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  1. Destiny's Force
    Anyone remember reading this book?

    Basically, it's about a stingy 10 year-old boy named Milo who has so many toys and games, but he's never opened any of them, so he's been pretty bored. One day, he gets a mysterious package that includes a go-cart and a kit to set up his own little tollbooth. Turns out it's a magic portal to a fantasy-type land where everyday ideas (words, numbers, sounds, sights and excuses) take literal form. He's thrust into an adventure to bring peace to the land by finding two banished princesses in the darkest recesses of the map. With the help of a watchdog (a dog with a body of a clock) named Tock (who actually ticks) and a cowardly, but boastful, tall insect called the Humbug, Milo sets off on a life-changing journey that will make him realize that there's always something to do.

    Was and still is one of my favorite books. The 70s movie adaptation wasn't bad, but I almost wish they would redo it like they did with the Chronicles of Narnia. ;)
    Thread by: Destiny's Force, Jan 17, 2008, 12 replies, in forum: Literature
  2. Destiny's Force
    Okay, I've looked around, but there hasn't exactly been a topic SPECIFICALLY for what the English versions of Organization XIII actually say during battle. There's been one for the CoM members, but I just want to get some input for the KH2 members. And if there HAS been an exact thread like this, it didn't come up when I used the search option, so I apologize.

    I try to listen to what these guys actually say, but it's hard for me to make out. I'm not talking about their entrance and defeat quotes. The one's in asterisks I'm REALLY curious about...

    "A challenge, is it?"
    "Do you know the rules?"
    "Look who's on top of the game!"

    "Moon, shine down!"
    **"Your execution." or "No exit." :confused:
    "All shall be lost to you!"
    "Be gone!"
    "Move aside!"
    "I want to see you die fighting."
    "I misjudged you."

    "Wind, guard me!"
    "Take this!"
    ** "Beware the ???? of despair!" * :confused:

    "Burn baby!"
    "Get back!"
    "Take that!"
    "What's the problem?"
    "Won't forget this!"
    "Got it memorized?"

    "Come on! Kick to the beat!"
    "Gotcha now!"
    "Ain't it a blast?"
    "Dance, water, dance!"
    "Like it?"

    *"You betcha!"
    "Clever little sneak!"
    "Moving out!"
    **"Arm n' reload!" :confused:
    "'Kay, now we're talking!"
    "Take this!"
    **"Look what I ???? for ya!" :confused:
    "Now, let's see how you dance!"

    "Be gone!"
    "Come closer..."
    "There's no such thing as light."
    "Why don't you vanish?"
    "Could you spare a heart?"
    "Cursed fools!"
    "You shall go together!"
    Thread by: Destiny's Force, Jan 15, 2008, 18 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  3. Destiny's Force
    Yeah, I can't believe it either. But for those of you who haven't been paying attention to Marvel comics in the past couple of years, Steve "Captain America" Rogers, is dead. He was assassinated indirectly by his nemesis, Red Skull.

    But before he died, he chose a new Captain America to take his place. It's too early to know for sure, but Wikipedia says it's his old partner Bucky AKA Winter Soldier.

    However, I believe it's James Newman, a corporal in the U.S. Marine Corps, who Captain America had telepathically spoken to in his final moments of life.

    Anyway, this Captain America is a whole lot more modern than Steve Rogers was. Shiny new armor, new mask. Same 'ol shield. But, to add to his repertoire, he holds the one piece of equipment that no one had ever seen ever wield before.

    A gun. Yes, that's right. The new Cap wields a gun to go with his shield.

    What do you guys think of that?
    Thread by: Destiny's Force, Jan 11, 2008, 13 replies, in forum: Literature
  4. Destiny's Force
    ...I'm just going to humbly and respectfully ask you three questions that's been nagging at me for awhile now.

