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  1. xxxLatiasxxx


    LP: 0

    She fell from the air and hit the ground hard. A few moments later she slowly and shakily pushed herself back up with her two front wings. She was now levitating in the air again. With that she was off into the sky at high speed she turned when she was high enough and came back down with white streaks of light following her before she disappeared in the flash of light. Slamming into her opponent seconds later that would be enough to send him flying with the move Aerial Ace.



    OOC: this move dose not miss link here to moves description: flies at the opponent, flips in the air, then it becomes engulfed in streaks of white light and flies into the opponent, disappearing before hitting it.

    Aerial Ace inflicts damage and is unaffected by modifications to the accuracy stat and evasion stat. It will not hit a Pokémon during the semi-invulnerable turn of moves such as Dig, Fly, and Dive.
    Post by: xxxLatiasxxx, Jan 2, 2015 in forum: The Playground
  2. xxxLatiasxxx

    Post by: xxxLatiasxxx, Jan 2, 2015 in forum: The Playground
  3. xxxLatiasxxx


    LP: - 4000

    I end my turn by laying one card face down


    (End Phase)



    ATK: 13500



    Cards in hand: 2

    LP: 18000
    Post by: xxxLatiasxxx, Jan 2, 2015 in forum: The Playground
  4. xxxLatiasxxx

    *Standby Phase*

    *Main Phase 1*

    Now I play Heavy Storm (3 cards in hand)
    Post by: xxxLatiasxxx, Jan 2, 2015 in forum: The Playground
  5. xxxLatiasxxx
    Not sure what your saying but ok and yeah I saw that Yakumo's character wasn't doing anything I just wanted to see how I would fair with this new move I had thought up and wanted to challenge the Supreme King.
    Post by: xxxLatiasxxx, Jan 1, 2015 in forum: The Playground
  6. xxxLatiasxxx

    She is there to protect secrets of the worlds she go's to so yeah she's going to be fight-happy. Against any villain she finds to keep those secrets from causing damaged to that said universe.
    Post by: xxxLatiasxxx, Jan 1, 2015 in forum: The Playground
  7. xxxLatiasxxx
    I have no idea what you just said but oh well Aredusa is based on me anyway she's my avatar so to speak. Often times I don't feel to trustworthy towards others or accepted into groups. That's what her leaving was supposed to mean.
    Post by: xxxLatiasxxx, Jan 1, 2015 in forum: The Playground
  8. xxxLatiasxxx
    OOC: While I'm thinking about it the three of these characters should care about her why? She's not even from there world.
    Post by: xxxLatiasxxx, Jan 1, 2015 in forum: The Playground
  9. xxxLatiasxxx

    *Draw Phase*

    I draw (4 cards)

    Post by: xxxLatiasxxx, Jan 1, 2015 in forum: The Playground
  10. xxxLatiasxxx
    I chain with the following




    (3 cards)
    Post by: xxxLatiasxxx, Jan 1, 2015 in forum: The Playground
  11. xxxLatiasxxx

    No you may continue.
    Post by: xxxLatiasxxx, Jan 1, 2015 in forum: The Playground
  12. xxxLatiasxxx
    No you may continue now.
    Post by: xxxLatiasxxx, Jan 1, 2015 in forum: The Playground
  13. xxxLatiasxxx

    Now I play Soul Absorption from my hand (7 cards in hand)


    Now I play Soul Release (6 cards in hand)


    And remove these five monsters from my graveyeard






    Now thanks to Soul Absorption my Life Points increase by 500 for each monster removed from play that's a total of 2500 extra points


    Now I play Dimension Fusion (5 cards in hand)


    Now I special summon back to the field






    Now I tune my Blackwing Hillen the Tenguwind with my Blackwing Kalu the Moon Shadow to Synchro Summon



    Stardust Dragon to my field


    Now I tune together my Blackwing Steam the Cloak and Blackwing Sirocco the Dawn to Synchro Summon yet another



    Stardust Dragon to my field


    Now I play three Ancient Leafs from my hand (2 cards in hand)




    And pay 6000 Life points to draw six cards two for each (8 cards in hand)

    Now I banish 7 different dark types with different names in my graveyard








    to Special Summon my best monster come forth Crystal Beast Ultement Gem God Rainbow Dark Dragon (7 cards in my hand)



    Now I play from my hand I play Burial from a Different Dimension (6 cards in my hand)


    And return the following cards to my graveyeard




    Now I play Foolish Burial (5 cards)


