WTH did he say.
Angel i personaly think this one is Ok, but not my best CnC v2
Oh, and one other thing. when you are extracting it, the password is gfxheaven
while searching another forum i found this DL yes it is quite a large file, but i assure you, this has everything you need. this includes the following Stocks PSD's Tutorials C4D's Effects Download:Click Me! READ HERE FIRST NOTE: GFX Heaven or anyone affilated with GFX Heaven does NOT take any credit for any of the stocks, c4ds, effects. All PSD's belong to members of GFX Heaven. Ripping them is illegal, and punishable by law. All tutorials belong to members of GFX Heaven, and ripping them is illegal, and punishable by law. I am a member, and do not take any credit for this.
anyone eve seen this movie, comes on syfy every once in a while. it's about these people playing an underground game, and when they die in the game, they die the same way in real life.
yes, but just one pixel wouldn't make much of a difference.
there is size restrictions on the Sotw This one will have to be over 430 x 170.
God of War God of War 2, they are pretty nice orchestrals.
exactly. Ghetto has no competition.
i really like the depth in this tag, maybe blend the text in a little to match the depth.
the name stands for large art of the week. scince we have a SOTW section, why not an LAOTW section. some people are better with large art than with small art.
wtf is this
these are prety good for you firsts, are we allowed to use any of them.
why wait. lets make her get "accidentaly" pushed in front of a car.
exactly, take out the other white spaces, and add some FG to all of them.
Go to photobucket, make an account, go to upload, and upload you image there, after it is done, move your cursor over the image, and copy the code with
I agree with LilBueno, it isn't a blog, but if you want more space to write about yourself, go and creat a blog, plus if they did creat a bigger about me space, i'm sure people ould abuse it, and host sites, and other stuff.
V2 Hope I didn't screw V3 Up if i did tell me what I could put in the negative spae V3