    1. Are you really who you say you are, a pre-teen girl that's never been on the forums before?

    2. Do you know how to use Private Messaging?

    3. Are you aware of what's causing some of the members to become annoyed at you?

    I'm not trying to be mean or anything, but I'm just curious. :huh:

    And if I'm out of line, a mod can lock this thread.
    Thread by: Destiny's Force, Jan 5, 2008, 1 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  5. Destiny's Force
    I was looking at the Official KH2 Strategy Guide by Bradygames and I noticed that there were many character renders that I haven't seen anywhere else. (i.e. Xaldin, Xemnas)

    Does anyone know where I could find full-sized good quality versions of them?

    EDIT: Never mind, it turns out Kingdom Hearts Ultimania was able to get them :p
    Thread by: Destiny's Force, Jan 5, 2008, 0 replies, in forum: Discussion
  6. Destiny's Force
    (Note from author: After some prodding from a friend of mine (You know who you are ;) ), I decided to go ahead and post this series here. The following is/was my first fanfiction that I had ever written. My writing style may seem a bit different here because of that. It's far from complete and since I'm still working on the other stories, I'm most likely not going to be writing much on this. Keep in mind that I've revised this twice and I don't feel like going back over it again. Updates will be extremely easy for awhile as I have a quarter of this story already written up. However, once I reach where I stopped, updates will be far and few between.

    Another note: This is not KH-based. It is, however, VERY loosely based on the Mega Man series. So yes, it's not technically an Original Work. Think of it as an "Alternate Universe" piece. There'll be references every now and then to the series, but the main characters and "final bosses" were created by me. If something doesn't seem to make sense, go ahead and tell me so I know what to fix. However, most of the questions will be answered later in the story.

    And finally, instead of chapters and sub-chapters, I refer to sections as "Episodes" and "Acts." Think of it as an anime/manga type thing.

    Just so I don't leave any readers completely in the dark, here's the first half of Episode 1.

    So, without further ado, here is the unedited story of my alter-ego...enjoy. ;) )

    Episode 0, Act 1: "The End?"

    Chronographic Period: 23XX
    Combat Log: Final Entry

    ...can't believe this is it...*BZAP*...body's torn to pieces...
    ...hard to process...imminent shutdown..."
    ...tranferring all databanks...*FZZT*...remote base...
    ...Robot Masters...Elementals...HIM...
    ...won't go out without...*KRRSSH*..."Independent Determination Chip"...
    ...Roll...Dr. Light...*BZZINK*...where did you go?...
    ...Upload Successful...Initiate Self-Destruct...
    ...Light...Ultima...Memories...Forgive me...

    Episode 1, Act 1: "Prologue..."

    The Legend of the Forgotten Hero.
    An excerpt from the "History of Ultima" by Professor McMann.

    Before the Era of Technorganics, my great-ancestor Dr. Thomas Xavier Light had succeeded in creating the "Independent Determination" Chip or I.D. Chip for short, which when installed, would give any humanoid cyborg the ability to think, learn and grow based on its environment. In layman's terms, it would give the humanoid the ability to evolve. It was a breakthrough in the scientific world. Unfortunately, he was only able to create two chips before his murder, an Alpha version and the Beta version. The Alpha version was stolen, copied and installed into other humanoids with unique powers of destruction. As it was the prototype, it had many glitches. A faulty chip, the cyborgs that were installed had no moral sense of right and wrong and as a result they ran amok, causing chaos, evil and ultimately, driving the human race to the brink of extinction. The Beta and final version was created many years ahead of its time and was eventually installed into one humanoid without that flaw. He rose up against the opposition, triggering the outbreak of the Robot Wars. This humanoid was the counter to every opposition that attempted to destroy humanity. The War went on for decades until finally, he sacrificed himself to end the war once and for all.

    Knowing that his destruction was inevitable, he had asked the surviving humans to remove the chip from his remains and to keep it safe. He had said that the I.D. chip contained not just his data, but the very essence of his soul. The people respected his request. When the hero had finally left the face of the earth, they made sure to give his soul to the last living descendant of the era, who was sworn never to use it as long as he lived.

