i haven't signed in yet... what you don't like my cookie ;_ ; jk
a japanese name that i can't read ;_;
cool ..XD well the monkey part ^^ *gives cookie *that's for the pain you've been through jk lol but take the cookie if you want
"interesting ..let's go"pain said flying ahead of debbi "you should try flying it so much fun than walking "she said flipping in the air
8/10 i've seen you
i opened youtube and found a hole bunch of language tutorials arabic,japanese,korean.etc... i mean has it become a fad !!?
"oh ..you earthlings have more knowledge than us ?" she said playfully , "hay what do you say we look for food ?"
pain looked at Debbi in a strange way "people in lost ??!" she asked confused
i think of axel cause he's a nobody..
Pain looked at debbi "thank you ..."she replied,some stomach noise came out of here "hmm we've got a shelter for now but what about food ?" she asked
Pain heard the strange noises coming from the ipod ..."this is sweet ..it's like your in a live concert"she said jumping around ..pain took the headphones off "thank you debbi "
"can i try it ?" pain asked nicely
pain gazed at the ipod "technology is it some sort of machina ?" she asked
"oh yeah ignore the little one..." she said ,she examined the suitcase and saw an ipod this seems interesting should i take or ask ?...hmm i need there support if i'm going to find yuna and riku.. she thought "hay debbie what's that thing??" she said pointing at the ipod
pain couldn't help noticing the suitcase ..."hay Debbi what've you got there ?" flying toward debbi, pain is a treasure hunter she couldn't help her self ..
who doesn't know the daxma ? 10/10
"there gone ...pick a tree..that's all" pain replied to kairi , hmm where's yuna and rikku ? i wonder what happened to them .. she thought as she was picking a tree
"that show off is called Daxma ...." she said she heard daxma's comment "HUMPH..."
"show off !! " she said coldly and then she turned her gaze to sora and kairi "have you two seen two small fairies like me flying around on your way here ,one of them is a stupet blond " she asked
pain examined the surroundings " no wrong in helping you two i guess" pain was then startled at the sudden appearance of sora and the other people with him