wedding. From Tarzan to Hercules, Ariel to Mulan, they all showed up carrying oblong, thin packages along with wrapped gifts as well. Goofy was in charge of security, so nothing would get past him...

    Yeah, right.

    Of course, Riku was Best Man. Donald was Ring Bearer. Selphie was there as Maid of Honor and Aerith was Flower Girl, naturally.

    And as Master of Ceremonies, who else could be better for the part but King Mickey?

    The wedding march began to play and Sora could only stand there in his wedding garb, desperately trying not to summon his Keyblade by pure adrenaline rush.

    Aerith and Donald walked up the carpet, a mismatched pair, but a good one. Then a silence hushed over the crowd as they waited in anticipation and suspense. Would the Princess actually go through with this?

    The answer came as Princess Kairi, the beautiful bride in her long, flowing white gown was led with the crook of her arm by Riku. Sora was completely breathless as Kairi came up the aisle, her veil barely concealing a shy smile.

    The place was set. The bride and groom were here. Time to begin.

    "Dearly beloved. We are gathered here today to join..." As the King went through the usual ceremonial text, Sora and Kairi looked at each other with uncertainty.

    Kairi felt slightly light-headed. "This is all happening too fast! We haven't even done anything as a couple yet! Oh my god, my heart's beating! I can't believe this is happening! I'm getting married! I'm not even an adult yet! Why me?!"

    "Calm down, girl" Namine's voice whispered in a far corner of her mind. "Just believe in yourself and you'll be fine."

    "Easy for you to say," Kairi replied back. "You're not the one standing here."

    Sora was having similar thoughts. "I love Kairi and all, but this is ridiculous! We're just teenagers! We shouldn't have to deal with this! But if this is for the sake of the worlds, we're going to have to let it play through."

    "Hey, you think you have it tough?" Roxas' voice echoed in his head. "I'm getting married to Namine! And I haven't seen her since we got to Destiny Islands!"

    Riku stood slightly behind Sora, smirking. "Man, those two look like they're about to fall apart. I'm glad it's not me up there right now."

    "Do you, Sora," Mickey continued shaking Sora out of his thoughts, "take Princess Kairi to be your lawfully wedded wife, in sickness and in health; so long as you both shall live?"

    Sora looked at Kairi giving her a nervous smile. "I-I-I do." Sora stammered.

    "And do you, Princess Kairi take Sora to be your lawfully wedded husband, in sickness and in health; so long as you both shall live?"

    Kairi looked at Sora with shaken confidence in her face. Her lips parted as she started to say the two words that would finally join them in holy matrimony.


    KABOOM!!! The ground burst wide open like an exposed scab of the earth and darkness seeped through the room, filling the entire wedding hall with portals of darkness. Black and white entities appeared out of thin air, waving their appendages like insecticidal pests.

    "Where'd all these Heartless and Nobodies come from?!" As if they were expecting this fight, the wedding guests drew their weapons out of nowhere, preparing themselves for battle.

    "Uh, Goofy?" Donald began. "I thought you were in charge of security."

    "Yup!" Goofy thrust his chest out proudly. "I'm Captain of the Royal Knights!"

    "Then how'd all the wedding guests bring their weapons inside with them?"

    Goofy shrugged. "Gawrsh, I dunno. All of 'em were carrying long, thin boxes for the weddin'. I thought they were the presents."

    Donald crossed his arms and started tapping his webbed foot in impatience. "Were they wrapped?"

    "Hmm..." Goofy took off his hat and scratched his head. "Now that you mention it, I don't believe so." Donald smacked his forehead in disbelief.

    All of Sora's allies that had ever fought alongside him charged at the rapidly increasing number of uninvited wedding guests. Despite the good guys combined power, the Heartless and Nobodies had their giant allies summoned to the field.

    "Darksides and Twilight Thorns?" Riku cried. "There's going to be no end to this!"

    "Together we can take them," Sora said in his usual confident show of bravado. Riku just smiled. Flashes of light burst out of their hands as they summoned their Keyblades for battle. But before Sora and Riku could make a move, a lightning-fast blur dashed past them. Kairi's Keyblade was already halfway in making contact with a Heartless as she soared through the sky.

    "How dare you ruin my wedding! You foul, loathsome..."

    Sora and Riku stood frozen in place. Neither of them had seen Kairi lose it before. There she was, her red hair flying against her white wedding gown, screaming like an amazon. Her Keyblade hacked and slashed through Heartless and Nobodies alike.