    Years passed, generation after generation was told the exact same story until the name of the hero vanished into the fabric of time. Because of his countless efforts to save the human race, technology prospered. However, the legend was almost forgotten. It is said that the evil that had almost destroyed the human race is still out there, hibernating, biding its time, regaining its strength, until one day it will show up again to finish what it had started. And at that time, the true hero of legend will return to fulfill his or her destiny...

    Episode 1, Act 2: "Unexpected..."

    Data File Retrieved...
    Accessing Data File...
    Data Entry #3260

    Ever since I had become a single father, I vowed for my daughter, Rebecca, to grow up to her full potential. However being the world's only expert in Biotechnorganics, people would assume I would never have time for her. They would be wrong. I always found time for her while she was growing up. She would even help me with some of my research. She was a quiet one, but she did make friends easily. She was extremely smart and ended up taking advanced classes at the local academy. Whenever I had a problem, she usually was there to inspire me and give me new insights. The locals always said that she had my youthful curiosity. However, she looked like the spitting image of her mother. Shiny brown hair, inquisitive green eyes and cute dimples that appeared whenever she smiled. I miss her mother everyday, but I know that part of her spirit lives within her.

    Then that day came.

    I was attempting to analyze the I.D. chip that I had been given by my great-grandparents a long time ago. Rebecca, who was then 6 years old, was busy playing out back near the woods. I had attempted to install the I.D. chip in various humanoids but with no success. About ten minutes later, she came running in, crying, carrying a bundle of blankets. Alarmed, I asked her what had happened. She told me that she was just attacked by "big, scary robots" that almost hurt her. She started to run, but they surrounded her blocking her escape. Suddenly a figure in black appeared out of nowhere and protected her. From what she saw, the stranger held a long, transparent weapon in one hand and a shiny, silvery ball in the other. After exchanging words and threats he quickly destroyed them. Before she could say anything, the stranger handed her the bundle and faded into the shadows.

    To my utmost horror, inside the blankets was an infant, cut up and bleeding, breathing shallow breaths, not even enough air to cry. Working quickly, Rebecca and I attempted to revive him. None of the usual methods seemed to work. Not knowing what else to do, I used my last resort, an experimental procedure that combined both technology and biological engineering. Out of the four times I've done it, it had only succeeded once. I prayed that it would work.

    And to my amazement, the procedure was a success. The infant was breathing normally, its heartbeat was strong. However, I had to replace certain organs and limbs with artificial ones. Fortunately, I had been able to create the artificial ones with breakthrough technology that not only worked flawlessly, it would increase his physical and mental development tenfold! Also it was virtually impossible to see any differences from the real thing. However, to regulate normal human functions, I had to install a cranial support system that connected to his neural pathways inside the brain.

    Glad that he was finally safe and healthy, I went back to work on the chip, only to discover that in my rush that I had installed it into the infant's support system! What was even more surprising was that it had actually installed successfully! There was no way to remove the chip without killing the boy, so I was forced to leave it.

    The next problem was what to do with him. Rebecca started to say that she had always wanted a brother. So I agreed that until we could find his parents, that we would legally adopt him.

    "But what should we name him?" I asked her. She thought for a moment. Then with a huge grin on her face, she replied that the baby's name would be...

    Episode 1, Act 3: "Beginnings..."


    "Wha...?" 15-year old Michael McMann shook his head. He'd been daydreaming again. And in the shower of all places!

    "Michael! You've been in there for almost half an hour!" his father shouted through the closed door. "Hurry up!" Cursing himself for being in there that long, he quickly turned off the water, stepped out onto the plush bathroom rug and wrapped a large, fluffy blue towel around his waist. He couldn't shake off what he had just thought about. He had fantasized that he was a noble warrior engaged to the most gorgeous girl who was really a princess in disguise. He sighed.

    'Face it, dude.' he thought. 'Ain't gonna happen in this lifetime.'

