Kingdom Hearts II is the ****ty sequel to Kingdom Hearts. Unlike that first game there is ACTUAL gay content in this game. After all, that's the only reason that two guys would want to stay on a beach TOGETHA, FOREVA. Srsly this game is gay. They have 12 guys (half of which are already dead) running talking about these doors to darkness. Sounds like a couple of Nobodies are trapped in the closet with Michael Jackson. Speaking of good ole' MJ there's so much prepubescent squirming that it's almost horrifying. Only furries and morons still obsessed with FF7 play this game. A feature implemented is that in this Kingdom Hearts shamelessly ruins Pirates Of The Caribbean by adding Sparrow and giving him a ******'s voice. Then again, Depp looks good as a woman who could get a rimjaw from the Genie. TYPICAL KINGDOM HEARTZ FANBOY (notice the lack of friends and a social life):
I'm about to permaban myself from IRL on webcam right now if anyone is interested.
I'm banned.
NOTE: Can a mod unlock the KH-Vids Royale 2 thread? Then could they edit this into my post please? Thank you. --------------------------- 10: ... “We’re going to have to check your pulse. Is that okay?” Xaldin sat dumbstruck. The nurse held his arm in her soft, gloved hand, glaring at him from under a small hat stuck on her head. Dark bags fell from her eyes as if she hadn’t slept in days. ‘That’s bad,’ he thought. ‘She could stab me with that thing! I can’t let her touch me!’ The woman leaned towards him, brandishing the stethoscope in her right hand. “Can I take your pulse? Do you think you can handle that?” A bead of sweat dripped from his brow towards the bridge of his nose. His eyes swiveled back and forth in their sockets looking for an escape route. “Please, boy, can I-” “NOO!” Xaldin pushed the woman to the ground, sending needles, boxes, and papers flying. The mess cleared and Xaldin was halfway out the door. Sighing, the woman shouted, “He’s escaped again!” Out the door, Xaldin ran past a giant machine chugging out copies of someone’s health report. He tripped and slammed into it, sending paper flying to the floor. The machine chugged and coughed as it tipped to the side. ‘Uh-oh.’ It teetered on the edge of destruction and relief; tipping towards the ground, then back to its rightful position. Xaldin simply put his hands to his cheeks and screamed like a little , running in circles as the machine hit the floor, exploding and sending sparks everywhere. Tables and chairs shuddered, and lights fell from the ceiling. “Earthquake!” someone screamed from the front of the building. Children ran and cried and women screamed in terror. A small fire began to spread across the carpet from the broken machine. Xaldin took off his shirt and began to beat the flames. “Xaldin!” screamed the woman, who had finally caught up with him. “I’m sorry!” he cried. The fire began to completely engulf the hallway. Xaldin looked at his arm to see the skin melting away. Like candle wax, it began to drip to the floor and ooze off his bones. “Xaldin!” the woman screamed. Another doctor appeared behind her, than another behind him. “Xaldin!” “Xaldin!” “Xaldin!” “Xaldin, wake up!” “Wha-?” Xaldin opened his eyes to see Soushirei looming above him. “Wild Seven is bombing us!” he screamed. “It’s already the second day!” Blinking, Xaldin remembered where he was. “The second day?” he asked. “Yes, time flies when you’re sleeping,” replied Soushirei. “Keep your head up. Bombs are coming in from all directions.” The two began to make their way through the ruins, crouching low. Occasional glimpses of the Wild Seven tower could be seen. “Did anyone else die?” asked Xaldin. “No,” said Soushirei. “I think everyone’s afraid of Wild Seven. No one attacked the other, which ended up resulting in both teams waiting for an attack from Seven. Luckily, no attack was made. Unfortunately, as you can see and hear, Wild Seven is attacking once again.” Dust and rock exploded from the wall in front of them. The cloud billowed forward, consuming Xaldin and Soushirei. Xaldin tried to focus through the smog but fell to the floor, collapsing for air… “Xaldin, can I come in?” Xaldin stared out of his window. A , Meg, with long brown hair and easily portrayed D cups sat on his windowsill. “Uh…” “Can I?” Without an answer, she pulled open his window and tumbled into his room. “Wow… it smells.” “Well, yeah. I’m a guy.” “Of course.” She sat on his bed, crossing her arms and looking around. “I’m sleepy.” “Well, you shouldn’t really-” But she was already asleep. “You shouldn’t be sleeping right now,” a voice said in his head. “My mom could come in. And she could kill us.” “What?” Xaldin opened his eyes. Soushirei, yet again, was standing above him. The cloud of smoke from the bomb had cleared. “I said that this isn’t time to sleep. Sara could come and kill us, or any of the other Wild Seven