Jake went back in the common. ''Hey, Zack, Snape wants you.'' He said.
This RP is about Jeff Kinneys, Diary of a wimpy kid. If you have not read it, read it here. Greg Heffley writes a journal about all of his adventures! From building a giant snowman, to almost falling into a nest from a cliff, the wimpy kid has done it all! OK, this is your character, so technically you can do whatever you want with your character. Like, if you say ''(Character name here) Blows up a bridge and smiles back.'' that's acceptable. If you want to be in this RP, please follow the rules: -No God-modding! -No killing off characters. - One Character only, unless you are a family. - Pg-13 - You can bully, but don't do anything like kill them or put them in hospital. - OC's are okay. - Have fun. Also, if you want to be in this RP, please fill out this form: Character form Username: Name: Why you want this character: OC form Username: Name: Looks: Personality: What type (Jock, Bully, Nerd, Normal, Cheerleader, Bully victim, etc.)?: HAVE FUN! Ok, for starters, this is a Journal story. NOT a diary story. I wrote in a Journal before and mom wrote Diary on it. I'm typing this on a computer right now since Rodrick gave me his computer since he's getting a laptop. Just promise me, you won't make fun of me because I'm wimpy. Maybe I need to change my name. Greg is kinda wimpy-ish. Monday Man, it's boring nowadays...I've been thinking, I want to go back into an adventure life! It was so exciting! But, I could always delete the bullies. I really hate bullies.
...Always says ''lol''?
Holy S*it...
''My best friend...'' Sora said. ''...from the darkness.''
FUCKING CUDDLY SPIDERS!? AAAAH WTF! * Sprints around rooming* **** **** ****** ****** ****** *************** ****** **** ****** ***** ****!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!!!!
Sora looked down. ''...Riku.''
Oh, My great gran died when I was born. Oh, I never knew that. Yes, thanks.
....:O........... :O.............AAAAAAAAAAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *runs around room screaming* Reptars a spider!!!!!!!!!! *hides behind sofa*
''N-nothing...'' He whispered under his breath, ''That wasn't real?''
'':('' Sora didn't notice Dexen feeling weak. Suddenly, Sora saw a heart. ''Aaaaah!'' Sora ran straight to the heart. The next thing he knew, Riku was standing about, 7 metres away from him. '':O'' Sora ran to him but Riku dissapeared. ''What...?'' Sora said. Suddenly, He was dissapearing. ''Guys!? Anyone!?'' He looked around in the darkness, but nobody was there. He blinked. Suddenly, he was with the gang again. He looked around nervously.
''Yeah, Zack. Have you made any other ones?'' Drcao asked.
Jake walked through corridors and saw owls.
Oh. Im sorry to hear about that. He still has some time, but he has lost all of his hair. Thanks. Yeah, I will. Sorry. Thanks, I haven't saw him in years, but luckily yesterday I decided to go up. If i would have waited for like, a year, he wouldn't be alive. :(
OOC: oops lol BIC: You'll be okay!'' Sora said.
Thanks, that cheered me up a bit.
''Cool.'' Draco said.
''...I'm Jake!'' He slighty shouted, and walked away.
''Don't worry, Mayah is healing you!''