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  1. Destiny's Force

    Kairi shook her head, feeling a bit dazed. She glanced up and saw Sora and Riku staring at her intently. Rubbing her eyes a bit, she said, "Sorry, guys. I just zoned out there for a moment." Kairi shook her head again. "What were we talking about?"

    Riku chanced a glance at Sora, who seemed slightly dazed himself. The three friends were sitting near their usual spot at the big horizontal palm tree. Nothing seemed unusual, but Kairi felt the most peculiar sensation in her mind. It was as if there was supposed to be something she should be remembering, but the memory was just out of her grasp.

    "You really don't remember?" Sora asked. Kairi shook her head. She didn't know why, but something about him seemed to keep her eyes directly focused on his lips.

    "We were talking about if hypnosis was real," Riku explained. "You were saying that you didn't believe it."

    Kairi began licking her lips unconsciously, taking note that her mouth was feeling slightly dry as well. "I believe in changing memories around or being possessed by someone else. But the concept of hypnosis seems to be a bit far-fetched." She rolled her eyes. "I mean the stronger someone's mind is, the less likely it'll work, right?"

    Sora cleared his throat. "Actually, we were talking about it and around a half hour ago, I...I mean, you." Kairi could feel her feet feeling slightly itchy and cramped. Without taking her eyes off of Sora, she began to untie the laces.

    "Are you sure?" she asked skeptically. "What'd you do? Make me cluck like a Chocobo?" As soon as her boots and socks were off, she could feel a soothing breeze run across her bare feet.

    Riku chuckled. "As fun as that would've been, I figured it would be better to test how you respond to post-hypnotic suggestions."

    "Post-hypnotic suggestions?" Kairi repeated. "You mean commands that the person's supposed to carry out even when they're awake?" Sora made another attempt to clear his throat rather noisily. Without even thinking, Kairi's hand started to fidget around with the zipper on the front of her dress. "So let me get this straight. What you're saying is that you put me under and now I'm your guy's slave or something?" She screwed up her face in thought as the zipper began pulling itself downward. "Because I don't feel any different and there's no chance I'm going to call either of you "Master.""

    Sora's face began to redden slightly. Kairi found his reaction pretty odd in itself. "What's gotten into you, Sora? You seem a bit flustered." She giggled lightly. "What? Are you starting to conjure up naughty fantasies or something?"

    His eyes seemed to keep darting to her body before snapping back to her face. "Um...well, it's just that when you're in a deep enough trance, you can...uh..." Kairi could almost swear he was salivating.

    Riku sighed. "If you're in a deep enough trance, the hypnotist can implant post-hypnotic suggestions for you to carry out without you realizing it." As usual, Riku wasn't showing any sign that anything out of the ordinary was going on. But he did glance at Sora again, who seemed slightly more fidgety than he was a couple of minutes earlier.

    The Keyblade master raised his hand and casually scratched behind his ear. Kairi instantly felt an irresistible urge bubble up within her mind to grab Sora's adorable face in her hands and kiss him, but she struggled to control herself. "What type of suggestions are we talking about?"

    "You know, like sneezing when the phone rings or doing a jumping jack whenever someone snaps their fingers." Riku seemed slightly amused at Sora's attempts to keep his composure.

    Sora scratched behind his ear again. The impulse to kiss him seemed to intensify, but she managed to stay rooted to the spot. "Of course, you probably don't remember what" He gulped noisily. "...suggestion was, though." Sora looked again at Riku with a pleading look. Kairi couldn't help but notice how uncomfortable he seemed, but she gave it little thought. To her surprise, her heart was beating rapidly and her breath seemed to quicken.

    "So...what you're telling me is that you two came up with something ridiculous such as..." She shook her head. "Such as..." It was becoming harder for her to think. Her mouth was unnaturally dry and Sora's lips seemed to quiver with an irresistible aura.

    Riku gave a quick nod to Sora. "One more should do it."

    Sora hesitated. He seemed reluctant of what to do next as if he were struggling with his own personal feelings. Finally, he made one more weak scratch behind his ear. The instant that happened, she couldn't restrain herself any more. Kairi tackled Sora to the ground and slammed her lips against his. Sora, who was caught completely off guard, flailed his arms comically as he felt the air being sucked right out of his lungs. Riku could only stare in astonishment. The precious moment seemed to last an eternity. Kairi didn't care what was going on or who was watching. The only thoughts in her mind was how pleasurable it felt for her lips to be touching Sora's and the way his body felt rubbing against hers.

    However, when she finally broke contact, the fog in her mind seemed to instantly clear up. It was like waking up from a dream or a veil finally being lifted. Shaking her head and blinking a few times, she realized she was still straddled on top of Sora, who had a stunned and goofy expression on his face. All the memories of the past half-hour rushed back into her mind. Everything that they had said was completely true. And then she noticed her current state of dress. All she was wearing was her white undershirt and her pair of pink-hearted panties. As soon as she realized this, she began to blush furiously and punched Sora twice on the arm. HARD.

    "You perv!" She jumped off of Sora and immediately began looking for the rest of her clothes. Her boots, socks and dress were exactly where she had left them. Kairi grabbed her discarded dress from the floor and hastily put it back on. "I can't believe you did that!"