    He had just spent the past few hours training in an area of the lab that was created for holographic simulations. The Prof always joked that the "Danger Room" and "Holodeck" could never compare to the technology. Michael never knew what his father was talking about, so he just smiled and let it go. The training area was just one part of the laboratory in which the Professor worked. Various machines and gadgets were neatly organized around the room. The Professor's research was too important to be careless about. Artificial organs and limbs were in one corner. Research materials and the numerous displays were off in another. An operating table was on a side of the room, where Michael would usually spend every few months to make sure that his body's system was functional and in working order.

    Michael's hazel-colored eyes glanced at the face in the mirror as he massaged his sore muscles, attempting to get blood to flow naturally. If anyone saw him, they'd think he was some attractive, innocent-looking wallflower. He had never felt totally comfortable in social settings, so he spent his free time by himself training his mind and body. The fashion sense wasn't bad, pretty much wearing all-blue outfits. Whenever asked why this was, he always shrugged and replied that he always felt like wearing blue. His jet-black hair always seemed to have this natural tendency to appear wind-swept as if he was one of those people who flew around daily.

    Michael was about to put his shirt on when he realized he'd forgotten to bring his clothes inside the bathroom. After drying himself off, he wrapped a towel around his ripped, better-than-average body and came downstairs looking for the Professor. His feet thumped down the steps, trying to figure out where his father went. Passing through the living room he yelled, "Hey Doc! Where are you?" Instead of calling the Professor "Dad", he liked to call him "Doc" mainly for the fact that he never felt comfortable calling him anything else. Even after being raised with loving care by the only biotechnorganic expert in the world, he still considered the Prof his adoptive guardian.

    "Michael? Where are you, son?" Of course, the Professor still considered Michael his son and treated him that way as well. Living in a three story, 10,000 acre research facility always had the downside of nobody being able to find each other. Even though he was semi-rich, the Prof could never remember to install an intercom system in the entire building. No other humans lived in that house. Cleaning and maintenance was provided by A.I. technology that the Professor created in his spare time. But he made sure to treat them as humanely as possible.

    "I'm in the living room!" Michael replied. "You know where my clothes are?"

    "In the laundry area! For goodness sake Michael, we have company!"

    "Company?" This he didn't yell out, but said to himself in a normal voice. That's when he felt a presence behind him. Turning around slowly, he found himself face to face with a beautiful teenage girl. She blushed at the sight of his muscular form; her blonde hair draped over her bare shoulders. He looked her over, just as he knew she was doing the same with her icy blue eyes. She looked around 5'4" wearing a pink tanktop where he could almost see the outline of her bra underneath. She wore cut-off shorts, hiking boots and was carrying a blue gym bag. After a few awkward moments, Michael said the first thing that came to mind. "Nice rack," he said. The girl's expression quickly changed from dreamy lust to a hard disgusted look. "I meant bag!" Michael yelled panicking. "I meant to say nice bag! Not rack. Not that you don't have a nice..."

    "And hello to you too," she interrupted with a questionable glare. Before anything else got out of hand, Professor McMann finally walked in.

    "Ah, Rachel! I've seen you met my son Michael." Rachel raised an eyebrow in confused skepticism.

    "Wait. This is Michael? The younger brother?"

    Michael grinned at the look of confusion on her face. "Oh, I get it. Rebecca said that she was an older sister. I guess you were expecting some innocent-eyed, immature ten-year old, huh?"

    Rachel nodded. "Was she..."

    "No, she wasn't lying," he started. "Technically, I'm younger than her. But..."

    The Professor cut him off. "Before you say any more, Michael," he glared at him with a stern tone in his voice, "put some clothes on first!"

    (So, what do you think?)
    Thread by: Destiny's Force, Jan 3, 2008, 39 replies, in forum: Archives
  7. Destiny's Force
    ...that members actually read the Stickies/Rules?

    I'm viewing the Creativity Corner, and to my annoyance, there are STILL members that post polls to go along with their stories. I mean, I'm still trying to figure out why anyone should post polls in that section in the first place. And it's always the same unimportant, stupid questions:

    "Should I continue this story?" or "Do you like this story?" or "What do you think of this story?"

