It's cool, abit over saturated, but that adds to the flair of the tag. I like the smudging in the back, but along the Phoenix's left wing, or the right side i might say, there are lines, they just bug the crap outta me for some reason. other than that i like it. Planning on making one too, but my comp is buggin out on me, i have a shitload of viruses...
Click on them, they are shortcuts. Number one is nice, when you resized the render though, it is a bit out of proportion. Number's 2-5 are all very very messy. Sometimes less is more. Sharpen number 5 up some, it is very very blurry. Keep practicing, you have some very good potential.
hows this?
V2, any better? Now that i look at if from the upload, i might have sharpend it too much... but yeah,
Avvy: 6/10 Sig: 8/10, very minimalistic, i like it.
Kryptonite - 3 Doors Down
Inspired...Sort of... By Cody's Joker tutorial. CnC I like Black and White, because i think it adds more contrast to the image, and this one started so dark, it only seemed fair to do it in B&W
Thank you.
Chameleon - Maynard Ferguson I like Jazz. Spoiler
By The Way - Red Hot Chili Peppers.
If you are using Photoshop, do a surface blur on it, anywhere on the threshold from 10-17. This is because the Eye, The Cloud, And the Sunset you put in the pupil doesn't Blend in well with the background. On the top of the eye right above the iris, there is a little line of something, idk what it is, but it is just bugging the crap out of me right now. If you could, blend that in a little bit more. And with the paths, maybe get a 500 pixel brush with the hardness set at 0, and hold it in the middle of the eye and just click once. Maybe do the same thing on the dots layer too. You have an interesting Concept going on here, just blend it in a little bit more.
Well...Yeah, i like Jimi Hendrix, so i decided to get a pic of him, and this is what i came out with, CnC V1 v2
Avvy & Sig: 10/10, i like Assassin's Creed AwkwardFailure's Avvy made me lol.
:) Spoiler Stupid Photobucket, screws up the resolution and quality
Avy- 5/10 Signature- 6/10
^^ Snow - Red Hot Chili Peppers.
That's Great, that's really all i had that i didn't like about it. You never cease to amaze me.
Cell - Stephen King (Sry if i spelled that wrong): It is a really good book, of course, im not that far into it though. The Thief of Always - Clive Barker: Probably my favorite book. To Do List: Imajica- Clive Barker A Dark Matter - Peter Straub Memnoch The Devil - Anne Rice
Taken With My Jazz Clothes On. Spoiler Shioty Cell Phone Camera...