First, there was "Dear Xaldin," Then, there was the "KH-Vids Song" But now... "The Epic Spam Zone!" Coming soon.
Would any be willing to come to one? I'm just saying now, no area details or anything but...
Are there on-line voice chats we could set up? That would be hilarious.
Is anyone willing to help me start this site? March of the Dogs came up with the idea. We will have a forum to discuss HSM, as well as posters and vids for your AMV needs!
We're talking on the phone. When you read this, giggle loudly and touch my finger.
I cut my finger open, right at the tip. There's blood on my keyboard and me r is sticky. r rrr
My 9 and 11 year old cousins saw my genitals.
Server: Roxas Pass: hi
He ripped his tail open, now it's shaved at the bottom, and he has a plastic cone and he occasionally throws up into it and he might drown in it. I feel so sorry for him, he's so cute and nice but now he might die.
One of you, please make me have 0 posts again. I never posted anywhere else and all of a sudden I have 60. It makes no sense. I hate 60. But I like 0. The admin that does this will get rep, although with 0 points it won't be much XD (it used to be worth +11) but still, please, I will love you especially Xaldin but he is clueless, I am rambling.
All of a sudden I have 60 posts! What happened?
First person to reply wanting to, I will make a Warthog room.
Hot lesbians making out in the rain whilst singing techno. Who doesn't love it?
Me! I won! At first, I was crashing warthogs with Kairi while ghettoxemnas killed me 12. XD, anyway, I decided to actually play him. So... he's just mercilessly and boringly attacking me with a banshee. So I decide to finally take him on and get in one myself. Kairi was witness to this event; I flew into the skies, and after at least a 3 minute battle, I took down ghettoxemnas as well as his lame-*** n00b trash talking.
Room: Roxas Pass: hi Come and play, guys! If you haven't got it, just download the free demo and then join the room. I changed the pass, I changed it!
Make that damn Halo room!
Is there a way to use a mic to speak in the Halo demo? If so, that'd be awesome. I'm just as not funny as I am in real life than I am on the net.
Your new name sucks, George. Go back to Darkwatch. I'm never logging on Atari for you, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, it's just dumb. Atari? More like... fAtari! Yeah. I showed you. If you don't know what this new movie is... just go to these links.
His lips were so soft.