    It's just so freakin' annoying! The rules clearly state: "Do not post polls. This would be advertising your story, and it clutters up the poll on the front page." Granted, the second part about the front page no longer applies with the new layout. But, the rest is still applicable. If you want to advertise your story, use your signature to do it.

    I'd understand if it was just a new member. But, the polls I'm talking about come from people that have been here for more than three months! What's worse is that they repeat it! All I'm saying is that instead of using polls to ask for feedback, just let the audience read it for themselves. If they like it, they'll tell you. If they don't, you'll get critiqued which is what literary pieces need anyways.

    And if you really do need to post a poll...that's what the Spam Zone's for.

    So, for the sake of the universe, STOP POSTING POLLS in that section! :mad:

    *sigh* Okay, I'm done with my rant.
    Thread by: Destiny's Force, Jan 1, 2008, 18 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  8. Destiny's Force
    "Why? Why is it so hard for me to say how I feel?

    Four years I've known him; six months ago it happened.​

    That noose snaked around my thoughts, tightening around his neck.

    Anger, betrayal, jealousy:
    warping my passion into vengeance
    cutting through our bonds, choking life out of him.​

    My calloused mind could not yield to his pleas.
    So, he targeted my heart. He brought me back

    Expulsing those distinguished unmistakable words:​

    "Damn it, Rachel! I love you!"

    Half a year passed as we fought side by side.
    He believes I don't remember in my brainwashed rage.

    But I can't forget.
    Those words have held me captive in their affections.
    Words that were unreturnable, unbearable, unutterable off my lips.
    God, I've wanted to tell him so badly.​

    I'm a...






    It's too soon.

    When I'm near him, I can only laugh with false bravado
    to hide my fear. My cowardice.

    Crossing this line means no returning to safety of friendship.
    He says he loves me. After all we've been through, I trust him.​

    Thread by: Destiny's Force, Dec 19, 2007, 0 replies, in forum: Archives
  9. Destiny's Force
    In my fanfic, I'm having Kairi facing off against Data Vexen.

    However, I'm kinda stumped on how to kill this guy. After everything he's done to her and Namine, I want to make sure he gets what he so richly deserves. So, I'm hoping for some suggestions on how to smack that wrinkly ol' candy-*** and maybe it'll stir up something original for me to use.

    I've got one idea in mind, but it's pretty much a longshot. Let's just say involves him bleeding into nothingness.

    So, any ideas?

    And, no, I can't smash him in the crotch. I've already did that on Lexaeus...
    Thread by: Destiny's Force, Dec 19, 2007, 1 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  10. Destiny's Force
    I think this is where this thread belongs. If not, a mod can move it. Used Search, didn't find any other thread like this. This'll most likely get shoved to the back, but at least there's a thread about it.

    So anyway, exactly what the title says. Three seasons. Two DVD sets. I personally loved Chip's bomber jacket and fedora hat. It distinguished him from Dale's Hawaiian shirt and it was easy to tell who was who other than looking at the nose and teeth. Along with a cheese-obssessive Australian mouse, an underestimated fly and a hot-looking blonde haired, blue eyed mechanic, the five of them solved mysteries, helped out the needy and basically had numerous and mysterious adventures.

    Chip n Dale: Rescue Rangers Intro


    Rescue Rangers Promo Music Video

    Yeah, I never knew they actually had a full version of the song. And I never heard of The Jets. Probably older people know them, but I haven't...

    In my opinion, the longer intro's catchy...:D
    Thread by: Destiny's Force, Dec 16, 2007, 0 replies, in forum: Disney Galaxy
  11. Destiny's Force
    If you had the ability to summon a guardian familiar to protect you (angel/spirit/monster/demon/creature/etc.), who or what would it be?