    "This was supposed to be the happiest..." she grunts as she delivers bone-crunching blows with each word, "!"

    The boys could only continue to stare in stunned disbelief. "Hey, Riku? You think we should help her?"

    Riku raised an eyebrow. "She's your wife-to-be. You tell me."

    Sora shrugged. "I guess the wedding's off then, huh?" And with that, Sora and Riku run into the fray.

    So, with the wedding ruined (much to the relief of both bride and groom), and Princess Kairi owning the enemy with her Keyblade, the prologue of Kingdom Hearts III begins...
    Thread by: Destiny's Force, Sep 30, 2007, 289 replies, in forum: Archives
  7. Destiny's Force
    Stop me if you heard these before. I don't really have any evidence to back up these theories, but...

    That guy in the black helmet seen in the BBS secret ending split off from "Master Xehanort", right? I'm thinking, what if this masked guy is the Xehanort that becomes Ansem the Wise's apprentice? Before Xehanort took his "Master Ansem's" name, he took the name "Xehanort" from his "Master Xehanort"?

    And this has probably already been theorized, but:

    Ven=Sora's father?

    Maybe the Keyblade or Master Xehanort corrupted him somehow, so he erased any memories of his existence in Destiny Islands to protect Sora from becoming a/the Keyblade master.

    Another question: Remember the story that Kairi's grandmother was telling back in the first KH? Does anyone think that tale has any connection to this game (or either of the other two)?

    Any thoughts/contradictions?
    Thread by: Destiny's Force, Sep 27, 2007, 24 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  8. Destiny's Force
    What better way to end the series than to finish off the Organization? Sora's been played from the start by Saix. With the power of the Keyblade, the Organization have been collecting countless homework. Saix summons an overabundance of Heartless (after a few tries), leaving Sora & Co. calling for help. And who else to help them than Auron? Demyx keeps calling everyone Roxas. And before Saix can stop him, Axel leaks the Organization's master plan. Goofy attempts one more old joke, but gets cut off by Donald. Auron thinks he can fight by himself. But Axel's got other ideas.

    Is the Organization finally defeated? Will Sora and Co. finally make it home? And will Axel finally get to see Roxas? Don't miss the series finale of Kingdom Hearts Ultimate Team-Up: Lost Chronicles!

    "Got it memorized?"

    <object width="425" height="350"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="350"></embed></object>
    Thread by: Destiny's Force, Sep 26, 2007, 2 replies, in forum: Production Studio
  9. Destiny's Force
    This is KH1 Final Mix, not KH2 Final Mix! This is when Sora first encountered Xemnas back in KH1 Final Mix. Of course, it doesn't sound right with just silence and no translated subtitles, right? And yeah, I know there's subtitled versions out there, but for the purpose of the dub, I went and used the untranslated version.

    Thread by: Destiny's Force, Sep 15, 2007, 0 replies, in forum: Production Studio
  10. Destiny's Force
    I've done the dub for Deep Dive:ASAS and someone did one for the Roxas vs. Riku fight, so I figured, "Why not?" And in case you're wondering, no, I didn't use Sora's KH2 voice anywhere in the vid.

    <object width="425" height="350"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="350"></embed></object>
    Thread by: Destiny's Force, Sep 6, 2007, 4 replies, in forum: Production Studio
  11. Destiny's Force
    Sorry to ask again, but once again I'm drawing total decisive blocks on the series again. This is the last time I'll ask for your opinions about this (hopefully), but please I really need some feedback.

    Unused possible allies:
    Pete (Timeless River)
    King Mickey
    Donald and/or Goofy

    Unused possible villains:
    MCP & Sark
    Captain Pete

    Current Brainstorms:
    Pete & Demyx vs. Pete (Timeless River) & Axel
    King Mickey & Pete (Timeless River) vs. Pete & Maleficent
    Auron & Axel vs. Maleficent & Demyx
    Tron & Pete vs. Pete & Sark & MCP
    King Mickey, Donald & Goofy vs. Xigbar & Saix
    Axel & King Mickey vs. Demyx & Maleficent

    Basically all I'm asking is to choose two heroes and two villains. The top two of each category I'll use in a future Team-Up. Then the next two and so on until I'm out of possible candidates. If I've missed anyone that actually has a decent amount of dialogue (and maybe some out of battle attack scenes) that I haven't used yet, please let me know! Any other feedback or constructive criticism would be extremely appreciated. Thank you!