members!” “Yeah, sorry…” said Xaldin. “What’s wrong with you!?” screamed Soushirei. “We’re about to ing die! And you’re lolling around having hallucinations and taking naps!” Xaldin stood up and looked around. “Soushirei…” “What?” “Look.” Matt, Acolyte, and Rem sat with machine guns pointed at them. “You can’t live forever,” smiled Matt. --- Darkandroid sat in a hard, wooden chair. A black blindfold snaked its way around his head. Dirt and sweat smudged across his face. His long hair was mattered and dirty. Every breath he took brought in frigid air. “What is your position at KH-Vids?” “Who ARE you?” he screamed in reply to the voice. “Tell me!” “Administrator…” Something stabbed into his left kneecap. He screamed in agony at the sharp blow. Whatever the weapon was, it twisted in his knee. Blood sprang from his wound. Some simply dribbled down his shin. “You? An administrator?” Darkandroid sat in silence. The pain was too much to bear. “They’d pick a better administrator than you. I, for one, wouldn’t have you taking my place.” Darkandroid’s head spun. She wouldn’t have him taking her place? “W-What?” he managed to sputter. “Yes, you heard me right. I used to be an administrator at that site. So was… it doesn’t matter! Who picked you? Why are you an administrator!?” “It was Xaldin!” whimpered Darkandroid. “He-He picked me to help him! A-And I did… He took over after the administrators that were currently serving were inactive for months.” The r laughed. “Why are you laughing?” “I remember that website. KH-Vids, Darkandroid, was the victim of the first ever Reformation Act.” There was a short silence. “Wait-” “Do you want to see my face?” Darkandroid was confused. The r was asking him if he wanted to see her face? “Do you want to see it?” He didn’t know what to say. The blindfold was ripped from his face, and he saw the body of a tall woman standing with a dripping knife in one hand. He didn’t have to say anything. She had long hair, and a stare that could kill. He took in a gasp as he realized how beautiful she was, but he was quick to remember the blood pouring from his knee. “My name is Sara. I was the administrator of for a year before the site’s creator, Deathspank, invited us all out to California. There, we were gassed, and put on an island where we were forced to kill each other until one was left. And I won. My boyfriend, Arc, sacrificed himself so I could win.” He should have known that it was Sara. “You’ve seen enough,” she said, and walked closer to him. He squirmed in his seat, but the ropes were bound too tightly for him to move. “I’m sorry that I have to do this,” she said, raising the knife above her head. In one swift motion, she brought it down, stabbing it into Darkandroid’s eye. He screamed as a pink liquid spilled down his face. She twisted the knife in his socket, sending white and pink gel in all directions. Finally, she ripped the knife from his face. His right eye peered at his left eye, which was stuck on the end of the blade. She wiped his eye on his thigh, and held the knife up to his next eye. Karrrgggghhhhh. The radio to their left sent out a long stream of static. Someone was using the microphone. Despite nearing death, Darkandroid recognized Soushirei’s voice immediately. It was a short eight words directed to his team, but they were enough to get the point across. His voice was ragged and slow. Heavy breathing could be heard amidst the words, but Darkandroid heard them clearly. “Team Light. Xaldin is dead. They are coming.” 6 Wild Seven members remaining19 forum members remaining
So... who will die in the new chapter? Speak your thoughts. I've said it's a main character.
What Wild Seven members are still alive?
I will tell you one thing about the next chapter. A main character will die. I'm writing it now. And by main character, I mean very main character.
Story: 10/10. It was nice. Sound: 10/10. It was awesome. Lulz: 11/10 (especially the first half hour). They rocked. Overall: 4/679. Go see it!
Isn't very fun.
I'm going to the Midnight showing tonight. The blood is boiling in my veins!!!!!!!
1. Rakushiinu 2. tummer73 3. F U C K Y'all my best budz.'s so weird reading some of your posts. Like when you mentioned Great Lakes Crossing. I've been there so many times. I've been there with March of the Dogs too! Remember Nathan? When we tried to get the Pink Date Ball in Gameworks! Anyway... just thought I'd say it.
Last night I was trying to talk to him on the phone, and he kept asking for this thing called "sex." So I told him "no!" but he pushed me down. Then... he raped me. He needs help, I mean geez March of the Dogs that is just mean!
These people die: Lupin Mad-Eye Wormtail Hedwig Dobby Voldemort Bellatrix Tonks Fred Bathilda Crabbe And these people live: No one. You see, Hogwarts is actually a housing plant for Soviet missiles, and, well, they all go off.