    "What? Riku was the one who suggested it, not me!" Sora exclaimed innocently. There was something about the tone of his voice that nagged at her, but she shook it off. Kairi whirled around on Riku.

    "Riku, I...I..." she stammered angrily. There was a giant torrent of emotions swirling through her mind that she couldn't find the words she wanted to express. Finally, she just decided to keep her mouth shut and filled the awkward silence by snatching her boots off the ground and forcefully shoving them on her feet.

    "You really can't blame me for having you do something you wanted to anyway." Kairi blinked at the statement. "You were still aware of everything you were doing, right? You could've always said no. I didn't take away your free will after all." Riku shrugged. "You were going to kiss Sora eventually. I just nudged that impulse a bit."

    Kairi was still slightly miffed that she had been used as their test subject. "If that's true," Kairi pointed at Sora with a devilish flourish, "then hypnotize Sora!"

    Her face fell when Riku shook his head. "Sorry to tell you this, but Sora's one of those people that can't be hypnotized." He shrugged. "I actually tried it before I did it to you."

    Sora gave her an apologetic look. "We think it might have something to do with my heart and mind already being manipulated by Namine. It built some mental resistance somehow." Kairi looked a bit disappointed. Sensing this, Sora wrapped an arm around her. "If it'll make you feel any better, how about I go buy us some Sea-Salt Ice Cream? My treat."

    Kairi thought for a moment. Then she nodded. "I want mine chocolate dipped, though."

    Sora laughed. "Well, I guess I can afford that."

    As the trio began to make their way to the docks, Riku brushed past Sora and whispered, "You owe me one," before running off ahead. Kairi clung to Sora's arm adoringly. She was so wrapped up in trying to piece together what had happened that she didn't notice Sora place his "Hypnosis for Dummies" book back in his pocket. He made a slight cough and was pleased to hear Kairi letting out a sigh of contentment before snuggling up a bit closer.

    Sora couldn't help but chuckle. One last thought flitted through his mind as they made their way to the docks: "Man, I love this book."

    (Note from author: Sorry, I couldn't resist. But at least I kept my morality in check on this one. :sweat: Turns out I actually write faster when I'm interested in the subject.)
    Thread by: Destiny's Force, Mar 7, 2008, 10 replies, in forum: Archives
  2. Destiny's Force

    Time loops...

    If you were forced to physically re-live a day over and over until you got it exactly the way you wanted it, what would you do? But there's a catch. The only things that would carry over with you would be only any bodily injuries (any sprains, broken bones or sicknesses) you may have gotten and your memories. Everything else would be going exactly the same.

    I'd probably find out the lottery numbers first and bet my entire savings at the races.
    Then I'd go take up some new talents like skydiving and playing the bass. Maybe read up my entire local library.
    Afterwards, I'd probably get to know as many people as possible inside and out.
    Oh yeah, and save as many lives as possible.
    Thread by: Destiny's Force, Mar 6, 2008, 9 replies, in forum: Discussion
  3. Destiny's Force

    Day Break

    If you've seen Bill Murray's "Groundhog's Day," you know what this is talking about. I found it an addicting mini-series due to the whole time loop concept. Unlike GD, though, Hopper doesn't have the luxury of immortality to sustain him. If he died, it's over. When he finally DOES "break the day," it is not all a happy ending. And it leaves more questions than answers.

    The DVD series has been released on March 28, 2008. (Only say it has because I don't want to edit this post later on.)

    So, what are your thoughts?
    Thread by: Destiny's Force, Mar 6, 2008, 0 replies, in forum: Movies & Media
  4. Destiny's Force

    Early Edition

    Anyone remember this series? It went four seasons before being canceled. Kyle Chandler (Friday Night Lights) played Gary Hobson, a divorced bachelor who had nothing going right for him. His ex-wife (a lawyer) managed to get everything in a divorce settlement, was stuck in a dead-end job as a stockbroker, and forced to live in a hotel. His life changed when one morning tomorrow's newspaper ended up at his doorstep (along with a mysterious orange cat). Like most people, he used his newfound gift to win money at the races. However, when he realized that there were major catastrophes going on as well, he barrels down on his ethics & morals and believes that the paper came to him for a reason. Hence, he spent his days changing the future headlines by saving people and making a difference in their lives.

    Along the way, the hotel he lived in was burnt down, but he managed to inherit a bar where he now is co-owner of. Romantic relationships are hard to come by, due to the fact that the paper manages to interrupt his daily life by mysteriously appearing at the most inappropriate times, reminding him of the job he swore to take. He also finds out that he was not the first person to receive the early edition and he most certainly wouldn't be the last. Only his best friends (and his parents) know of his secret for if it were ever to be revealed, he would no longer receive it. Although sometimes he thinks of it as a curse, he realizes that the paper doesn't control his life and he is free to choose what he does with his life.

    The series is canceled a few episodes within the fourth season and an official DVD set was never released.

    So, what do you think?
    Thread by: Destiny's Force, Mar 6, 2008, 0 replies, in forum: Movies & Media
  5. Destiny's Force
    One day as the Little Red Hen was scratching in a field, she found a grain of wheat.

