All hail the golden telephone as it lowers itself from the dark night sky casting rays of yellow and white across the darkened city. Here, as we sit, the golden telephone calls out to only those who it deems worthy. You, my friends, are worthy:
Answer Nicely. 1. Would you want a golden telephone? 2. What's your favorite cereal? 3. Do you like hairless cats? 4. Is eating flowers one of your hobbies? 5. Did you see Transformers? Your answers to these questions will tell me lots about you. Answering the next one won't: 6. Would you kill a man? Quiz time!
Well, Cin and myself are starting a brand new forum (see my signature), and Cin made this absolutely kick-*** logo. It works perfectly with the forum's skin. Please give us CnC, also, if you'd like to check out the forum, so CnC on the skin as well as how well this logo goes with it would be appreciated :).
President Bush was just assasinated.
Awful Quality: Better Quality: Epic Concert Opening: Listen to how the crowd erupts when Yoshiki's name comes up, and when the big curtain falls. Song: I love the chorus. Opening + More: It seems like all the vids out now are of the opening song. AX was scouting for cameras the whole time, so people could only get in little bits
Is about to play!!!!! I'm shaking ARGHHHHH Wow, just ****ing amazing sdfjas I hope they go on a tour and I hope their CD comes out soon XDSADFASFGASDASD if you don't know what I'm talking go to wikipedia and search skin supergroup.
SKIN is the new supergroup featuring the beloved Gackt and king of drums Yoshiki from X Japan. At Anime Expo as I type this they should be coming on stage, a girl on the phone just said that it was about 90% seated. My hands are shaking, she's going to get audio. I would be very surprised if this group doesn't so amazing things in the following years. For any of you who don't know, Gackt is probably the most popular J-Rock/Pop artist ALIVE, but he is second to only one; Yoshiki, the drummer and pianist from X Japan. Yoshiki, at this point, is the most revered musical icon in all of Japan. This is huge. They could be playing as I type this. Just 90% seated! This is unbelievable. If videos come up, I will post them here but this is just too huge.
This is a very important request for anybody going to AX. Please, take a camera, and if you can, try and get some film of the band SKIN. First, you would get a million views, as it's their first concert and the band consists of Gackt and the renowned Yoshiki among other star J-Rock celebrities, but I'm a huge Yoshiki fan and it would be amazing if you could get this video. So many people want to see it, even a 10 second clip would be amazing. It's just so exciting knowing that this concert is tomorrow. If you can, please do so. I will be in your debt forever.
I'm not even joking: Sweet Pr0n So, what's up?
I'm not even kidding, I hope I never see this thread again after a half hour of posting this. And btw my derep is worth -9 or -10, so really, don't reply tot his.
In this post, there is a secret message that I doubt you will figure out.
Guys, after 5 years of shoulder-length average hair... I've gotten it all off. This is an epic moment. I've already got like 3 calls and 10 text messages. Before: And After:
They don't exist. They're from a game. :guns:
It's like in your pants, just 5,000,000x sexier. Safe Sex in your panties.
So, how many do you have? I've got 34.
I mean, on some peoples' usernames it's just like "pretty", but I look at mine with white and it just looks bad. I think a more plausible fuscia or even a bright pink would be nice but this is just ugly. The epic journey continues in the fourth episode of the amazing series. XD
I'm pretty sure March of the Dogs posted this, but here it is for those who didn't see it: The outcome is quite shocking.
Alright, read before voting: You all know how anti I am about these threads, but I was honestly thinking who likes me? I've fallen into this fad. Please answer truthfully. If I see any threads like this within the next 6 hours I will delete them.