    Would it have any natural abilities/weapons and if so, what would they be?
    Thread by: Destiny's Force, Dec 11, 2007, 26 replies, in forum: Discussion
  12. Destiny's Force
    Some people believe in it. Others think it's a trick. I'll post my own opinion (and an explanation) on it if this gets enough responses...

    (And yes, I know there are different types. I just want to know if you believe in it at all...)

    Also, have you ever been hypnotized before?
    Thread by: Destiny's Force, Dec 10, 2007, 22 replies, in forum: Discussion
  13. Destiny's Force


    "You're finally going?" the mother asked. "After so many years, you've finally grown up." She was almost in tears.

    "Yeah. Time to finally start my own life. To chase my dream. And with all those college degrees under my belt, there's no stopping me now!"

    "Goodbye, son." The mother hugged her boy for the last time. "You'll always be special to me."

    "And I love you too mom," he said giving her a tight embrace. After the man broke the hug, the father spread his arms out, expecting the same affection.

    But the man just stared at him with a stony glare. "You wanted me out of this house. You've been constantly preaching hypocrisy for me to stride to be better. You've nagged me, annoyed me, acted immature. You've constantly thrown all your own problems my way because you were too cowardly to deal with them. You've let yourself go and I ironically ended up worse off. And you expect me to thank you?" The father's smile faded as the man turned his back. "Thanks...for nothing...jerk."

    And with that, the man got into his packed car and drove off down the road.

    (Sorry, I've just gotten back from a fight with my father. I'm in a bad mood and I just needed to let off some steam by the only way I know how. I know it's short, but I wanted to write this while I'm still in the moment. :mad:)
    Thread by: Destiny's Force, Dec 9, 2007, 5 replies, in forum: Archives
  14. Destiny's Force
    Tried using the search function to see if anyone put this up already. But since you need a minimum of (4) characters to search anything...

    Anyway, has anyone seen the popular YouTube series: "Hi, I'm a Marvel...and I'm a DC" by Michael Agrusso AKA "ItsJustSomeRandomGuy?" In case you haven't, this guy started using Marvel and DC action figures to parody the infamous "Mac/PC" commercials. The subjects of each episode range from Superman and Spiderman talking about their movies to evil villain love triangles. It all began during Summer 2007.

    This one's one of my favorites

    So, your thoughts on the series? And again, sorry if this has been posted elsewhere.
    Thread by: Destiny's Force, Dec 6, 2007, 3 replies, in forum: Movies & Media
  15. Destiny's Force
    I know this has nothing to do with KH, but I worked hard on it and there's no rules saying that it MUST be KH as long as I created it myself.

    So, basically this is an AMV of a favorite series of mine: "Negima! Magister Negi Magi."

    The story's about a 10 year-old Welsh wizard named Negi Springfield whose life changes when he must become an English middle school teacher for a Japanese all-girls school. His class consists of 31 girls, all different and unique in their own way. (Including, but not limited to: Princesses, robots, acrobats, snipers, Martian genius from the future, librarians, rich girls, cheerleaders, swordswoman, ninja, Chinese martial artist, vampire, and pretty much any other girl you could think of.) Throughout the story, he must juggle his duties as teacher, wizard and friend all while trying to keep his magical ability a complete secret.

    Anyway, the AMV is pretty much a compilation of the entire series focusing on each of the 31 girls and the other characters that he befriends, battles and helps out when they're in need.

    <object width="425" height="355"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="355"></embed></object>​
    Thread by: Destiny's Force, Dec 5, 2007, 1 replies, in forum: Production Studio
  16. Destiny's Force
    (Note from author: I'm probably not going to update this one as often, but I just wanted to get this idea out before someone else beat me to it. I'm mainly going to focus on "Sora and Kairi's Wedding." Either way, this isn't going to be as long anyways.

    Oh, and about the title...I decided "A Kingdom Hearts Alternate Future" would be my trademark. Just so you know. :D )

    The sun was finally setting on Destiny Islands. Tidus, Wakka and Riku had spent the day repairing one of the bridges. Sora and Kairi were off on the other side of the island spending some quality time together. Tidus and Wakka had already headed back to the main island, leaving Riku to finish up some last minute handiwork.