    And send to the graveyeard from my deck


    Now I normal summon Blackwing Zephyros the Elite (4 cards)


    Now I tune my Blackwing Gale the Whirlwind with my Blackwing Zephyros the Elite to Synchro Summon



    To Synchro Summon Blackwing Armor Master


    Now I activate the effect of my Crystal Beast Ultament Gem God Rainbow Dark Dragon Now for each monster banished from play it gains 500 attack points





































    And thanks to Soul Absorption I get another 9500 Life Points for each card that is banished from the game. That's a total of 22000 Life Points


    I Now play Mirage of Nightmare (3 cards)


    Now I lay three cards face down and end my turn




    (End Phase)

    LP: 22000



    ATK: 10300





    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]

    Cards in hand: 0

    On a side note Happy New years everyone have a great 2015
    Post by: xxxLatiasxxx, Jan 1, 2015 in forum: The Playground
  14. xxxLatiasxxx

    Now that this card you picked has been added to my hand I now play Card Destruction (8 cards in hand)


    I discard the following cards from my hand









    What do you discard?
    Post by: xxxLatiasxxx, Dec 31, 2014 in forum: The Playground
  15. xxxLatiasxxx
    Song for this duel turn up your speakers as the lyrics are kind of soft at the beginning.

    (Draw Phase)

    I draw


    (6 cards in hand)

    (Standby Phase)

    (Main Phase 1)

    I play Pot of Greed (5 cards in hand)


    Now I draw two cards (7 cards in hand)

    Now I play Graceful Charity (6 cards in hand)


    I now draw three cards (9 cards in hand)

    And discard two of them (7 cards in hand)



    Thanks to the two Broww's I discarded I now draw two cards (9 cards in hand)

    Now I play Magical Stone Excavation (8 cards in hand)


    And discard the following to the graveyard



    And thanks to Broww's effect I draw one card (9 cards in hand)

    And I add to my hand Graceful Charity thanks to this cards effect


    Now I play Graceful Charity (8 cards in hand)


    And draw three cards (11 cards in hand)

    And discard two of them (9 cards in hand)



    Now I play three Trade-In's from my hand (6 cards in hand)




    And discard three Lv 8 Dark Nephitthys (3 cards in hand)




    And draw 2 cards for each one discarded (9 cards in hand)

    Now I play Painful Choice (8 cards in hand)


    Now you pick one of the following five cards from my hand that I chose from my deck and I add the one you pick to my hand so which will it be?





    Post by: xxxLatiasxxx, Dec 31, 2014 in forum: The Playground
  16. xxxLatiasxxx

    She activated her duel disk her actions would say everything she then put her Rainbow Dark Dragon away.

    LP: 16000
    Customs: No
    Anime Exclusives: No
    Manga Exclusives: No
    Video Game Exclusives: Yes
    God Cards: No
    Illegal Cards: No
    First Player: Me
    Number of Cards per Deck: 100
    Number of Cards per Extra Deck: 15
    Other conditions(luck based cards, handicaps, etc.): Old school rules.

    Do you agree to these terms?
    Post by: xxxLatiasxxx, Dec 31, 2014 in forum: The Playground
  17. xxxLatiasxxx

    She is based on Latios therefor shes bigger then a human in this form so she's about. 6, 07 to maybe 6, 09 and 2.0 M to maybe 3.0 M. See this video for info on Latios:

    Post by: xxxLatiasxxx, Dec 31, 2014 in forum: The Playground
  18. xxxLatiasxxx

    "Nice try you've got to be the second or third person that's called me that. My name is Aeridusa I'm not sure who you are but from what I saw back at the lab it told me everything."


    "I believe you were in the lab with me when I use this card against those people and you left sometime after I was tide up." she floated the card in front of him with Psychic.

    Post by: xxxLatiasxxx, Dec 31, 2014 in forum: The Playground
  19. xxxLatiasxxx

    She looked around then she spotted him the boy in the black armor and shot down after him. Now floating in front of him.

    Post by: xxxLatiasxxx, Dec 31, 2014 in forum: The Playground
  20. xxxLatiasxxx

    She thought to herself "Both duelist were great this was exciting to watch. I need to go that other kid needs to be stopped the one I saw in the black armor when I was sent here." She looked to the left and right. "Sorry you three I've got to go this was fun to watch but I've seen someone that needs to be put at an end." She said to the three and tore into the sky without hesitation.

    Post by: xxxLatiasxxx, Dec 31, 2014 in forum: The Playground