@Karuta , I need to get into Nujabes I think. Yung Lean, also. @Calxiyn establishing her soundtrack & musical cred over here. what a great song! CocoRosie is tops. I'm going to assume this is one of their newer songs? I'm enormously into the devil & god but don't listen to much outside of it for whatever reason. okay but have you heard carpal tunnel? Re-rolling... 01. Ten in the Swear Jar - Sad Girl XITSJ is a byproduct of a Xiu Xiu obsession I had to abandon for mental stability, but I still indulge every now and then. Sad Pony Guerrilla Girl was always a favorite and this is like an easier to listen to version. Just don't think too much about the lyrics, or get sucked back in. Danger awaits. Tread lightly. 02. Bonobo - Solid Steel Intro I put on Bonobo in the background when I need to get things done sometimes. I don't recognize anything by title. 03. Sabrepulse - I <3 Voltage Sabrepulse is, effectively, the essential chiptune artist. Such a vast discography with songs for any mood. This isn't my favorite or the most memorable but Famicon Connection is very in your face -- it's nice to have a calmer track. 04. Gregoy and the Hawk - Kill the Turkey I've not listened to much of the Gregory and the Hawk I have, but her voice is so quiet and sweet and whispery. 05. Lullatone - Stars on the Ceiling of a Planetarium Lullatone makes music for babies to listen to as they fall asleep, but adults can listen too I think. If you ever need to chill out & calm down, I highly recommend checking them out -- this is from one of their purely instrumental albums, I believe, but they do have songs with vocals (Plays Pajama Pop Pour Vous is a favorite -- and it's available NYP from Bandcamp!). 06. Clap Your Hands Say Yeah! - Upon This Tidal Wave Of Young Blood I've been meaning to get into Clap Your Hands. For years I have loved The Skin Of My Yellow Country Teeth because it played in the background of an episode of The Office (one of the best, too), and it recently re-entered my playlists. They're playing near me too in August and I may go see them. 07. Paramore - Hello Hello I got back into Paramore a few months ago and caught up on the majority of their discography (I didn't listen to anything beyond Riot, previously). I can't say I've memorized all the Demos, though, which this is. Not really digging the sound, a bit too strung out for me. 08. New Found Glory - Dressed to Kill Oh man, this song. Remember when mall punk was super cool and desirable? I listened to this a lot and I am only a little ashamed most days. 09. Harry and the Potters - Problem Solving Skillz Wizard rock is an essential addition to any music library/collection. 10. Casiotone for the Painfully Alone - Calloused Fingers Won't Make You Strong, Edith Wong I have neglected CFTPA for far too long, but for some reason I can only ever compel myself to listen to them in the wintertime, if then (with the exception of some songs, like Scattered Pearls and White Corolla). I may have to pay them the attention they deserve sometime soon.
below is right in that your professors are far better equipped to help you than us -- or, if not your professors, there are always writing centers etc. on college campuses that can help you. be wary of what other students you ask for help. but the distinction between summarizing and interpreting is an important one and one that many, many college students struggle with. you're allowed to briefly paraphrase plot events, but that should not be the major focus of your paper; summaries should only exist to give context to your interpretations. more often than not, you are allowed to assume that the reader of the paper (your professor) is familiar with the source material. they already know what happens, and if they didn't, they could go on wikipedia and learn it pretty quickly. they're not looking to see how well you can recite the plot, they're looking to see what you took from the story. what does it mean? how do the characters function within it? what's the major conflict? what is the purpose of the work?
my boyfriend and i only go on dates in my car. sorry buddy you're screwed vroom vroom
No laugh track, please! But I'd definitely watch it. I think half-hour sitcoms have a really unique power to mostly entertain but also tackle some big topics. My all-time favorite is Roseanne which, while it's mostly comedy, still has a lot to say about blue-collar workers, marriage, family, and the teenage experience (especially through Becky and Darlene -- I honestly cannot remember DJ having a serious plotline). Can I ask why you'd switch Misa to a TV star rather than a model? Just out of curiosity. I'd also be interested to see any more Death Note adaptations, though, not just because I liked the manga -- given its length, I think it's hard to adapt it to a movie (though I did like the movie they made), so a TV show would be a perfect format, and I think there's enough going on that it could maintain interest through the length of a TV season. (Much as a I love Pride & Prejudice, it could never be anything more than a mini-series -- in fact, I think it drags a bit as one!)