    "I'm really happy for those two," Riku thought as he hammered in the last nail. "Sora and Kairi deserve some alone time after everything that's happened." He stood up, stretched out his lower back and yawned. "Of course, it'd be nice if they had at least offered to..."

    KABOOM!! A giant explosion rocked the entire island, causing Riku to slip and fall off the bridge into the freezing cold ocean below.

    "What the..." He shook himself dry. "That came from the other side of the island!" He gasped. "Sora! Kairi!" Riku immediately broke into a run.

    As he made his way to the other end of the island, Riku couldn't believe what awaited him there. There lay the forms of Sora and Kairi sprawled out across the sand, seemingly unconscious.

    Riku ran up to Kairi and began to shake her awake. "Kairi! Wake up!" After a few heart-stopping moments, Kairi's eyes fluttered open. Riku let out a sigh of relief. "Kairi, are you okay?"

    She stared at him for a few seconds with a puzzled expression. "Riku?"


    Riku helped Kairi up to her feet. She was still looking at him funny. "Why are you calling me Kairi?"

    Before Riku could contemplate what she was talking about, Sora came running up to them in a state of panic.

    "Riku! Sora!" Sora cried. Now Riku was really confused. Kairi's eyes widened at the sight of Sora.

    "AAAHHH!" She took a few steps back and pointed. "What am I doing over there?!"

    Sora rolled his eyes. "Figured it out yet, genius?"

    Neither Sora nor Kairi had ever seen Riku look completely freaked out before. "Sora...Kairi..."

    Sora sighed. "Yup. Sora and I are in each others bodies."

    "But how? This isn't physically possible!" Riku ranted. "Of all the things that we've been through, this is the first time I've even..." He stopped mid-rant and looked at the two suspiciously. "You guys aren't playing me right now, are you?"

    "Riku," Kairi (in Sora's body) began, "ask either of us a question that only we could answer."

    Riku thought a moment. Then he turned to Kairi's body and asked, "What was inside the box that I gave Sora back in the realm of darkness?"

    Kairi laughed. "That's easy. It was the picture of Roxas, Hayner and the others in front of Twilight Mansion, right?"

    "What else?"

    Sora (in Kairi's body) closed his/her eyes in deep thought. Then he smirked. "It was the Sea-salt ice cream bar that Donald ate."

    Riku nodded. "You're Sora, alright."

    "Well, now that we've got that taken care of," Kairi mused, "what do we do?"

    Riku rubbed his chin in thought. "First off, how'd this all happen?"

    "Sora went and shared a paopu fruit with me," Sora said with a grim tone in his voice.

    "That doesn't sound strange."

    "It was blue," he clarified.

    Riku's jaw dropped. "Blue?" He smacked Sora upside the head. "You idiot! The blue one has unknown magical properties!"

    Sora rubbed the back of his head. "Ow! I'm Kairi, remember?"

    "Oh, sorry." Riku smacked Kairi's head.

    "And don't do that to my head either!" Sora cried. Riku rubbed his temples in frustration.

    "Well, all that we can do is wait for the effects to wear off. So, let's just go home."

    Kairi sighed. "It's a good thing the mayor and my mom aren't home tonight. I don't want to have to answer any awkward questions."

    As Sora, Riku and Kairi walked to the boat, Sora's face started to blush furiously. Kairi looked at him curiously. "What's wrong?"

    "Um...we're going to have to sleep in the others bed, right?"

    "Yeah..." Kairi replied slowly.

    And then it dawned on Riku. He couldn't stop smirking. "Oh man, this is going to scar the both of you for the rest of your lives."

    Kairi was still puzzled. "What? I still don't get it."

    Riku laughed. "Kairi's saying that you have to..." He cupped his hand over his mouth and whispered three words that made Kairi's eyebrows shoot up.