    Already used:

    Captain Hook & Luxord vs. Peter Pan & Captain Jack Sparrow

    Seifer & Sephiroth vs. Cloud, Tifa & Leon

    Ursula & Shan-Yu vs. Ariel & Mulan

    Scar & Xaldin vs. Beast & Simba

    Hades & Jafar vs. Aladdin & Hercules

    Xemnas & Xehanort's Heartless vs. Sora, Riku & Roxas

    Oogie Boogie & Clayton vs. Tarzan & Jack Skellington

    EDIT: Crud, I forgot to add Barbossa! Oh well, if someone wants me to use him I'm pretty sure they'll tell me... >_>
    Thread by: Destiny's Force, Jul 15, 2007, 1 replies, in forum: Production Studio
  12. Destiny's Force
    (First let me say, glad to be back. You don't have to say it, I missed you too. Anyway, these are "Lost Chronicles" because let's face it, the Keyblade Masters vs. Team Xehanort would've been a great ending point to the entire series. And since they were the last bosses of both games, it's pretty redundant to go back in time and pretend that the final battle didn't happen. So, in spite of myself, I decided to dub this season the "Lost Chronicles" so I can say that this series takes place somewhere in that timeline before the ultimate battle.

    For past Team-Ups:

    Long story short: If you're viewing the series chronologically, pretend that the Xehanort battle didn't happen yet. Now without further ado...)

    Who would've thought a Team-Up like this was possible? Jungle Boy Tarzan & Pumpkin King Jack Skellington face off against two of the most annoying villains in Disney history! After a brief language barrier mishap; Sora wanting to see both Namine & Kairi's "foofie" (Whatever the heck that is); and Santa crossing Sora off his list because of his disbelief in barley; Clayton loses his temper and vows to shoot Lock, Shock & Barrel on sight. Before he can though, Oogie Boogie kidnaps Santa Claus, forcing Clayton to join up with the unlikely ally.

    The battle goes underway and the only way to win is with the help of an old friend with the only pistol in the entire game!

    Who's the mysterious ally? Why did Jack Skellington hijack Santa's sleigh? What does Tarzan have to do with all of this? And who knew Santa Claus was such a complainer?

    Find out the answers to none of these questions in this installment of KH Ultimate Team-Up! You're going to want to watch this 'til the very end!

    Clips by &

    KH Ultimate Team-Up LC: Clayton & Oogie vs. Tarzan & Jack+

    <OBJECT height=350 width=425>

    <embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="350"></embed></OBJECT></P>
    Thread by: Destiny's Force, Jul 13, 2007, 6 replies, in forum: Production Studio
  13. Destiny's Force
    I finished my fifth video of the series, but now I'm stumped. I'm hoping to get some new ideas on who to use next, so I'm asking out there for some feedback!

    Who would you like to see teamed up?

    Unused possible allies:
    Jack Skellington
    Pete (Timeless River)
    King Mickey

    Unused possible villains:
    Oogie Boogie
    MCP & Sark
    Ansem (Xehanort's Heartless)

    Current Brainstorms:
    Demyx & Maleficent vs. Auron & Merlin
    Oogie Boogie, Sark & MCP vs. Tron & Jack Skellington (Handicap match)
    Pete & Saix vs. Pete & Axel
    Sora & Roxas vs. Xemnas & Xehanort's Heartless
    Sora, Roxas & Riku vs. Xemnas & Xehanort's Heartless (Handicap match)

    Team-Ups already used:
    Captain Hook & Luxord vs. Captain Jack Sparrow & Peter Pan

    Seifer & Sephiroth vs. Leon & Cloud + (A surprisingly popular one ;) )

    Ursula & Shan-Yu vs. Ariel & Mulan:

    Xaldin & Scar vs. Simba & Beast +:

    Jafar & Hades vs. Aladdin & Hercules:

    To see the previous KH Team-Ups thread:

    (Keep in mind, I'm only limited to the available cutscenes here at KH-vids)
    *Due to the limited scenes of dialogue/action, I don't know how it'll be possible, but I'll never know until I try!

    Thread by: Destiny's Force, May 25, 2007, 4 replies, in forum: Production Studio
  14. Destiny's Force
    Don't know if this has already been done, but...

    With all those quotes from the DD:ASAS secret movie floating around in the KH2 game, I was wondering what they would've sounded like if the movie was voiced as well...

    Note: Credited under my outside-KH alias: "Masked Mega Man"
    Thread by: Destiny's Force, May 8, 2007, 0 replies, in forum: Production Studio
  15. Destiny's Force
    Fortunately for me, this song hasn't been overused for Kingdom Hearts yet and since I thought this song was perfect...

