OOC: Yes I am "For real" halve the reason I lose these duels is because I never have enough cards in my hand I'm waiting till I have a full six cards in my hand to conduct my best move.
(5 cards in hand) *Main Phase 2* I now end my turn without playing anything its your move. *End Phase* LP: 9000 Monsters on field: 0 Spell/Traps: 0 Cards in hand: 5 "Its your move but just because I have no cards of any kind on the field doesn't mean you shouldn't think twice before you chose."
*Main Phase 1* (6 cards in hand) Now I play the spell card Heavy Storm. (5 cards in hand) Anything?
OOC: Last post edited
*Draw Phase* I draw (6 cards in hand) *Standby Phase* Anything?
OOC: Ok thanks for letting me know ahead of time I appreciate that.
OOC: Edited changed to "Yes"
"Yeah I saw them they gave me some trouble. Took both me out and my legendary card Dark Rainbow Dragon. They kept caling me a summoner and there leader a guy with puple hair called me a summoner said I was (As common as dirt a shape shifting mage) is what he called me when he saw my human form. Also made talk about "Keeping" me as he found my powers "Intresting" I'm lucky he didn't decide to steal my Dark Rainbow Dragon card or worse kill me. Before I tell you anymore which one of you is the stronger duelist? I want to duel to gain your trust and call you my friends?" LP: 9000 Customs: Yes Anime Exclusives: Yes Manga Exclusives: Yes Video Game Exclusives: Yes God Cards: No Illegal Cards: NO First Player: You Number of Cards per Deck: 80 Number of Cards per Extra Deck: 20 Other conditions(luck based cards, handicaps, etc.): Old school rules.
Relax Jaden we just thought we would continue and I'm having a lot of fun RPing with Abby if you need to know what's going on just read my last message that I said to Jaden before I left the lab it should be on the previous page.
She gave a nod "Correct I was once all human until I was brought to the world by a dying Latios I was reborn as a Pokemon that Arecus created and gave me the name Aeridusa. A name that means "Air Spirit" I am a Fairy-Dragon type. I now go to different worlds with the help of Palkia and meet others, learn about cultures, as well as help when and were I can. The world that I come from is much like this world it involves creatures alongside humans interacting with there everyday lives. Some have Pokemon as pets some battle with them for friendly tests of strength. There are even professers that study Pokemon to help make the world a better place." She explained this at the duo before her.
"I can prove that I didn't steal anything of the sort. I am from a different world enterly. I am a halve-human halve-Pokemon hybrid you could say I came to this world to help an ally. I also want to meet other duelist that own legendary cards. I want to meet as many monsters as I can and I consider it a real honer to meet legendary cards. As to why I can see your friend Astral may have to do with what people in your world call duel spirit energy or it may have to do with the fact that I am a halve blood. Which one of you is the stronger duelist?"
"My name is Aeridusa may I have both of your names please?"
She turned to Jaden "I've unbound you from the straps but I would prefer it if you just stayed here Jaden in case one of them comes back. I'm going outside to look for help." She saw the hologram of Rainbow Dark Dragon disappear and headed outside. That's when she saw what appeared to be a spirit like person and a young boy with a key around his neck. She stopped and floated there just looking at them.
OOC: I say go with Yuma I'd find that interesting to see how you pull that off. Anyway Merry Christmas everyone have a great day.
She headed over and undid Jaden from the binds. Then she began to shake in shock "I can't believe he did all of this. He even took out Rainbow Dark Dragon both of the enemy's got away."
She gave the enemy a nasty look and managed to crawl over to the Rainbow Dark Dragon. "I'm so sorry I should.....I should have done.....I should have done the fighting myself. Why I put you and the rest of our team in danger was foolish on my part. I'm so sorry." she managed to take her eon form again. An orange colored beam begain to charge from her month. Hyper Beam. She fired it at the villain.
She lifted her head up weakly. "I-I-I'm more then...Just....A.....Dragon." she took her human form as a means of trying to get out of the binds and managed to stand on her hand and keens.
The portal closed as she and her dragon fell to the floor at the mad mans feet and she was unable to move. What was he going to do now destroy Rainbow Dark Dragon or clam the dark ultimate gem god for himself. He would need a deck filled with dark types to bring it out. The dragon was her ally and hers alone unless he was planing on going in for the kill on her first.
Because Rainbow Dark Dragon is epic that's why.
"Dang missed him" she thought. "How do I stop this? How do I get Jaden and I out of here? And what about that kid over there in black armor what's he up to" these thoughts entered her mind at a frightfully fast pace. "There's only one way to get rid of this guy and its though Rainbow Dark Dragon" She drew several cards from her hand and put them in the graveyard. "I just sent a total of ten dark types to the graveyard which I now activate Rainbow Dark Dragons ability I now remove these dark types from play and Rainbow Dark Dragon gains 500 ATK for each one removed making it now have an ATK total of 100000." "Now Rainbow Dark Dragon use Rainbow Refraction open a portal so that we may protect this world once again." Indeed a portal was opened behind the enemy. "Now the question is will you go though it? or will I have to force you though this portal to keep this world safe from you?" she asked.