1/10 Sorry, Ive only seen you in the thread, ''Count to 300 before staff post!''. Edit: DAMN! 6/10.
''HAAAA!'' Sora laughed.
''No, not you dumbass! I meant Daniel!''
''What was wrong with what I said?'' Jake asked. OOC: Damn, flyn, i was posting before you too! xD
9/10 Split!
Lol. But, i cant remember what he says after that! D:
Meh, I can't be bothered fighting you just to save the worlds...I have an idea! Lets go get some Pizza! : D
Avvy 6/10 Sig 9/10
OK, the heart may be weak, and sometimes, it may even give in...but theres always a light that will always be shining!
Jake chuckled. ''Naah, If you beat ZACK, then your a nerd.''
''Hes not a-!'' Sora looked down. ''OK, maybe he is...''
''Me neither...'' Jake said.
Jake looked at daniel and said, ''I'm Jake. I just got here too.'' He said. ''I can't believe you beat a nerd at chess.'' Jake looked at Katie. ''I meant a computer nerd. Because Katie owns a laptop...such a pretty one too!'' He said hoping he wouldnt be hit.
The trailers aren't that good, but the movie is!
''Riku!'' Sora said.
Yeah! Its funny because there are real people, and they dont know that Br(weird u)no is just acting! xD
Draco asked.
''Blond-ish brown hair...'' Sora said.