I've seen much funnier videos
I am? Wasn't aware of that.
...make some people mad but... Why go all crazy with Twilight. Yea, sure, the books were good but you can't tell that "Bella"or Kristen Stewart can act in the movies. She sounds like a guy in the movies. Robert Pattinson "Edward" has a freakin' shag carpet on his chest in New Moon. That is not hot. And he has no emotion in his face when he's on screen. Taylor Lautner "Jacob" is good to a certain point in the movies and I do have to admit he is cute but...he'd be cuter if he had a better hair cut. And the wolves could be so much bigger!!
hehe I feel special
Thank you. And I did miss ya'll. I tried to get on here but the internet connection wasn't all that strong. We were in a lodge in the mountains.
Why does this sound familiar? I mean, I was hungry the other night but I don't remember a party...
I feel so relaxed! I loved it up there in Tennessee. So peaceful
Love me? Why?
Ahh, I can't wait until tomorrow. I just don't want to wake up at 3 in the morning to go on my family vacation. But I'm going to have fun and time to relax!
Rootbeer or Mountain Dew is amazing
Some people call it Pop. But sweet tea is always good
Haha nice GA
I don't know. The other day I was trying to hang out with her but she already made plans with one of our other friends. Told them me and another friend were going to the movies but they didn't want to go.
I'm wanting to get me the Sony Vegas Movie Maker.
No she likes him and approves of me dating him but still. My point is...how was I supposed to know she was off yesterday? She didn't tell me so I went to his house and I told her I would've left his house to hang out with her but she refused.
I don't like Live Movie Maker...it sucks. It came with my laptop when I got it.
Sweet or non sweet?
No, me and her have been best friends for 15+ years. We're not losing each other.
I love Nyan Cat! So cute!
I wonder what he does at parties... Or finds a mate...O.o