    "I'm going to have to what?!" Kairi shrieked.

    Sora gave him a dangerous glare. "Sora, don't you dare..." he warned.

    Kairi's head dropped and took a good long look at her body. "I..."

    Sora gritted his teeth. "I swear, Sora! If you even remove one piece..."

    Kairi looked at Sora with a stunned expression. Then she gave him a wide grin. "Unless you'd rather your body start smelling..." Sora's face dropped. Kairi giggled. "That's what I thought."
    Thread by: Destiny's Force, Dec 1, 2007, 165 replies, in forum: Archives
  17. Destiny's Force
    Before you ask, the answer is I just felt like it. I just hope this doesn't end up either spammed or in the crevices of the "Back Pages of Doom." :xp:

    Anyway, I got the idea from kitty_mckechnie's thread: "Are you ticklish?"

    So the main question is: "Would you prefer tickling someone else, being the one tickled or both?"

    The second (optional) question would be: "Where?"

    I'll post my own answer(s) if this gets enough responses. ;)
    Thread by: Destiny's Force, Nov 27, 2007, 13 replies, in forum: Discussion
  18. Destiny's Force
    Going off the radar for awhile. No internet at the relatives' place (or so I hear)

    I'll be back on the 26th. Hopefully, I'll be able to get the next chapter finished. Of course, literary projects for class gets priority, though. (Unless I get bored) ;)

    So, this is D.F., logging out!
    Thread by: Destiny's Force, Nov 22, 2007, 6 replies, in forum: Departure Hall
  19. Destiny's Force
    Never Give Up

    (Because a corner is cliché and "Fate's Dreams" seems to be easier to say than "Destiny's Force's" for some reason. :p)

    (Note from author: I wrote this up back in Spring 2007 for a music assignment for my Creative Writing class. The original had all of the lines begin with capital letters. I revised this one with periods and lowercase where I thought was needed. I think it makes a catchy tune. What do you think?)

    Life's just a duel, that's how the world is made.
    Sabers and pistols to men betrayed.
    Honor and integrity are on the line
    where good and evil fade in time.

    Ten steps to morning, five steps to dawn,
    luck of the draw, zero to none.
    Focus on the target, stare straight ahead.
    Don't get distracted or next moment you're dead.

    Never surrender, never give up.
    When taking the hits, it'll toughen you up.
    How much you can take and keep moving forward,
    winning is done to each one's accord.

    Take your turn as fast as you can,
    speed of the draw, it's all in your hand.
    But don't be reckless, you get one shot.
    Think with your brain, but trust in your heart.

    The war's never over, the duel will go on,
    but remember these words as hard as you can.
    The world may be made with life as a duel,
    but you're your own player. Don't be their tool.

    Never surrender, never give up.
    When taking the hits, it'll toughen you up.
    How much you can take and keep moving forward,
    winning is done to each one's accord.

    Eye of the tiger, lightning-fast thinking,
    inhuman reflexes keep you from sinking.
    Use them all wisely, it'll set you apart
    from all opposition, fight lively with heart.

    One more move, one final chance.
    Live every day as if it's your last.
    Believe in yourself, instinct will guide you.
    But if you need help, friends'll be beside you.

    Never surrender, never give up.
    When taking the hits, it'll toughen you up.
    How much you can take and keep moving forward,
    winning is done to each one's accord.
    Thread by: Destiny's Force, Nov 21, 2007, 19 replies, in forum: Archives
  20. Destiny's Force
    Been going through the Creativity Corner and I realized there've been many threads that have been guessing at what's going to happen next in the KH world. Everyone's had their opinion and ideas on what King Mickey's letter says or what the future holds for Sora and the others. And as KH III won't be out for quite some time (maybe 2015 or something), there's going to be a lot of opinions out there. Especially when the other three games come out.

    It might not be necessary, but it might organize the section a bit.

    What do you guys and girls think?
    Thread by: Destiny's Force, Nov 13, 2007, 9 replies, in forum: Feedback & Assistance