evil corps...sounds interesting.
Good luck my friend
I'm working on my story but I can't think of a reason why the "bad group of people" would have to want to get rid of a certain place. In this story, my character is a secret agent and someone had put a chip in a blackberry phone and if I certain number called it, it'd blow up the town/city. I need reason.
Usually happens. If you call for them, they sometimes come out.
hehe you make me giggle. I get excited over things like that too
@KH2 - Wtf? That's creepy.[/QUOTE] Good choice. and Haha! I love Doctor Who. It was actually that episode that got me hooked
Yea, but it's all up to you. I don't communicate with mine.
I agree somewhat but still looks good compared to some other games coming out
Well if it is a demon, some try to have you communicate with it and then it turns on you.
Could have been but be careful around it
Working. lol I haven't even had time to do anything else.
Ahhh you get Kudos! Call of Duty is coming out with too many games. There's only so much you can do
I don't care what reviews say, if I want to play a game, I still play it, no matter what someone else says about it.