    "This wheat should be planted," she said. "Who will plant this grain of wheat?"

    "Not I," said the Cat.

    "Not I," said the Dog.

    The Hobo urinated on the Hen's front lawn.

    "Then I will," said the Little Red Hen. And she did.

    Soon the wheat grew to be tall and yellow.

    "The wheat is ripe," said the Little Red Hen. "Who will cut the wheat?"

    "Not I," said the Cat.

    "Not I," said the Dog.

    "Screw you," said the Hobo.

    "Then I will," said the Little Red Hen. And she did.

    When the wheat was cut, the Little Red Hen said, "Who will thresh the wheat?"

    "Not I," said the Cat.

    "Not I," said the Dog.

    "Where's my bottle of Corona?!" said the Hobo.

    "Then I will," said the Little Red Hen. And she did.

    When the wheat was threshed, the Little Red Hen said, "Who will take this wheat to the mill?"

    "Not I," said the Cat.

    "Not I," said the Dog.

    "Who the hell gives a s***?" said the Hobo.

    "Then I will," said the Little Red Hen. And she did.

    She took the wheat to the mill and had it ground into flour. Then she said, "Who will make this flour into bread?"

    "Not I," said the Cat.

    "Not I," said the Dog.

    "F*** you, b****," said the Hobo.

    "Then I will," said the Little Red Hen. And she did.

    She made and baked the bread. Then she said, "Who will eat this bread?"

    "Oh, I will!" said the Cat.

    "And I will!" said the Dog.

    The Hobo was busy stealing the Hen's 70-inch Plasma TV.

    "No, No!" said the Little Red Hen. "I will do that." And she did.

    The animals went quiet for a moment. They looked at each other and silently agreed.

    They whipped out their pitchforks, torches & a bottle of BBQ sauce and roasted the Hen inside its straw house.

    And that's how Kentucky Fried Chicken was made.

    The End.
    Thread by: Destiny's Force, Feb 28, 2008, 4 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  6. Destiny's Force
    I realized that this was a growing topic on Insane_Squrriel's "Villains wish-list" thread, so I decided to start one for it specifically.

    Topic's pretty simple. Any Disney-related character that would play a part whether an NCP cameo or a summon.

    So what say you?
    Thread by: Destiny's Force, Feb 26, 2008, 22 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  7. Destiny's Force
    Kairi's skirt gets blown upward by the Aeroga spell...

    WHAM! The door bursted off its hinges. The young writer glanced up from his keyboard and was astonished to see Kairi and Namine storming in. "We need to talk," Kairi growled.

    Suddenly, Destiny's Force found himself in a vice-like headlock. "Geez, Namine! How'd you get so strong?"

    "You can thank your writing," Namine replied coolly. "Without it, I wouldn't have built up my strength to the way it is now." The captured writer struggled to get out of her hold, but her grip was too firm.

    "Can you let go of me, please?" he asked nicely. When Namine didn't relax, D.F. sighed. "Well, I did ask nicely." He shaped his hands into pincers and began vibrating his fingers along Namine's ribcage. She instantly burst out laughing, forcing her to loosen her hold on the author's head.

    "What is going through that perverted mind of yours, D.F.?" Kairi demanded. "Almost every piece of writing with me or Namine in it has us getting stripped, groped, violated, tortured or tickled!"

    "Yeah!" Namine added. "We're not exactly your playthings, you know!"

    Destiny's Force sat at his desk, staring at his computer screen for a few seconds before answering. "First of all, call me Michael. It's much easier than saying "D.F." all the time."

    "What?!" Namine exclaimed. "Why shouldn't we..."

    "Second of all," Michael interrupted, "please don't yell at me like that. It makes it hard to think clearly."

    "You're not the boss of us!" Kairi shouted. The author's eyes scanned the angry girls before him. He didn't want to be wasting his time arguing with two fictional characters at the moment.

    "I beg to differ," Michael said darkly. "You're forgetting where you are right now. You're in my room without the usual safeguards of literary editing to protect you. I can pretty much write whatever I want and it'll immediately affect you. For instance..." Michael shuffled his chair toward his laptop and began typing.

    Unaware of their current state of dress, the girls suddenly found themselves wearing the skimpiest white and pink bikinis in human history.

    Michael looked up and smiled at them. As soon as he input the final keystroke, Kairi and Namine's outfits dissolved into exactly what he typed. Their hands flew upward immediately to cover themselves.

    "Kinda cool, huh?" he asked nonchalantly.

    "Gimme that laptop!" Kairi snatched Michael's computer off the desk and quickly exacted her revenge by typing:

    The writer's head swelled like a balloon and his ears grew three times their normal size.

    She looked up at Michael expectedly. Unfortunately for her, nothing happened. The young writer chuckled at her astonishment. "You don't get it. It doesn't affect me because I'm not fictional." Before Kairi could react, the young author snagged the laptop from her hands and quickly wrote:

    Invisible ropes tied the girls' wrists and ankles together, binding them to the ceiling completely helpless and at his mercy.