To touch briefly on the subject of the poster's username, I wouldn't necessarily use it to discredit or judge the person -- not just on principle, but because tumblr and tumblr URLs, especially, are part of its weirdly ironic and idiosyncratic sense of humor. I mean, take a look at their header image. In addition, according to their bio, tumblr use mall-goths is 17 years old, and was probably posting out of personal experience or as a vent post rather than making a blanket, all-consuming analysis of relationships. It's a problem that tumblr fundamentally suffers from: as a microblogging and social media platform, one's personal posts are exposed to a virtually unlimited audience. Should just one or two of your friends reblog a post, it can catch on like wildfire and thereby take on a new meaning, as some kind of PSA -- without the original poster's intent. How many times have you, in moments of frustration, said something along the lines of "I hate people"? You don't mean that you hate, collectively, the entire human race -- you're referring to maybe a certain person or a certain type of person. Now imagine that statement being massively circulated and taken out of its original context. That's unfortunately what happens with tumblr sometimes. That said, that the post has surpassed 75k notes means at the very least that quite a few people agree with the sentiment behind it (though some of those notes may be people replying to disagree -- I know you reblogged it several times, Hayabusa). And at the very least, even independent of the inspiration for this thread, it's a compelling and relevant topic. I understand and, to some degree, agree with the sentiment behind the post, though. When I was in high school, there was a guy in his mid-20's who, as far as I could tell, hung out almost exclusively with high school students. That's a much bigger gap than something like 20 and 16 (I'm pretty sure that when he was 24 he was dating a 15 year old), of course. But when a person at that age is only friends with people substantially younger than them, it begs the question of why they can't find anyone their age to relate to. And there could be totally defensible reasons for that, like that their friend group is just a few years younger than them -- and as they all get older, the friendship will seem less weird (nobody would think much of a 30 year old being friends with a bunch of 26 year olds, for example). But if a person in their twenties seems to hang out exclusively with a revolving door of high school students, that's someone you may want to be cautious around, because it can create a frightening dynamic in the relationship (e.g. someone who serially dates teenagers may like the position of power it places them in). This can be especially true for teenage girls, who are the prey of older men, because of our culture's obsession with female youth, evidenced by "barely legal" porn and the nymphet. Teenage boys are susceptible as well, and unfortunately these cases garner far less attention as our culture leads people to comment things like "hah, what a lucky young man!" There's just something extremely frightening for many teenage girls in interacting with older men (not older older, but ones who have at least graduated high school). And that's unfortunate and a product of rape culture, to grow up in a society where your body is relentlessly sexualized since before you've even begun puberty, and to have to fear & assume that all older men are predators. And it sucks for good-natured, non-predator guys to have to shoulder that burden, too, but those people should be careful to not misdirect their anger. Be angry at rape culture, at patriarchy, at the disgusting men who do prey on young girls -- not the young girls themselves and tumblr posts that warn teens to be careful. Regarding age gaps in relationships in general, though -- ones that aren't subject to accusations of statutory rape, sexual assault, or sexual predators -- of course there's far less issue in most people's minds. I'm always fond of XKCD's standard creepiness rule. To find the minimum age you can date without it being considered creepy, take half your age and add seven. There's a handy calculator here if you're bad at math, but to give an example (using my age -- I'm 20)... 20 / 2 = 10 10 + 7 = 17 ... I can date anyone 17 and up without it being creepy. This, of course, is an expository equation rather than a universal rule -- it's based largely on our perceptions of what is and isn't acceptable, not some objective truth of relationships (which, if you're an existentialist, congrats! -- there is none. Doesn't this make life easier? I'm so very sad). Therefore, I'm keen to offer at least a little wiggle room. This process is common to most all sociological functions -- to first judge by whatever norms and mores are particular to that society, and then on a case-by-case, personal basis. If I dated a 16 year old (outside of my dating pool, according to the equation), does that mean I'm a predator? That it's an unhealthy relationship? Absolutely not. It depends on the people involved and their unique circumstances. But I still think it wise for a 16 year old to evaluate those circumstances and be cautious before getting involved with a 20 year old. Personally, my boyfriend is 18 and I'm 20. I hardly notice the age gap, though I do joke about it sometimes, and it doesn't bother him either (as far as I can tell). We're both in similar places in our lives (college students) and share a lot in common. It's a very small gap, though, even at our ages... plus we both believe fart jokes to be the height of comedy, so mental age is a factor at play here as well.
it baffles me too! on paper I really should be into marvel but everything I've seen has just been a huge yawn. whedon goes out of his way to be unfriendly to women which is definitely a big part of it, but star wars, while not actively offensive, isn't much better most of the time (force awakens thankfully seems to be breaking that). I suppose with superheros there's just this element of ridiculousness that I simply can't overcome -- but even that seems contradictory when I adore how ****ing absurd Pacific Rim is. I like characters with depth and development and as I understand it, a lot of fans are upset with Whedon for ignoring anything he didn't write in the MCU.I should probably see the individual character to movies if I want to get a better attachment to them... but I also don't care enough. I also have a lot of trouble getting into superhero comics if that's any consolation, even ones that seem perf for me (SpiderGwen). I LOVED the arc in Saga where Alana was a superhero though (but then, I always love Saga).