Oh goodness me..and yes, Daxa you are getting around a lot these days
Hola Daxa-Dia ..it sounded snazzy to me ):
Until we meet again my dearest Drew :* All the best and thank you
That's very sweet, go raibh math agat - thank you if you're not familiar
Thank you, much appreciated
No no it's fine I dont mind talking, apologies for this late reply, had to run out
Much appreciated
Nigel Thornberry quote, I like that. I could be better but y'know
Indeed, seems ages since we've talked . And thank you for putting my emotions Ito consideration
I'm not so great, and you?
How are you?
Of course :3
It is rather cute
Just being polite is all
Good day to you sir
Hello there, long time no talk
Llave changed his name and no one thought of contacting me? I'm heartbroken..
I'm a tad late here me thinks..ah well how are ye, I'm fine thanks for asking before you actually ask. Welcome to khv and yeah
Butterflies and grim reapers DX scariest things in the universe.. Butterflies are so obnoxious and fly in your face and all around you and stick to your clothes..hell with wings I tells ya. Grim reapers scare me all because of that public info ad that's really old with the grim reaper and the drowning child..gave me a nightmare where I was the one drowning and then his eyes popped out of his head when I woke up..can't even look at a picture of one anymore ):
Thanks for sharing