    Kairi and Namine's arms flew straight up to the ceiling as their bodies hung suspended in thin air. As they struggled futilely, Michael gave them a stern look. "Now are you two going to calm down and behave yourselves or do I have to summon your worst nightmares?"

    "Hey! You started it!" Namine shouted angrily.

    "Do I have to get Vexen in here?" he threatened. Namine immediately stopped protesting.

    Kairi sighed. "Okay, we get it. You've got the power." She squirmed in her invisible bondage. "Can you give us back our clothes now?"

    The young author was extremely tempted to continue the conversation like this, but his moral guidance told him otherwise. He took one long look at their bikini-clad bodies before complying. "As visually appealing as this is, I guess we're not going to be getting anywhere with the way things are." His fingers flew over the keyboard as he wrote their outfits back onto their bodies and released them from their captured state.

    "Thanks a bunch," Namine muttered as she massaged her wrists.

    "I promise not to abuse my powers if you promise not to attack me again." The girls looked warily at the laptop and how it was a few inches away from easy reach. Knowing better than to argue with someone who had total control over their entire reality, they nodded.

    "So you two want to know why I write about you two more than anyone else?" The author tapped a few keys and had the girls sit down comfortably in heat-activated full-body massage chairs. "First let me ask you two a question. How many fanfics out there focus on you girls as heroines instead of objects of affection?" The girls were in heaven at the moment and were too relaxed to reply. "Not many, right? So, I figured you two deserved your own adventure."

    Kairi giggled as she felt the chair firmly knead her aching lower back. "Yeah, but why did you (Oh gawd, that's the spot!) decide to focus on us all of a sudden?"

    Michael crossed his arms and dropped his head as he began viewing the memories of the previous year. "Well, it technically all started when I wrote that theory about Kingdom Hearts 3. KH2 ended with you, Sora and Riku all reading that letter. Each of you had different expressions on your faces and I figured that there was a definite reason for all of that. So, I created the wedding story."

    He lifted his gaze upward and smiled to himself as the massage chairs gave the girls more pleasure than they had ever experienced before. "I didn't originally plan on expanding it into a full-fledged story. But after the encouragement I got from some of the readers, I figured I might as well run with it and see where it takes me. That's when I decided to make the wedding into a story about you two." Michael shrugged with indifference. "I mean, come on. You two versus Organization XIII. All Sora ever did was attack, attack, attack. You, on the other hand, fight them with witty banter and come up with original ways to defeat them without copying Sora move for move. What's not to like?"

    Namine quietly moaned as she felt her shoulders expertly massaged in just the right way. "But (Mmm...) what's with all the perverseness?"

    Michael pursed his lips in thought. "Okay, granted, I might have taken a few liberties, but at least you're getting the job done, right? Besides, that's the best thing about writing," Michael said with a grin. "As the author I can make anything that I want happen. Of course, you already know this."

    Kairi reluctantly reached down and turned her chair off. "I'm having a hard time concentrating with the chair on," she explained. Namine followed her lead and stood up as well. The massage chairs evaporated into nothingness. "So what you're saying is that you torment us the way you do because you're sexually repressed or something?"

    "Funny," Michael replied sarcastically.

    Namine shook her head. "As flattered as we are that you adore us, it's pretty sad that you would fantasize about fictional characters than the real deal."

    The young author raised an eyebrow. "Again, ha ha. But in all seriousness, I figured this would be a win-win situation for everyone. Using you two as the heroines, I satisfy the female readers desire to see you kicking butt. You know, holding your own, saving the world instead of being all "we're cute, helpless eye candy with no character traits of our own!"" The girls nodded thoughtfully at his words. "Of course, I didn't want the male readers to think this is all gung-ho girl power. Hence, the kinkiness. Most teenage guys have over-active imaginations. So I put you in situations that would probably satisfy their drive you."

    "That's your explanation?" Kairi crossed her arms and stared at him. "That's a bit sexist, don't you think?"

    "Hey, if I was really immoral, I'd probably have you two wrestling in chocolate pudding naked." Kairi and Namine took a couple of threatening steps toward him. "I was kidding! I was kidding!" he shouted hastily. The girls relaxed slightly, but were still glaring at him. "Look, I respect you two. Not as damsel in distress material, mind you, but as warriors in your own right. It's not fair that your characters didn't get developed as they should have. Nomura probably underestimated you two as the "hero's girlfriends." You deserved better treatment than that."

    "And as for the whole perverted aspect of how I write, that's what makes my work original. I don't do it to disrespect or degrade you. I do it for the imaginative potential. I don't like seeing your world as completely deep and serious. I prefer the lighter side by mixing humor with romance and action. Granted, I might be a bit sadistic when it comes to torturing you in ways that don't involve pain." The girls shuddered as the thought of Vexen popped into mind. "But there's a line that I swear I will never cross in the literary world." He looked at them with gentle, trustworthy eyes. "You have my word as a gentleman."

    As soon as he finished talking, an awkward silence hung in the air. Kairi and Namine looked at each other through the interlude, which Michael understood as them communicating telepathically with each other. Finally, it was Kairi that broke the silence. "That's kinda laying it a bit thick, don't you think?"