    Note: This video is credited under my outside-KH name: "Masked Mega Man"

    So, what do you think?
    Thread by: Destiny's Force, May 8, 2007, 1 replies, in forum: Production Studio
  16. Destiny's Force
    I had just finished with my second AMV: "Kingdom Hearts: Falling Back" when I ran out of ideas and motivation to create a new one. However, looking around YouTube, this guy "EnoRed" kinda piqued my interest in parodies. So I decided to start up my own parody series, teaming up the unlikely and the likely of the KH universe together to face off against a pair of villains in an all-out tornado tag-team style match up! Oh, and this is (mostly) all natural voices! No overdubs anywhere! So, without further ado:

    Note: These are all uploaded with my outside-KH alias: "Masked Mega Man"

    Captain Hook & Luxord vs. Captain Jack Sparrow & Peter Pan:
    Luxord & Captain Hook's taken over the Black Pearl and stolen Tinker Bell! Only a certain group of heroes can save them and it's NOT the Keyblade Master and his sidekicks! A battle of wits breaks out and the crafty gambler and codfish tries to vanquish our heroes by bringing out the big guns (with Goofy accidently setting them off)! Tinker Bell's annoyed for being ignored and Donald faces her wrath! Axel appears out of nowhere and gets caught in the crossfire! That's when Jack Sparrow brings out his equalizer! But why would Luxord call him Roxas?

    Seifer & Sephiroth vs. Leon & Cloud +:
    Using Sora as the "Chosen Messenger Boy" again, Sephiroth calls out Cloud to finish things once and for all. Cloud calls him a jungle boy and the gauntlets are thrown! Before the fight gets underway, they each have unexpected allies in the forms of Seifer and who have their own scores to settle! The blades and Seifer's foam bat are drawn and the main rivalries from FFVII & FFVIII are executed! Just when it seems that Leon and Seifer are about to make amends, Tifa jumps in and knocks Seifer down with one hit! And that's when things get interesting!

    Who will win? Who will lose? What is Cloud's new catchphrase? And why are our main heroes calling Tifa "Your majesty?" You won't believe how this all ends!

    Ursula & Shan-Yu vs. Ariel & Mulan:
    Sora & Bounty Inc. are searching for Ursula before she gets to Ariel first. Unfortunately, they're too late and what's worse, she's got Shan-Yu on her side!...or does she? With Sora & Goofy temporarily incapacitated with thoughts of Ariel's bondage, Mulan is forced to take action on her own. Unfortunately, the rocket hits the token combustible guy and all Ursula is hit with is a piece of shrapnel.
    What will happen to Ariel? Whose side is Shan-Yu on? Will Mulan finally regain her honor? Will anyone shut Ursula up? What's with the gender-switching potshots? And don't miss the finale sung by the a capella group: "Trinity Limit"!

    Xaldin & Scar vs. Simba & Beast +:
    The scene is a familiar one: Belle & the Beast are about to dance to their theme song when unwelcomed guests crash the party! Xald The scene is a familiar one: Belle & the Beast are about to dance to their theme song when unwelcomed guests crash the party! Xaldin steals the rose for more suitable traveling clothes and Scar fights because of his distastefulness for Hakuna Matata! Fortunately, Belle is far from helpless and lends a hand (or elbow as the case may be) All seems hopeless when Scar refuses to shut up and die already! Previous "Team-Up" characters who couldn't stand staying on the sidelines decide to finish Scar off in a handicapped melee: Captain Jack Sparrow, Mulan, Cloud & Tifa!

    One question, though: What's with the monkey?

    Don't underestimate the power of Hakuna Matata!

    If popular enough, more will definitely come ;)
    Thread by: Destiny's Force, May 8, 2007, 8 replies, in forum: Production Studio
  17. Destiny's Force
    This was my second attempt at an AMV (first one got scrapped after it was updated). Tell me what you think!

    Note: Credits say "Masked Mega Man". That's my outside-KH identity.
    Thread by: Destiny's Force, May 8, 2007, 2 replies, in forum: Production Studio
  18. Destiny's Force
    This has been bothering me for awhile now, but I have to know:

    After "Where fears and lies, melts away..."

    Is the line:


    1. In time?

    2. Inside?

    3. Intwined?

    4. In tide?

    5. Something else?

    I've heard variations of this lyric. I just want to know what the OFFICIAL line is!
    Thread by: Destiny's Force, May 4, 2007, 22 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX