31 Woah missed alot
Tales is better but i do like the storys of Final Fantasy but i HATE the whole point click point target click attack thing it is just plain annoying but i do like tells storys and gameplay better but i do like FF storys and KH just rocks.
Me to but i like the gameplay of Tales better
2 Dos no i am hahaha
Witch Series do you think is better Tales or Final Fantasy.
I would say no because personally for me i have to baa able to see the person or it will drive me crazy but use your on opinion that just how it is for me
OOH OOH Can i be Zexion
*pulls out small knife* now hold still thi swill be over soon
*raises hand* Good thing i took that medical course in collage *rushes over to help her*
*falls to the ground* NOOO what i have i done *points Pistol he head* Goodbye cruel world I..i..i cant do it *cries*
I guess your right *starts luaghing* i guess all that inbreeding reallly paid off
Ya see thats exactly what i thought
*pulls out another Pisol* Then ill do it DIEEE!!!
I KNEW IT bum bum bum (Congrats seriously)
*looks at script* You win this time but its far from over... FAR FROM IT!!!
His name is Steven shows how much you know
i really couldent tell you
Thats a lie all i wanted was your love *starts crying*
*pulls out that Pisol again* You hes main just back away i did no such thing
Your Telling me said the russian bady as he ate hes brother arm