    The author blinked. This wasn't the reaction he was expecting. "What?"

    "Yeah!" Namine added. "When you put it that way, I don't see any reason why you shouldn't continue to write the way you do." Namine shared a glance with Kairi. "I thought the whole reason you do all this is because you didn't respect us as individuals. But if you're doing it because you appreciate us, I don't see any reason to stay mad at you."

    "Hey, anything for the pin-up girls of Kingdom Hearts." The girls blushed at the compliment. "Would you consider ditching Sora and Roxas so we could go out some time?"

    Kairi winked. "Don't push your luck, dude."

    He shrugged. "Can't blame a guy for trying. Anyway, I'm glad we had this talk. Thanks for stopping by!"

    The girls gave him a quick hug goodbye. "We should be thanking you for answering our questions," Namine replied.

    "No problem. But..." The author's face suddenly turned dead serious. "...if you break down my door again, the next story you two star in will be all yuri."

    Namine looked horrified, but Kairi smirked. She placed her smug face just inches from his. "You wouldn't dare."

    There wasn't any humor in his eyes when he said, "Try me." The tone of his voice made it perfectly clear that he wasn't bluffing. Kairi backed away slowly.

    "Okay, sorry about your door," she mumbled apologetically.

    Michael relaxed again. "No worries. I've been meaning to replace that old thing anyways." The two girls turned to leave, but a thought suddenly struck Namine.

    "One last question," she said.


    "What's with all the tickling?" Namine eyed him with an amused smirk. "Do you like tickle-torturing girls or something?"

    Now it was Michael's turn to redden. "I plead the fifth," was all he said. Kairi and Namine giggled. Quickly changing the subject, he asked, "I'll see you two again, right?"

    "You can't get rid of us that easily!" Kairi purred coyly. And with a toss of their hair, the girls left.

    Michael, A.K.A. Destiny's Force, smiled. "I'll see you two later then," he said as new ideas started to form in his head. "I really love this job." His train of thought was broken when he heard his sister's voice.

    "Hey, bro?" she called from downstairs.


    "There's a bunch of angry Keyblade masters down here complaining that you haven't been giving them enough screen time. You want me to send them up?"

    Michael slammed his face against his keyboard. "I really hate this job."

    (Note from author: This isn't necessarily all true, but the gist of it is pretty much my point of view word for word. It's my writing process, my motivation and my think tank. Hopefully this gives you a bit of insight of what I think when I write my stories. I hope I didn't offend anyone by explaining myself. And in case you're wondering, no, my real name is not Michael. :p I still prefer being called D.F.)
    Thread by: Destiny's Force, Feb 26, 2008, 8 replies, in forum: Archives
  8. Destiny's Force
    First of all, welcome back cutie. [​IMG]

    Second of all, I've been curious...what kind of orange are you, anyway?

    Persian, Navel, Valencia, Blood, Ambersweet or Cara Cara?

    Either way, my mouth's watering. :imslow:
    Thread by: Destiny's Force, Feb 24, 2008, 1 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  9. Destiny's Force
    The day started like any other. Sora woke up, still half asleep. But he knew that he was supposed to be meeting Kairi today and he wouldn't miss that for the world. While in his pajamas, he went outside to breathe in the fresh morning ocean breeze. After serenely watching the sun rise higher over the horizon, he turned to go back inside. That's when he almost tripped over a mysterious neatly wrapped package. Just like any curious youth, he picked it up, examined it from all sides and took it inside, locking the door shut behind him.

    Sora took it to his room and carefully unwrapped the box. He gasped in surprise at its contents. Inside was an extremely articulated human-shaped doll. What surprised him most was the uncanny resemblance to Kairi from its reddish hair to its cute, girlish figure. The doll was wearing an exact replica of Kairi's pink outfit, minus the boots. Around its waist was a red ribbon tied to a yellow paopu-shaped card. It had only two words printed on its front: "TICKLE ME."

    Confused, Sora checked the box for any other contents, but it was surprisingly empty. He examined the doll from every angle. The surface of the doll was soft and pliable as if it were real human skin. It was like he was holding a miniature Kairi in his hands. He looked at the doll curiously, but he couldn't see anything wrong with it. Sora glanced at the clock and shrugged. "I've got time," he reasoned. The teenage boy slowly traced a finger down the back of the doll's right leg...

    * * *

    Kairi felt a little odd when she woke up that morning. She tossed away her covers, revealing her nightwear consisting of a pink undershirt and white nylon shorts. She yawned, stretched and rubbed her eyes just like every other morning. However, Kairi barely took two steps when it happened.

    She stiffened as she felt a mysterious sensation of something brushing against the back of her right leg. Kairi shook her leg out, thinking that something was crawling on it. Looking behind her, she saw no critter or object that could've caused it.

    Then Kairi gasped as a new ticklish feeling began to travel along the inside of her arms and down her upper body, causing her to squirm. She giggled lightly as the invisible fingers began to gently stroke her sides downward. The Princess quickly glanced into her door-length mirror. There was no sign of anyone or anything touching her, yet she could distinctly feel something barely grazing her sides. If it didn't creep her out, she would've thought the sensation was pretty nice and enjoyable.

