the keybelade dosen't belong to anyone it chooses whoever has a strong heart at the moment sora lost his keyblade to riku that was cause riku has the stronger heart but riku has his own keyblade now ...
len started crying showked on how theseus striked midnight like that.."why midnight ?" len ran to theseus arms and hugged him tightly "theseus please come back.."
there's thiis funny theoy when your in a dark place all alone or with some poeple you might see some forms moving or sitting ..they belived that they where ghosts which might be a high possibality or simply or imagination ^^
tears filled lens eyes "i will not leave him like this " she mumbled trying to prevent her self from crying
len backed down terrfied of the look on his face "what's wrong with you ?" with a scared look on her "what happened to you ?" she shouted
i agree with you :3 my cousin is like's really irretating when he sits next to me <_>
Len suprised of what has happened "OMG what did you do theseus ??" shouting at him
we'll miss you :cryinganime: i hope you have a nice trip ^^
Lol you made me laugh ...the internet could be recreated anytime if the world dosen't end at that time ..i mean people have studied every detaill of it ... they could just launch it again but it might take a while ....
i don't have time to watch the video <_> but ghosts are real and they exict and it was proven ....but they are invesible cause of there scary form and i heard that every ghost has a special power like some hots can fly ans some don't etc.... is it true or not ? umm some ghost harm people and some don't...ghost are just like people they have religeon and belifes as we do ..they sleep at day... and get out at 5-6 pm ,and they can take and hide our stuff when they get mad or something....
i agree with you ^^ humans can sense danger ahead too ..but they don't pay much attention to it ...they do sometimes that ability is known to all animals ,every kind of animal is special in some way i think that dogs could see ghosts...and spirits of the dead i think but i might be wrong . an example : don't you sense that something bad is about to hapen like if you see a kid holding a glass you sense a wierd feeling that something is about to happen like the glass is about to break or something warn people or you might just ignore that feeling A lot of animals can hear low sound frequencies, but not as low the elephants can hear , if you noticed blind humans can hear low voices and have a strong sense ...cause they pay attention to it if a human pay's more attention to those stuff i believe that they can master it in time like animals so those two abilities are shared by both humans and animal ...humans are animals by the way correct me if i'm wrong ...and can some of you feel those feelings oh yeah and quite people can sense the low sound frequencies sometimes too
OOC : i might not be here for a while ... well until i find a computer ^^ ...
9/10 your a cool person ^^
well i've been thinking why isn't there a subsection for the spam zone games .. there where many awesome games that has been lost in the thousands of pages of spam .. if we make a subsection for those games then people won't go through the trouble of looking up all those pages ,most of you will say just subscribe to them..but what about the new people here ...they deserve to know about there existence right ? the spam zone will be more organized that way ...don't you think ?
i'm not satisfied by what came up i hoped that more things where accomplished/etc... i was disappointed i still hunger for more news
"just messing with you kid " she said ,after a while of searching for food pain had no luck in finding any , a coconut fill on top of pain,she was smashed to the ground "that hurts" she mumbeled
i've seen you alot in the discussion area ^^ 10/10
i'll be your friend if you want ^^ PM me k will welcome to kh-vids hope you have fun here and make lots of friends XD follow the rules and don't spam unless if it was in the spam zone ....stay active =)
welcome to kh-vids ^^ hope you have fun here with us make friends and stay active wish i hope you'll do follow the rules don't spam unless if it was in the spamzone PM a mod or an admin if you have any troubles and good luck with you being a coder
8/10 i've seen you around the spamzone...