    The gentle tickling immediately ceased, causing Kairi to let out a sigh of relief. "That was weird," she muttered. She rubbed the fabric of her shirt between her thumb and forefinger. "Maybe I should cut back on the starch. This shirt's starting to itch." The teenage girl walked over to her closet and started to reach for the closest hanger. Suddenly without warning, the tickling returned with higher and faster intensity, catching Kairi completely off guard. She collapsed to the floor, rolling around, desperately trying to avoid the invisible onslaught, but to no avail.

    "NOOHAAAHAAHAAHAA! STAHAHAHAHAP!" she shrieked. It was as if giant fingers were attacking her ribcage and armpits, pressing them with just the right amount of pressure necessary to make her break down in giggles. The only small bit of fortune on her side was the fact that she managed to miss banging into anything that could have hurt her. Of course, that was the least of her worries. It didn't matter whether she covered herself or not. Whatever was tickling her went straight for her worst spots, relentless and unmerciful.

    Kairi could feel the invisible force traveling down her legs and begin raking the soles of her feet, making her scream. Her toes curled and unclenched as her feet started beating the floor, instinctively trying to kick whatever was attacking her, but to no avail.

    "PLEEHEEHEESE NAAHAAHAAHAA!" Her thoughts were beyond reality and logic. She just wished that whatever was attacking her would stop toying with her body and show itself.

    Then came the mind-cruncher. The invisible tickler began to squeeze her hipbones. Kairi's hips began bucking off the floor, all composure and thoughts of dignity left her mind. Her body convulsed and spasmed on the floor. Musical giggles of laughter streamed from her lips. Just when she thought she couldn't take any more, the tickling all over her upper body and feet resumed their torment. Kairi was being tickled in every single ticklish spot she could imagine and there was not a thing she could do to make it stop. Eventually, her body could no longer get enough intake of air and she was reduced to silent gut-wrenching laughter.

    After what seemed like an eternity (but it was only fifteen minutes), the tickling finally subsided. Kairi's limbs sprawled themselves outward like a puppet with its strings cut. Tears were streaming down her cheeks and her mouth was opening and closing like a fish out of water. She felt completely exhausted as if she had just run a marathon. When she would finally draw her breath normally, the first word that she could utter was "What..."

    Before she could finish her thought, she suddenly felt a couple of pokes to her chest. "EEK!" Her arms instinctively flew up, hugging her body. "What the heck was that?!" Despite covering herself, the invisible force went straight through her defenses and poked a few more times. Kairi didn't know whether to feel scared, angry or...

    And then without warning, the tickling started all over again, causing her to collapse on the floor laughing.

    "PLEEHEEHEESE! STAHAHAHAHAP!" she cried, but her pleas fell on deaf ears. "Why is this happening to me?!" was the only coherent thought that formed in her mind before it was replaced with unformed dementia...

    * * *

    Sora was so absorbed in the Kairi doll that he had spent the past half-hour poking and squeezing every inch of it with no result.

    "I don't get it. The directions seem pretty straight-forward." He absent-mindedly started rubbing his thumb in the doll's navel. "Why would somebody send me a doll that looks exactly like Kairi?" Then he looked at the time. "Oh man! I totally spaced!" He placed the doll on top of his dresser and quickly finished throwing on his usual traveling outfit.

    After quickly checking himself in the mirror, he began to head out the door when something stopped him. The doll seemed to catch his attention again with its strange charisma as if it were calling him back to play.

    Sora suddenly had a strange idea. He didn't know what compelled him to do it. But the doll looked a lot like Kairi. It stared up at him innocently, blissfully unaware of what was going on.

    He moved the doll's lips straight toward his own and...

    * * *

    After all the tickling and groping had finally subsided, Kairi hastily put on her outfit and went out the door before anything else happened.

    She was on pins and needles, expecting another tickle attack to happen when she least expected it. Fortunately, the walk to Sora's was completely uneventful. Kairi was almost at Sora's house when a moan suddenly escaped her. She had felt a pleasurable sensation coming from her lips. Kairi didn't know how, but it was as if Sora were right in front of her giving the most passionate kiss that she had ever experienced. She closed her eyes and let the gentleness overwhelm her senses.

    So it came to a slight disappointment when the feeling abruptly stopped. She stood there for a few minutes trying to etch the feeling into her memory. Finally, she slowly opened her eyes, let out a sigh of contentment and continued on her way up the path.

    She didn't get very far before Sora came bursting out of his front door and running up to meet her.

    "Morning, Kairi!" Sora said enthusiastically.

    "Hi, Sora..." Kairi greeted wearily, her body trembling slightly.

    Sora immediately looked worried. "What's up? You look a bit..." He tried to think of the word. "...jumpy."

    Kairi pursed her lips. "Something strange happened to me this morning."

    Sora's eyes lit up as he remembered. "That reminds me!" He rummaged through his pockets. "I wanted to show you this!" Sora carefully pulled out the Kairi doll he had received and presented it to her.

    She was almost speechless. " that...?"

    Sora handed her the doll. Kairi turned it around in her hands, amazed on how realistic and detailed it was. Her eyes were drawn to the paopu shaped card. "'Tickle me...'" she read. Then it finally dawned on her. She glared at Sora. "You didn't."

    "Didn't what?"

    "Did you actually start tickling that doll?" Kairi demanded.

    Sora was a little surprised and confused by her sudden outburst. "Yeah, I tried squeezing and scritching it in various places." He shrugged. "But so far I didn't see anything happen. I was expecting it to start laughing like those "Elmo" plushies."

    Kairi tried desperately to keep her composure. "You didn't by any chance kiss that doll too, did you?"

    Sora's eyebrows shot up. "How'd you know that?"

    Kairi's face flushed; a twinkle of anger glinted in her eye. "You..." She pointed her finger accusingly in Sora's face. "You're the reason why everything happened this morning!" She made the motion of rolling up her sleeve. "You even poked my..." Sora began to take a few steps backward. "You pervert! You are SO...DEAD!" she screamed.

    Sora didn't know what was going on, but he knew enough that Kairi was mad at him. Before she could lunge at him, the Keyblade master began to run for his life. As Kairi chased after a clueless and confused Sora ("What did I do?"), neither of them had noticed the writing on the other side of the card:

    "WARNING: Enchantment may be broken when the real-life counterpart makes contact with this doll. Have fun!"


    Tidus was just about to leave his house when he almost tripped over a neatly wrapped package on his doorstep. Curious, he took the box inside and unwrapped it carefully. Inside was an extremely articulated human-like doll. For some odd reason, it had an uncanny resemblance to Selphie. Tied around its waist was a red ribbon with a paopu shaped card attached to it.

    The card had only two words written on its yellow front: "TICKLE ME."


    The young adult in blue clothing watched the Keyblade master fleeing from the Princess of Heart's wrath. If anyone had noticed him...except they couldn't even if they were looking. This wasn't his world or reality. He was only an observer, nothing more. Chuckling to himself, he raised his hand in front of him. A doorway filled with white light opened up for its master. He stepped through the doorway, chancing a glance back over his shoulder. As the door closed behind him, two gold letters could be seen etched on the back of his blue blazer...


    (Note from author: I don't know where this idea came from. It just popped into my head for some strange, peculiar reason. :huh: I didn't feel like making this a full-fledged story, but I wanted to get the idea out. Hence the series title: "One Shot." And no, this is not related to either story or the prologue to a new series. Goodness knows if I'll ever finish the ones I have. I may or may not write more of these. I'm still working on the two main stories first. Hopefully this didn't scare some of you into thinking there's a voodoo doll out there with your face on it. :p)
    Thread by: Destiny's Force, Feb 23, 2008, 37 replies, in forum: Archives
  10. Destiny's Force
    I'd put this in the Departure section, but since it's only two days...

    But, yeah. There's a Gamers Development Conference about three hours away from where I live on Friday. If you people don't hear from me by Saturday night, please avenge my death. :yelling: Seriously.

    Thank you.
    Thread by: Destiny's Force, Feb 21, 2008, 0 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  11. Destiny's Force
    Yes, it's Spider-Man. But not the original. No, this would be the Next-Gen version.

    So, he's pretty much taken a bunch of crap in his life. He's still a teenager. He still has school. There's all of the teenage drama that a typical modern teenager goes through. He's broken up and gotten back together with Mary Jane multiple times. He went out with Kitty Pryde of the Ultimate X-Men. Doc Ock created his clones, resulting in Ultimate Scorpion and Ultimate Spider-Woman. Gwen Stacy didn't get thrown off a bridge, but she was taken out by Carnage who was then cloned again to become a Gwen/Carnage creature. Oh, and did I mention that almost every story arc involves Spidey losing his mask to someone else?

    Anyway, in the latest saga, Norman Osborn just got neutralized by SHIELD for killing his son Harry in an epic battle between Green Goblin and Hobgoblin. SHIELD screwed Peter by using up his web fluid, so he didn't have much in weaponry to stop them.

    And now, they're deciding to reintroduce Spider-Man and his Amazing Friends! Yes, Iceman and Firestar appear to team up with Ultimate Spidey. Whodathunkit? ;)
    Thread by: Destiny's Force, Feb 18, 2008, 7 replies, in forum: Literature
  12. Destiny's Force
    This series has been one of my prized obsessions. The plot is captivating and the subplots help develop each girl's character even more.

    Although Asuna is the one who's mostly associated with Negi, my favorite girl out of the 31 students would be Chisame Hasegawa. She's typically a pragmatist and doesn't really socialize as much. However, on the internet, she's the number 1 ranked "Net Idol." She's also a gifted computer geek as well. Although she tries to stay out of the magic world as much as possible, Chisame is pretty much fated to realize that the real world is a whole lot more interesting and meaningful than whatever's on the net.

    I could list the other girls biographies and my opinions about them, but what say you?
    Thread by: Destiny's Force, Feb 18, 2008, 11 replies, in forum: Anime and Manga
  13. Destiny's Force

    Love Hina

    I got hooked onto this series as soon as I finished up with A.I. Love You. This series is what inspired me in the type of writing I do. There are ecchi scenes throughout the series, but the male protagonist finally grows into a responsible and heart-warming hero while retaining his clumsy, accidental prone persona as well.

    And although Naru manages to beat him up at least once every volume, Keitaro's "invincibility" and her eventual feeling towards him makes it all worth the effort.
    Thread by: Destiny's Force, Feb 18, 2008, 25 replies, in forum: Anime and Manga
  14. Destiny's Force

    A.I. Love You

    The concept that caught my eye was that this guy was a computer programmer that was able to create a girlfriend out of virtual data who then came to real life.

    Although it is only eight volumes, the story is heart-warming and funny at the same time. There is an epilogue, but unfortunately, it was only out on a Japanese CD.

    Fortunately, someone WAS able to get it and translate it for the general public, hence giving the series the closure it needed.

    Anyone else read it yet?
    Thread by: Destiny's Force, Feb 18, 2008, 0 replies, in forum: Anime and Manga
  15. Destiny's Force
    ...Sora as righteous or courageous?

    I need to know for the next project I'm working on. :)
    Thread by: Destiny's Force, Feb 12, 2008, 2 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  16. Destiny's Force
    Well, okay. Technically I've only made one so far. But it was only because I was bored. :xp: As far as I can see NO ONE has used this idea yet and I'm glad to have been the first one to come up with it.

    For those of you who aren't fans of Negima! Magister Negi Magi:


    And for those of you who DO know what I'm talking about, I'm fully aware that the letter "K" is not used in the Latin alphabet, but I didn't want people asking why I spelled Kairi's name "Cairi."

    Anyway, because most of the words are in Latin, here's some of the translations:

    • "Tonus" means "Color Tone."
    • "Album" means "White."
    • "Virtus" means "Strength."
    • "Directio" means "Direction."
    • "Astralitas" is meant to pertain to a person's association with a guardian planet. In astrology, even the Sun and Moon are considered planets.
    • I chose "Neptunus" because of Kairi's link to water.
    • The words "Charta Ministralis" at the top of each card means "Official Record".
    • "Caritas" means "Love."
    • "Centrum" means "Center."
    • "Pectus Procer" literally means "Heart Princess."

    And finally, each card usually has a Roman numeral in its upper-left and bottom-right corners. Usually this would pertain to a certain aspect of whoever's shown on the card. I chose the number "3" because I figured Kairi's part of the original Destiny Islands trio.

    When I have the time (and I'm bored), I'll probably make another card. (Most likely Namine.)
    Thread by: Destiny's Force, Feb 4, 2008, 30 replies, in forum: Arts & Graphics
  17. Destiny's Force
    ...would you associate with Kairi/Namine?

    It's for a little art project I'm working on and I need some opinions to choose from. And I'm looking for something under 99.

    I was thinking 3 or 7...
    Thread by: Destiny's Force, Feb 3, 2008, 7 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  18. Destiny's Force everyone going into "Stealth Mode" lately?

    Seriously, I can't tell who's online and who's not. And when I'm looking for a mod (whether it be business or conversation), I don't know whether to PM them or wait until I see their little "online" status turn red.

    Reminds me of those salespeople that bother you when you're browsing. But when you need help...where'd they go? :huh:
    Thread by: Destiny's Force, Jan 28, 2008, 0 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  19. Destiny's Force
    If this has been discussed before in another thread, I apologize. This is what's written in Yen Sid's book before he brings the player up-to-date on Heartless and Nobodies.
    What relevance does this have to anything? Your thoughts?
    Thread by: Destiny's Force, Jan 23, 2008, 11 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  20. Destiny's Force

    Green Lantern

    "In Brightest Day, In Blackest Night,
    No Evil Shall Escape My Sight,
    Let Those Who Worship Evil's Might,
    Beware My Power, Green Lantern's Light!"

    For those who haven't been keeping up to date, there's been a big intergalactic war between the Green Lantern Corps and the Sinestro Corps. The Sinestro Corps are (obviously) led by the former Green Lantern rogue, Sinestro. To combat the Green Lantern's color of Willpower, the Sinestro Corps power comes from the yellow color of Fear.

    It's been revealed in the past months that the Yellow and Green Lanterns aren't the only ones wielding rings of emotion. In the future, there'll be seven Lantern Corps across the emotional color spectrum. They consist of:

    Red Lantern: Hate
    Orange Lantern: Avarice
    Yellow Lantern (Sinestro Corps): Fear
    Green Lantern: Willpower
    Blue Lantern: Hope
    Indigo Lantern: Compassion
    Violet Lantern: Love

    In 2009, the Black Lantern Corps will rise. The rings are specifically used by those who've died. They are known as the Blackest Night, representing Death.

    All seven corps are destined to destroy the Blackest Night, but ONLY if they can band together. If not, the seven Lantern Corps will end up destroying each other, plunging the entire universe into darkness.

    I had always wondered if there were other Lanterns besides the Sinestro Corps and the Green Lantern Corps. Well, now it's official. The Green Lanterns aren't the only ones who can wield light.

    Any thoughts on the upcoming event?
    Thread by: Destiny's Force, Jan 19, 2008, 14 replies, in forum: Literature